Experiments in porting Powerlang/Bee-DMR bootstrap to Cuis
Nota Bene: very pre-Alpha [Broken, but package now loads with: "Feature require: 'Powerlang'"]
- http://esug.org/data/ESUG2014/IWST/Papers/iwst2014_Design%20and%20implementation%20of%20Bee%20Smalltalk%20Runtime.pdf [Bee Runtime]
- http://stefan-marr.de/downloads/dls17-pimas-et-al-garbage-collection-and-efficiency-in-dynamic-metacircular-runtimes.pdf [Bee GC]
- https://www.slideshare.net/esug/bee-smalltalk-runtime-anchors-aweigh
- https://2017.splashcon.org/details/meta-2017/3/Metaphysics-Towards-a-Robust-Framework-for-Remotely-Working-with-Potentially-Broken- [Bee Remote Debug]
- https://powerlang.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- https://github.com/powerlang [Bee Bootstrap]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWPMBSvYrs8 [Smalltalk VM Hackathon]
- http://www.smalltalksystems.com/publications/avmarch.pdf [A Smalltalk Virtual Machine Architectural Model]
- https://github.com/powerlang/bee-dmr [Source Code Repo (Tonel Format; see note below)]
- https://melkyades.github.io/assets/images/Thesis.pdf [Thesis: Objects All the Way Down]
We explain the world through stories.
- In pushing compute interface from a virtual machine down into actual hardware, we need to (re)present the HW compute context in the runtime. ["Stories all the way down" => "Comprehensible all the way down"].
- In particular the Debug Context needs to be improved [also: REPL backstop Debugger].
- We need to present runtime services as telling stories, stories written in Smalltalk.
- Compiler optimization by program transformation is optimization by stories with measurement to see what pays for itself. [Efficient => apt metaphor]
- Smalltalk is a self-presenting mediator between hardware and software.
Where does this lead us?
Thread as VCPU (Virtual CPU), when running is assigned to real CPU (core). VCPU object follows Bee pattern: OOP points just past header to register/CPU-state save area, followed by Thread Local Storage (e.g. per-thread dynamic context).
When a Debug Thread is running, the debugged thread is not, so VCPU registers are directly inspectable as VCPU instance variables.
The natural model is to think of the runtime like a RTOS (Real Time OS) Kernel. Starting an image is spawning a Primordial/Home/Mother thread which spawns worker threads (including UI, debugger(s), ?timer?, ?gc?). HW interrupt reflected through Mother Thread to events. Mother thread spawns and cares for workers.
Smalltalk is the mediator between raw HW and its SW presentation.
Smalltalk is a system that knows itself.**
The stories written in Smalltalk explain the computational world view.
Stack <<=========>> Linked Contexts
Regs+Mem <<=====>> Objects+ivars/slots
Instructions <<=====>> Operations/[Macro]Opcodes
Bee Aarch64 RISCV Notes
--- ------- ----- =====
IP - - Program Counter [access by instruction]
SP SP* X2 Stack Pointer
FP R29 X8 Frame Pointer
R R0/R1 X10/X11 Receiver=Self / Return Value
M R19 X19 Method Address
S R20 X20 Selector
E R21 X21 Environment [Escaping Variables]
A R2-7 X12-17 Arguments [1..6] (spill to stack}
T R9-12 X28-31 Temporaries/Volitile (non-object values)
V R22 X22 Temp Object Value (???)
G R23 X23 Smalltalk Globals (Vector of Objects)
nil R24 X24 (needed? -> StackLimit)
true R25 X25 (needed? -> NextAlloc)
false R26 X26 (needed? -> AllocLimit)
- Hash & Cache
- PICs
- Symbol interning
- Dictionaries
- Constat Propagation
- Object Layouts
- Horizontal (bitstring) vs Vertical (index) Encoding
- Control flow
- Interrupts; exceptions
- GC
- Storage allocation; tagging
- Pinned objects
- When is it stable?
- What needs to be pinned? [VCPUs;GC code;..]
- Don't change the code for a method while the method is being executed [ e.g. during message-send; library loading ]
- Don't add/remove elements of a collection as it is being traversed
- Don't move (gc) objects while they are being referenced
- Note live-update rubrics; atomics; lock-free/wait-free
- Recursion
- Color
- Time(r)
- Mappings (colors;floats;integers;chars;..)
- Compile; runtime-libs; gc; multicore; iNet;..
- Emergent Properties
Should be able to port by cross-compiling nativizer for new platform and cross/pre-nativise the loader. Let loader nativise methods during load. Simple port w/o running a compiler.
Feature require: 'Powerlang'.
SCompiler compile: 'foo [true ifTrue: [^self]]' in: UndefinedObject.
(SCompiler forClass: UndefinedObject) smalltalkCompiler compileMethod: 'foo [true ifTrue: [^self]]' .
cd Cuis-Smalltalk
git clone https://github.com/KenDickey/Cuis-Smalltalk-Tonel-Browser
Feature require: 'ExchangeFormat-Tonel-Lite'.
You should be able to open a File List, select a Tonel file, and click on the code button to view in a Code Browser.
- See LICENCES directory: Acuerna, JavierPimas (Quorum Software) and Cuis -- all MIT.
- Packages typically specify copyright but unspecified => Cuis.
** "What is a System? Simply a set of things that are interconnected in ways that produce distinct patterns of behavior." Doughnut Economics, Kate Raworth.