Always obsessed with The Little Prince, Digimon World for PSX & Dark Souls ✌.
Oh, I also play a few instruments 🥁🎸🎹
Fullstack Developer with 1 year of specialized experience in Frontend ~ Wordpress. Proficient in Javascript, React, Mongodb, PostgreSQL, Redux, Cypress, Vitest, and more. My experience in developing comprehensive websites for clients based in the United States has enabled me to develop skills such as English communication, particularly discussing the features that the website should implement. I lived in Italy for six months, during which I had the opportunity to meet and converse with people from all over the world in various languages.
🔷 JS Calculator
🔷 React TODO App
🔷 Svelte TODO App
🔷 Vue TODO App
✅ Columnizer ~ VSCode Extension
🔶 Newberg Irrigation Systems (from scratch)
🔶 The Mill Restaurants (from scratch)
🔶 New Mexico Bowl (from scratch)
🔶 Hawaii Bowl (maintenance)
🔶 Kevin Johansen (feature incorporation)
🔶 Many others...
⬜ Henry ~ Fullstack Developer
⬜ Microsoft ~ LinkedIn Learning - Introducción a las habilidades profesionales en el desarrollo de software
⬜ Microsoft ~ LinkedIn Learning - Fundamentos profesionales del desarrollo de software
⬜ Microsoft ~ LinkedIn Learning - Fundamentos esenciales de la programación
⬜ Accenture - Java Applications Development
⬜ EF SET English Certificate 71/100 (C2 Proficient)
⬜ Platzi - Full Stack Developer con JavaScript
⬜ sololearn - Game Development with JS
⬜ sololearn - Javascript
⬜ sololearn - React + Redux
⬜ freeCodeCamp - Responsive Web Design
⬜ freeCodeCamp - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
⬜ freeCodeCamp - Front End Development Libraries
⬜ Udemy - Iniciación a la programación con JavaScript
⬜ Ente Bilaterale Imprese Lavoratori - Formazione dei lavoratori (generale)