A generalized automated data collection platform, for the purpose of collecting and displaying timely data for wherever you may be.
It supports the creation of offerings data from 8+ generalized sources, with more to come:
- GTFS (+RT)
- GBFS (+EBikes/FreeBikes)
- iCal
- Tidal
- Ephem
- AirNow
- OpenWeather
- Cronos
- Gitlab
- Package Tracking
- Webhooks
These can be formed into reusable Queries that can be grouped into Visions. Visions are interpreted by the Pythiae who forward them to clients via Ankyra. Foci are anchors for querying in physical space Plani can be configured to provide the equivalent to an unanchored Foci updated via Ankyra
The public demo instance https://ac.gmp.io/ is here, and the landing data displays queries for various entities around
- Assembly Row, Somerville
- Union Square, NYC
- Mission, SF
- Lincoln Park, Chicago
Debian/Ubuntu users may need to isntall erlang-xmerl
Migrations need to be run from within the room_sanctum
directories in that order.