Binsta - Instagram for Coders
This is one of the school projects I did to show of my skills with especially PHP. For this project I created my own framework but also helped myself by using packages like RedBeanPHP for the database and Twig for templates.
Binsta is a fictional social media platform for coders. It's a place where you can share your code, get feedback, and connect with other developers. The goal was to recreate the basics of Instagram but put it in another context. Instead of being able to upload images, you can upload code snippets and share it with the community.
The main features include:
- Uploading code snippets
- Commenting on code snippets
- Liking code snippets
- Viewing profiles
Please note that this project was made for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used in production.
- Clone the repository or download the zip file
- Open the project in your IDE
- Run composer install to install dependencies
- Start an apache server (XAAMP, MAMP, etc.), point it to the root directory of the project
- Start a MySQL server
- Create a database called "binsta"
- Run the seeder (php cmd/seed.php -s=all -r)
- Start the project
You can log in to all seeder accounts using their username and 'password' as password.