The last event coordinator you will ever need
Get started with setting up Project Hades locally. This project uses GO111MODULE
. To install dependencies run a go mod vendor
after cloning.
These variables should reside as key value pairs in a file called .env
Variable Name | Description | Data type |
SALT | Salt for hashing | Integer |
JWT_PASSWORD | Password for JWT | String |
PROD_URI | Neo4j URI | String |
MAIL_FROM | Mailer email for analytics | String |
MAIL_TO | Destination email for analytics | String |
MAIL_PASSWORD | Password for MAIL_FROM | String |
NEO4J_AUTH | Neo4j credentials | String |
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD | mysql root password | String |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | mysql password | String |
MYSQL_USER | mysql user | String |
SENDGRID_API_KEY | SendGrid apikey | String |
FROM_EMAIL | mailerQR from email | String |
BASE_URL | Base URL of hades (http://[IP]/api/v1/) | String |
Production setup uses performat dockerfiles made from scratch. It directly runs the compiled binaries.
To build
binaries run
$ make # needs go installed
$ docker-compose -f performant-compose.yaml build
$ docker-compose -f performant-compose.yaml up -d neo4j
$ docker-compose -f performant-compose.yaml up -d
Dev setup compiles binaries on a heavier container runs them using watcher
To run the setup simply do the following
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d neo4j
$ docker-compose up -d
Go to localhost:7474
to see if the database is running. You would have to create a new username and password the first time
To generate docs and testing, simply do the following
$ make docs
$ make test