This repository contains some example topographic datasets that are used in the examples within the LSDTopoTools book.
The examples are in a few different formats so you can get some experience using GDAL utilities.
The entire repository has ~100Mb of files.
If you only want to test out the small datasets you should download individual files. Do this using wget
For example:
The files contained in this repository were collected from public data sources, but have been transformed using GDAL.
Chile_s27_w71.tif SRTM 30m (obtained from EarthExplorer) data from Chile. GeoTif format, with a geographic coordinate system.
To get this dem, type:
$ wget
coweeta.bil USGS (obtained from EarthExplorer) 10m data from the Coweeta watershed. ENVI bil format, projected into WGS84 UTM zone 11N.
To get this dem, type:
$ wget $ wget
gabilan.bil NCALM LiDAR data (obtained from OpenTopography) from Gabilan Mesa. ENVI bil format, projected into WGS84 UTM zone 17N.
To get this dem, type:
$ wget $ wget
Gabilan_DEM.bil NCALM LiDAR data (obtained from OpenTopography) from Gabilan Mesa. ESRI flt/bil format, projected, but no georeferencing.
To get this dem, type:
$ wget $ wget
indian_creek.bil State of Ohio LiDAR data (obtained via NOAA interagency data site) from Indian Creek, Ohio. ENVI bil format, projected into WGS84 UTM zone 17N.
To get this dem, type:
$ wget $ wget
WhiteadderDEM.tif Taxpayer funded, yet commercially liscenced IfSAR data 5m data from Whitadder cathcment, Scotland. GeoTiff format, projected in the British National Grid.
To get this dem, type:
SanBern.bil SRTM 30m (obtained from EarthExplorer) data from the San Bernadino mountains, California. Simon Mudd's hometown (Riverside) is in the SW corner. ENVI format, projected in WGS84 UTM zone 11N.
To get this dem, type:
wget wget
Mandakini.bil SRTM 90m (obtained from EarthExplorer) data from the Mandakini River, a tributary of the Ganges, India. ENVI format, projected in WGS84 UTM zone 44N.
To get this dem, type:
wget wget
There are also some paramter files in the example_paramter_files folder.
Name | Description |
SanBern_CRNData.csv |
Cosmogenic data from Binnie et al., 2007. |
SanBern_CRNRasters.csv |
This tells the CRN basinwide routines the topographic datasets are. IMPORTANT: If you want the examples to work you will need to open this file and modify the paths to reflect your directory structure |
SanBern.CRNParam |
A parameter file for cosmogenic data analysis. |
These files are in different formats to get you used to the GDAL utilities.
To project a file, you can use gdalwarp
with the -t_srs
To change the ouput format use -of
. For example:
$ gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=30 +north +datum=WGS84' -of ENVI WhiteadderDEM.tif WhiteadderDEM.bil
$ gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=11 +north +datum=WGS84' -of tif Gabilan_DEM.bil Gabilan.tif
$ gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=19 +south +datum=WGS84' -of ENVI Chile_s27_w71.tif Chile.bil
You can learn more about GDAL manipuation in our book.
On older versions of GDAL sometimes the nodata is not transferred when you move formats.
If this is the case go into the bil file and enter the nodata vale with a line data ignore value = -9999 .