You can download the latest release from The link automatically detects your operating system and downloads the correct app. Currently we are supporting the following operating systems:
- MacOS (individual builds for Apple Silicon and Intel chips)
- Windows
- Linux
Please see for more information.
Basier Circle
and Gilroy
used in the production version are commercial fonts. This repository only contains open fonts and uses Open Sans
as a replacement for the commercial ones.
If you have licensed copies of Basier Circle
and Gilroy
, you can add them to fonts folder. If you don't have the fonts, you need to remove lines 25 - 81 of type.css. After that, the build
and dev
yarn scripts run without any errors.
The development environment currently depends on:
- Node.js version 16 (lts/gallium). The below instructions assume nvm is being used to manage Node.js versions.
- Python version 2.7.18 is required is being used on encrypt/decrypt by the lisk-sdk.
Note: For Windows users, make sure to set the correct msvs_version config for installing and packing the Lisk Desktop application.
git clone
cd lisk-desktop
nvm use
yarn --cwd app && yarn
yarn run dev
Open http://localhost:8080 to access the wallet.
To build the project simply run
yarn run build
Under the hood, this script runs
yarn run build:prod
to build the React app under src/
yarn run build:electron
to build the electron app under app/
using webpack. You can run the above scripts individually if you're looking to see the changes solely on one of the two said applications.
If you have already built the application as described above, you can launch Electron using
yarn run start
To launch a version which supports hardware wallets, you can run
yarn run dev:hw
or to launch electron and receive live updates from already running webpack-dev-server
on port 8080
and you can run
LISK_DESKTOP_URL="http://localhost:8080" DEBUG=true yarn run start
This comes with Redux dev tools.
Please see for more information.
Build package for Windows (on Windows in Git BASH).
yarn run pack:win
Build package for macOS (on macOs)
yarn run pack
Build package for Linux (on Linux).
yarn run pack
yarn run test
yarn run test:live
Note: The following layout structure may not appear exactly as shown below due to the legacy code/features. However, this is the layout that we try to follow:
βββ .husky/ # Contains a pre commit hook which checks that files are prettified before committing.
βββ app/ # Electron based application that launces the react app.
βββ build/ # Build specific materials.
βββ coverage/ # Results of Jest test coverage.
βββ dist/ # Platform specific built outputs.
βββ docs/ # Project documentation such as contribution guides and development guidelines.
βββ libs/ # Modules which can be consumed individually in other projects.
β βββ hardwareWallet/ # HardwareWallet integrations.
β βββ wcm/ # Wallet connect.
βββ node_modules/ # 3rd-party libraries and utilities.
βββ setup/ # The top most application layer, contains MainRouter and globally imported css files.
β βββ config/ # Automation scripts (Webpack configurations, i18n scanner, etc.).
β βββ react/ # React presentational components are located here.
β β βββ app/ # The bootstrap React application.
β β βββ assets/ # Static files (images, fonts, etc.).
βββ src/ # Application source code.
β βββ const/ # Static configurations and other values used throughout the application.
β βββ locales/ # Contains the built localization files.
β βββ modules/ # Divided logic in domain specific areas, an example structure is shown below.
β β βββ hardwareWallet/ # Module/Domain.
β β βββ __fixtures__/ # Contains mock data for the hardwareWallet module.
β β βββ components/ # Components related to the hardwareWallet domain.
β β βββ hooks/ # Hooks related to the hardwareWallet domain.
β β βββ store/ # Redux encapsulated logic related to the hardwareWallet domain.
β β βββ actions/ # HardwareWallet actions.
β β βββ selectors/ # HardwareWallet selectors.
β β βββ reducers/ # HardwareWallet reducers.
β β βββ utils/ # Utils used in the hardwareWallet module. Global utils should be put in src/utils.
β βββ redux/ # Contains the root reducer, all other reducers are imported here. It also has legacy pattern, selectors, and actions (these should now be encapsulated in its specific module).
β βββ routes/ # Contains all routes in the application as well as modals.
β β βββ routes.js # Route and modal paths with metadata. This object is used in all our links.
β β βββ routesMap.js # Maps components to routes, this is used in the MainRouter.js.
β βββ service/ # Add services, such as mock services.
β βββ theme/ # Themed components (Button, Input, etc.).
β βββ utils/ # Global utility functions used throughout the app.
βββ i18n/ # Localization setup.
βββe2e/ # E2E tests written with Playwright and Cucumber; also some helpers used by unit tests that live in /src.
See contributors section.
Copyright Β© 2016-2024 Lisk Foundation
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see