is mini social media buit in Ruby on Rails framework. It includes group messaging feature too.
Check screenshots for more screenshoots. It's the implementation not the prototype.
It's responsive.
Ruby Version 3.2.1
Clone the repo
$ bundle install
Commands to follow
Delete credentails.yml.enc file then
$ bundle exec figaro install
Ignore the error message. Please take a look at config/application.copy.yml to know the environment variables that are needed. Some environment variable are not needed for development. These are
Copy config/application.copy.yml file content to newly generated file which is config/application.yml. Set garbage value to environment variables which are not needed for development. It would be recommended giving correct value to check all functionality in development, but if you are lazy, dont't worry set gargabe value.
$ bin/rails credentials:edit
Copy the secret_key_base from it, save then close. Set the copied to SECRET_KEY_BASE
in config/application.yml
$ bin/rails db:encryption:init
Result looks like
Add this entry to the credentials of the target environment:
primary_key: yYfHld8TF5BflJw22594Mlh1IqC9cgTS
deterministic_key: Dyd6iEhVgnYwv9emD5wt4J1LbZOmtP79
key_derivation_salt: n1CiDmxfHnCOs6Xc0wUPKNt8imgBtaK0
Copy the generated result then
$ bin/rails credentials:edit
Paste there, save and close. After that set those in environment variables.
What else you have left?
$ bin/rails secret
Set the result in environment variable. Set your database url
Rails will give you master key in config/ folder. If you didn't find, google how to generate new master key in Ruby on Rails.
$ rake db:migrate db:seed
$ bin/rails importmap stimulus-dropdown --download
$ bin/dev
Make sure you are running redis-server
before running rails server.
And cloud storage is still local. Change it to s3 or whatever.
Don't forget sendgrid mailer too. If you wanna use other mailer, change the configuration.
1: Person to Person(p2p) chat.
2: E2E encryption for messaging.
3: TAG for post
4: Search post by TAG
3: Search message in chat
4: Message edit by message owner
5: Message delete either by message owner or chat owner -> don't forget pundit policy for it.
6: Chat Member list
7: Chat Member remove(leave, and remove by admin)
-> on remove by admin, it should be in blocked members list.(Model required)
8: Chat delete, and edit
9: Chat search in side bar. Do only with js. Don't load from server.
-> store in variable and filter from it.
1: User recommendation in home page in desktop mode is really bad. The implemented one displays the first n users
2: Post recommendation in home page
3: User recommendation in find friends page.
Basically recommendation algorithm should be fixed.
=> I prefer Railway. It has free tier. It's free tier is so fast.
=> You don't need credit card.
This project is not sponsored by anyone btw.
If you want to deploy in Railway, please comment all gems that are grouped under both dev, test and test and also your configuration should focus on development environment
Make sure you set all required environment variables. If you found any issue please raise.
- New features
- Bug fixes
- Performance optimization
- Further Code optimization
- Adding documentation
- Fixing documentation(either typo or grammer mistake)
- Writting testings.
Are welcome!