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My neovim config🚀

🔥17~25ms startup time, with 51 plugins. demo5


git clone ~/.config/nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim


demo1 demo2 demo3 demo4

Lsp and Formatter(arch user)🦁

# for code formatting and check
yay -S black yapf stylua luacheck shfmt shellcheck 
yay -S clang-format-all-git
pip install cmakelang
sudo npm install --global prettier
yay -S ripgrep


I'm not a native vim user, I'm used to using direction keys to move instead of hjkl(but maybe I'll be there soon), so my keymappings are based on i(Up)、k(Down)、l(Right)、j(Left) for now.

If you guys want hjkl style, just checkout branch hjkl. I actually don't test it all, but it will work.

Base mappings⌨️

  • base

    shortcut action Equivalent mode
    i up k n v
    k down j n v
    l right l n v
    j left h n v
    h insert i n v
    I(deprecated) faster up move 5i n v
    K(deprecated) faster down move 5k n v
    L(deprecated) faster right move 5l n v
    J(deprecated) faster left move 5j n v
    H move cursor to start of line and insert I n v
    alt j left <Left> i
    alt l right <Right> i
    alt i up <Up> i
    alt k down <Down> i
    ctrl e Move the view port down 5 lines without moving the cursor ctrl+e n v
    ctrl y Move the view port up 5 lines without moving the cursor ctrl+y n v
    O Move to next line and keep normal mode O<ESC> n
    Q Quit :q<CR> n
    S Save :w<CR> n
    ctrl l end of line $, <End> n v i
    ctrl j start of line 0, <ESC>I n v i
  • move line

    shortcut action mode
    alt i move current line to up n v
    alt k move current line to down n v
  • terminal

    shortcut action mode
    tel open terminal right n
    tek open terminal below n
    jk escape the terminal t
  • indent

    shortcut action mode
    < Un-indent n v
    > indent n v
  • resize arrows

    shortcut action mode
    <Up> resize the arrows n
    <Down> resize the arrows n
    <Left> resize the arrows n
    <Right> resize the arrows n
  • window move

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> w move to previous window n
    <leader> l move to right window n
    <leader> j move to left window n
    <leader> k move to bottom window n
    <leader> i move to top window n
  • others

    shortcut action mode
    <ESC> set nohighlight n
    \p current file path n
    \w current work path n
    <leader> s s set spell n
    <leader> s w set wrap n
    <leader> r compile code(python ...) n
    <leader> o fold code n

Plugin mappings⌨️

shortcut action mode plugins
R open rnvimr n rnvimr
gy goyo n goyo
gw swith false and true n antovim
U Undo tree n undotree
<leader> c comment n v Comment.nvim
<leader> v toggle function and variable list n vista.vim
  • buffers

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> b g pick a buffer n
    <leader> b b previous buffer n
    <leader> b w wipeout current buffer n
    <leader> b c close all buffers but current n
    <leader> b p close all buffers but pinned n
    <leader> b j close all left buffers n
    <leader> b l close all right buffers n
    <leader> b d sort buffers by dir n
    <leader> b L sort buffers by language n
    alt l next buffer n
    alt j previous buffer n
    alt ; move current buffer to next n
    alt h move current buffer to previous n
    alt 1 first buffer n
    alt 2 second buffer n
  • Packer

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> p c packer compile n
    <leader> p i packer install n
    <leader> p s packer sync n
    <leader> p S packer status n
    <leader> p u packer update n
  • Git

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> g k next hunk n
    <leader> g i previous hunk n
    <leader> g l blame n
    <leader> g p preview hunk n
    <leader> g r reset hunk n
    <leader> g R reset buffer n
    <leader> g s stage hunk n
    <leader> g u undo stage hunk n
    <leader> g o open change file n
    <leader> g b checkout branch n
    <leader> g c checkout commit n
    <leader> g C checkout commit(for current file) n
    <leader> g d git diff n
  • LSP

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> L L open LSP n
    <leader> L l close LSP n
    <leader> L a code action n
    <leader> L d document diagnostics n
    <leader> L w workspace diagnostics n
    <leader> L f format n
    <leader> L h LspInfo n
    <leader> L k next diagnostic n
    <leader> L i previous diagnostic n
    <leader> L q quickfix n
    <leader> L r rename n
    <leader> L s document symbols n
    <leader> L S workspace symbols n
  • Telescope(finder)

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> f f find file n
    <leader> f o find old file n
    <leader> f a find hidden file n
    <leader> f w find word n
    <leader> f s find spell n
    <leader> f n find work in current buffer n
    <leader> f j find word under the cursor n
    <leader> f b find buffers n
    <leader> f C find colorscheme n
    <leader> f M find man page n
    <leader> f h find help n
    <leader> f r find register n
    <leader> f k find keymappings n
    <leader> f c find commands n
    <leader> f p find projects n
    <leader> f y find clipboard n
  • faster jump

    shortcut action mode
    K search char and jump n
    I search char and jump(reverse) n
  • nvimtree

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> e open nvimtree(focus) n
    ctrl n nvimtree n
  • markdown

    shortcut action mode
    <leader> m m toggle table mode in markdown file n
    <leader> m g generate catalog for markdown file n
  • <leader> = <space>

  • More details see mappings.lua and which-key.lua



Laughing-q's nvim config






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