Women’s education is under valued in society. I am conducting a social impact analysis to use data in the fight for women’s empowerment. I will be using data from Colombia University to visualize the benefits a mother’s education can have on her child’s future. I will compare the mother’s impact vs. the father’s impact on child’s development.
- create GitHub account
- cloning and forking github repositories
- basic understanding of how to code in any langugage
clone or fork repo
Open the Project in CodeSpace on github
Download all requirements & extentions
You may need to install the following extentions in Visual Studio Code: (VS Code will usually notify you when an extention needs to be installed)
a) Jupyter
b) Python
Select JupyterNotebook Kernel
c) Python Jupyter Notebook Kernel
Install requirements:
a) identify and install all nessisary requirements as seen in error message
open the visual_system.ipynb file
Select to Run all blocks
use case: enjoy exploring the Data and using the data and/or visuals for school reports or blog articles
- Fix typos
- Add project to portfolio