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Encryption Handling in LTFS (Experimental)

Atsushi Abe edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 1 revision


You need manage a KEY as a pair of an encryption key (base64 encoded 256-bit binary, DK[DataKey]) and an key index (3 alphabets + 18digits-hexadecimal text, DKi[DataKeyIndex]) in LTFS.

For example,

  • DKi: IBM0123456789abcdef01
  • DK: YAwK8AGgc/Q6vHt6LoMwz9wlI0wTOLsPsmqxWmLygek=

LTFS store KEY information to memory at start time and use them when it is required.


In the mount sequence, LTFS tries to read tape without keys at first. And the tape drive will return error with used DKi to LTFS. So LTFS sets back correct DK (searched from returned DKi) to the tape drive and retry read.


In the format process, mkltfs may check contents of tape before format to avoid unexpected format. So old KEY information to decrypt current contents and new KEY information to create new format is required.

"simple" plugin

Please be careful ! You can't use the tape created in this way in the following scenario. Because you don't have a way to import a key (using this method) to a key server.

  1. Create a tape with LTFS and simple plugin
  2. Import the tape created in the step1 a library that is connected to a key server (like IBM TS4500 and IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager)
  3. Add the tape into a library supported LTFS (like IBM spectrum archive LE)
  4. Try to read the tape on the library supported LTFS


Case1 [the tape is not encrypted]:

mkltfs -d /dev/sgx --kmi-backend=simple -o kmi_dki_for_format=IBM0123456789abcdef01 -o kmi_dk_for_format=YAwK8AGgc/Q6vHt6LoMwz9wlI0wTOLsPsmqxWmLygek=

Case2 [the tape is encrypted by IBM10fedcba9876543210]:

mkltfs -d /dev/sgx --kmi-backend=simple -o kmi_dki=IBM10fedcba9876543210 -o kmi_dk=k0I1gsz9Vm3kHOPeTx02AuOGAwfWZFfvK7U76CNTGwg= -o kmi_dki_for_format=IBM0123456789abcdef01 -o kmi_dk_for_format=YAwK8AGgc/Q6vHt6LoMwz9wlI0wTOLsPsmqxWmLygek=


ltfs -o devname=/dev/sgx -o kmi_backend=simple -o kmi_dki=IBM0123456789abcdef01 -o kmi_dk=YAwK8AGgc/Q6vHt6LoMwz9wlI0wTOLsPsmqxWmLygek= [mount_point]

"flatfile" plugin

Please be careful ! You can't use the tape created in this way in the following scenario. Because you don't have a way to import a key (using this method) to a key server.

  1. Create a tape with LTFS and simple plugin
  2. Import the tape created in the step1 a library that is connected to a key server (like IBM TS4500 and IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager)
  3. Add the tape into a library supported LTFS (like IBM spectrum archive LE)
  4. Try to read the tape on the library supported LTFS

Key file

  • You can have multiple KEY information in it.
  • LF is the only valid return character


Case1 [the tape is not encrypted]:

mkltfs -d /dev/sgx --kmi-backend=flatfile -o kmi_dk_list=[path_to_key_file] -o kmi_dki_for_format=IBM0123456789abcdef01

Case2 [the tape is encrypted by IBM10fedcba9876543210]:

mkltfs -d /dev/sgx --kmi-backend=flatfile -o kmi_dk_list=[path_to_key_file] -o kmi_dki=IBM10fedcba9876543210 -o kmi_dki_for_format=IBM0123456789abcdef01


ltfs -o devname=/dev/sgx -o kmi_backend=flatfile -o kmi_dk_list=[path_to_key_file] -o kmi_dki=IBM0123456789abcdef01 [mount_point]

How to generate a key

You can use any ways to convert 256-bit binary to base64. But an example is

dd if=/dev/random bs=32 count=1 2> /dev/null | base64 or dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2> /dev/null | base64

You can have a random key from /dev/[u]random