Numerical analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization
PSO is a multi-agent metaheuristic derivative-free optimization method capable of globally minimizing nonconvex and nonsmooth functions in high dimensions. It was initially introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart in the 1990s.
Version 1.2
Date 31.05.2023
- Hui H u a n g (University of Graz),
- Jinniao Q i u (University of Calgary),
- Konstantin R i e d l (Technical University of Munich & Munich Center for Machine Learning)
MATLAB implementation, which illustrates PSO and the influence of its parameters, and tests the method on a competitive high-dimensional and well understood benchmark problem in the machine learning literature.
For the reader's convenience we describe the folder structure in what follows:
- objective_function.m: objective function generator
- ObjectiveFunctionPlot1/2d.m: plotting routine for objective function
- analyses: convergence and parameter analyses of PSO
- PSONumericalExample.m: testing script
- PSOParameters_PhaseTransition.m: Phase transition diagrams for parameter analysis
- results: folder to save numerical results
- plot_phasetransitiondiagram: plotting routine for phase diagrams
- PhaseTransitionDiagrams_msigma2: folder for phase transition diagrams for m and sigma2
- PSO: code of PSO optimizer
- compute_yalpha.m: computation of consensus point
- S_beta.m: function to compare current with in-time best position
- PSO_update: one PSO step
- PSO.m: PSO optimizer
- PSOmachinelearning.m: PSO optimizer for machine learning applications
- visualizations: visualization of the CBO dynamics
- PSODynamicsIllustration.m: Illustration of the PSO dynamics
- PSOIllustrative.m: Illustration of the PSO at work
NN: machine learning experiments with PSO as optimization method for training
- architecture
- NN.m: forward pass of NN
- eval_accuracy.m: evaluate training or test accuracy
- comp_performance.m: compute and display loss and training or test accuracy
- data: data and function to load data
- Scripts_for_PSO
- MNISTClassificationPSO.m: script training the NN for MNIST with PSO
- results/PSO: folder to save numerical results
- plot_training_testing_accuracy: plotting routine for performance plots
- CNN: folder for CNN results
- ShallowNN: folder for shallow NN results
- plot_loss_and_testing_accuracy_PSON100/1000: plotting routine for performance plots
title={On the global convergence of particle swarm optimization methods},
author={Huang, Hui and Qiu, Jinniao and Riedl, Konstantin},
journal={Applied Mathematics \& Optimization},