Display API, a library to create holograms on Minecraft servers (1.8.8 ONLY) You must add the API as your project dependencies and add this to plugins folder
- For now, only 1.8.8 because i'm using some reflections
- You can create a hologram server-side means that every player on the server will see it
- And also a client-side that means you can customize it for every player (e.g money, rank...)
- No blinking for server-side, but some blink on client-side
- Auto refresh
- Using Java 8
- Make it no blinking on client-side
- Make it multi-version
- Add ProtocolLib as dependencies for safe-use
- Add Gradle/Maven dependences for this project
Initialize the HologramManager on your main class:
HologramManager hologramManager; // Create a field to use on the whole project
public void onEnable(){
this.hologramManager = new HologramManager(this); // Initialize the manager
public void onDisable(){
hologramManager.clear(); // Clear all holograms created on this instance
Create a server-side hologram:
// A list of Text for the hologram (dynamics variables)
List<Text> listText = new ArrayList<>();
listText.add(() -> "Hello everyone");
listText.add(() -> "I'm a server-side hologram");
// Create the hologram, if a hologram exist on this location, it will return the hologram on location
hologramManager.createServer(listText, location, refresh);
Create a client-side hologram:
// A list of Text for the hologram (dynamics variables)
List<Text> listText = new ArrayList<>();
listText.add(() -> "Hello " + player.getName());
listText.add(() -> "I'm a client-side hologram");
// Create the hologram for the player only!
hologramManager.createClient(player, listText, location, refresh);
Interact with the hologram:
Hologram hologram = hologramManager.createServer(listText, location, refresh);
// When a player interact on the hologram, you can do somes actions!
hologram.interact(new Action(){
public void execute(Player player){
player.sendMessage("hi there!");
If you have a Hologram object, you can do with the HologramManager:
// Teleport a hologram on new location
hologramManager.teleport(hologram, location);
// Get a hologram by using location block
// Remove a hologram
Download the latest version on the Releases.
It will come later!
If you have somes issues with the API or if you have an idea, create an issue here