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Create (layer 2 and layer 3) networking between containers using a declarative configuration.


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conlink: Declarative Low-Level Networking for Containers

Create (layer 2 and layer 3) networking between containers using a declarative configuration.

Conlink also includes scripts that make docker compose a much more powerful development and testing environment (refer to Compose scripts for details):

  • mdc: modular management of multiple compose configurations
  • wait for network and file conditions before continuing
  • recursively copy files with variable templating

Why conlink?

There are a number of limitations of docker-compose networking that conlink addresses:

  • Operates at layer 3 of the network stack (i.e. IP).
  • Has a fixed model of container interface naming: first interface is eth0, second is eth1, etc.
  • For containers with multiple interfaces, the mapping between docker compose networks and container interface is not controllable (docker/compose#4645 (comment), docker/compose#8561 (comment))
  • If a container uses the scale property, then IPs cannot be assigned and user assigned MAC addresses will be the same for every instance of that service.
  • Docker bridge networking interferes with switch and bridge protocol traffic (BPDU, STP, LLDP, etc). Conlink supports the "patch" link mode that allows this type of traffic to pass correctly.

Conlink has the following features:

  • Declarative network configuration (links, bridges, patches, etc)
  • Event driven (container restarts and scale changes)
  • Low-level control of network interfaces/links: MTU, routes, port forwarding, netem properties, etc
  • Automatic IP and MAC address incrementing for scaled containers
  • Central network container for easy monitoring and debug
  • Composable configuration from multiple sources/locations



  • docker
  • docker-compose version 1.25.4 or later.


  • For Open vSwtich (OVS) bridging, the openvswitch kernel module must loaded on the host system (where docker engine is running).
  • For patch connections (bridge: patch), the kernel must support tc qdisc mirred filtering via the act_mirred kernel module.
  • For podman usage (e.g. second part of test3), podman is required.
  • For remote connections/links (e.g. test5), the geneve (and/or vxlan) kernel module must be loaded on the host system (where docker engine is running)
  • For CloudFormation deployment (e.g. test6), the AWS CLI is required.

Usage Notes

Asynchronous startup

The conlink managed container links are created after the main process in the container starts executing. This is different from normal docker behavior where the interfaces are created and configured before the main process starts. This means the interfaces for those links will not be immediately present and the container process will need to account for this asynchronous interface behavior. The node service in examples/test2-compose.yaml shows a simple example of a container command that will wait for an interface to appear before continuing with another command.

System Capabilities/Permissions

The conlink container needs to have a superset of the network related system capabilities of the containers that it will connect to. At a minimum SYS_ADMIN and NET_ADMIN are required but depending on what the other containers require then those additional capabilities will also be required for the conlink container. In particular, if the container uses systemd, then it will likely use SYS_NICE and NET_BROADCAST and conlink will likewise need those capabilities.

Bridging: Open vSwtich/OVS, Linux bridge, and patch

Conlink connects container veth links together via a bridge or via a direct patch. All veth type links must have a bridge property that defines which links will be connected together (i.e. the same broadcast domain). The default bridge mode is defined by the --default-bridge-mode parameter and defaults to "auto". If a bridge is set to mode "auto" then conlink will check if the kernel has the openvswitch kernel module loaded and if so it will create an Open vSwitch/OVS bridge/switch for that bridge, otherwise it will create a regular Linux bridge (e.g. brctl). If any bridges are explicitly defined with an "ovs" mode and the kernel does not have support then conlink will stop/error on startup.

The "patch" mode will connect two links together using tc qdisc ingress filters. This type connection is equivalent to a patch panel ("bump-in-the-wire") connection and all traffic will be passed between the two links unchanged unlike Linux and OVS bridges which typically block certain bridge control broadcast traffic). The primary downside of "patch" connections is that they limited to two links whereas "ovs" and "linux" bridge modes can support many links connected into the same bridge (broadcast domain).

Network Configuration Syntax

Network configuration can either be loaded directly from configuration files using the --network-config option or it can be loaded from x-network properties contained in docker-compose files using the --compose-file option. Multiple of each option may be specified and all the network configuration will be merged into a final network configuration. Both options also support colon separated lists.

The network configuration can have four top level keys: links, bridges, tunnels, and commands.


Each link defintion specifies an interface that will be configured in a container. Most types have some sort of connection to either the conlink/network container or the host network namespace. For example, "veth" type links always have their peer end connected to a bridge in the conlink/network container and vlan types are children of physical interfaces in the host.

The following table describes the link properties:

property link types format default description
type * string 1 veth link/interface type
service * string 2 compose service
container * string container name
bridge veth string conlink bridge / domain
outer-dev not dummy string[15] conlink/host intf name
dev * string[15] eth0 container intf name
mac 3 MAC MAC addr 7
mtu * number 4 65535 intf MTU
route * strings 8 ip route add args
nat * IP DNAT/SNAT to IP
netem * strings 8 tc qdisc NetEm options
mode 5 string virt intf mode
vlanid vlan number VLAN ID
forward veth strings 6 8 forward conlink ports 7
ethtool veth strings 8 ethtool settings
  • 1 - veth, dummy, vlan, ipvlan, macvlan, ipvtap, macvtap
  • 2 - defaults to outer compose service
  • 3 - not ipvlan/ipvtap
  • 4 - max MTU of parent device for *vlan, *vtap types
  • 5 - macvlan, macvtap, ipvlan, ipvtap
  • 6 - string syntax: conlink_port:container_port/proto
  • 7 - offset by scale/replica index
  • 8 - either a single string or an array of strings

Each link has a 'type' key that defaults to "veth" and each link definition must also have either a service key or a container key. If the link is defined in the service of a compose file then the value of service will default to the name of that service.

The container key is a fully qualified container name that this link will apply to. The service key is the name of a docker-compose service that this link applies to. In the case of a service link, if more than one replica is started for that service, then the mac, and ip values in the link definition will be incremented by the service index - 1.

All link definitions support the following optional properties: dev, ip, mtu, route, nat, netem. If dev is not specified then it will default to "eth0". For *vlan type interfaces, mtu cannot be larger than the MTU of the parent (outer-dev) device.

For the netem property, refer to the netem man page. The OPTIONS grammar defines the valid strings for the netem property.

The forward property is an array of strings that defines ports to forward from the conlink container into the container over this link. Traffic arriving on the conlink container's docker interface of type proto and destined for port conlink_port is forwarded over this link to the container IP and port container_port (ip is required). The initial port (conlink_port) is offset by the service replica/scale number (minus 1). So if the first replica has port 80 forwarded then the second replica will have port 81 forwarded. For publicly publishing a port, the conlink container needs to be on a docker network and the conlink_port should match the target port of a docker published port (for the conlink container).

For the ethtool property, refer to the ethtool man page. The syntax for each ethtool setting is basically the ethtool command line arguments without the "devname. So the equivalent of the ethtool command ethtool --offload eth0 rx off would be link configuration {dev: eth0, ethtool: ["--offload rx off"], ...}.


The bridge settings currently only support the "mode" setting. If the mode is not specified in this section or the section is omitted entirely, then bridges specified in the links configuration will default to the value of the --default-bridge-mode parameter (which itself defaults to "auto").

The following table describes the bridge properties:

property format description
bridge string conlink bridge / domain name
mode string auto, ovs, or linux


Tunnels links/interfaces will be created and attached to the specified bridge. Any containers with links to the same bridge will share a broadcast domain with the tunnel link.

The following table describes the tunnel properties:

property format description
type string geneve or vxlan
bridge string conlink bridge / domain
remote IP remote host addr
vni number Virtual Network Identifier
netem string tc qdisc NetEm options

Each tunnel definition must have the keys: type, bridge, remote, and vni. The netem optional property also applies to tunnel interfaces.


Commands will be executed in parallel within the matching container once all links are succesfully configured for that container.

The following table describes the command properties:

property format description
service string compose service
container string container name
command array or string command or shell string

Each command defintion must have a command key and either a service or container key. The service and container keys are defined the same as for link properties.

If the command value is an array then the command and arguments will be executed directly. If the command is a string then the string will be wrapped in sh -c STRING for execution.


The examples below require a conlink docker image. Build the image for both docker and podman like this:

docker build -t conlink .
podman build -t conlink .

test1: compose file with embedded network config

Start the test1 compose configuration:

docker-compose -f examples/test1-compose.yaml up --build --force-recreate

From h1 ping the address of h3 (routed via the r0 container):

docker-compose -f examples/test1-compose.yaml exec h1 ping

test2: compose file with separate network config and live scaling

Start the test2 compose configuration:

docker-compose -f examples/test2-compose.yaml up -d --build --force-recreate

From the first node ping the second:

docker-compose -f examples/test2-compose.yaml exec --index 1 node ping

From the second node ping an address in the internet service:

docker-compose -f examples/test2-compose.yaml exec --index 2 node ping

Scale the nodes from 2 to 5 and then ping the fifth node from the second:

docker-compose -f examples/test2-compose.yaml up -d --scale node=5
docker-compose -f examples/test2-compose.yaml exec --index 2 node ping

test3: network config file only (no compose) and variable templating

test3 with docker

Start two containers named ZZZ_node_1 and ZZZ_node_2.

docker run --name=ZZZ_node_1 --rm -d --network none alpine sleep 864000
docker run --name=ZZZ_node_2 --rm -d --network none alpine sleep 864000

Start the conlink container ZZZ_network that will setup a network configuration that is connected to the other containers:

./ -v --mode docker --host-mode docker --network-file examples/test3-network.yaml -- --name ZZZ_network --rm -e NODE_NAME_1=ZZZ_node_1 -e NODE_NAME_2=ZZZ_node_2

In a separate terminal, ping the node 2 from node 1.

docker exec -it ZZZ_node_1 ping

test3 with rootless podman

Same as test3 but using rootless podman instead

Start two containers named ZZZ_node_1 and ZZZ_node_2.

podman run --name=ZZZ_node_1 --rm -d --network none alpine sleep 864000
podman run --name=ZZZ_node_2 --rm -d --network none alpine sleep 864000

Start the conlink container ZZZ_network that will setup a network configuration that is connected to the other containers:

./ -v --mode podman --host-mode podman --network-file examples/test3-network.yaml -- --name ZZZ_network --rm -e NODE_NAME_1=ZZZ_node_1 -e NODE_NAME_2=ZZZ_node_2

In a separate terminal, ping the node 2 from node 1.

podman exec -it ZZZ_node_1 ping

test4: multiple compose files and container commands

Docker-compose has the ability to specify multiple compose files that are merged together into a single runtime configuration. This test has conlink configuration spread across multiple compose files and a separate network config file. The network configuration appears at the top-level of the compose files and also within multiple compose service definitions.

Run docker-compose using two compose files. The first defines the conlink/network container and a basic network configuration that includes a router and switch (s0). The second defines a single container (node1) and switch (s1) that is connected to the router defined in the first compose file.

MODES_DIR=./examples/test4-multiple/modes ./mdc node1 up --build --force-recreate

Ping the router host from node1:

docker-compose exec node1 ping

Restart the compose instance and add another compose file that defines two node2 replicas and a switch (s2) that is connected to the router.

MODES_DIR=./examples/test4-multiple/modes ./mdc node1,nodes2 up --build --force-recreate

From both node2 replicas, ping node1 across the switches and r0 router:

docker-compose exec --index 1 node2 ping
docker-compose exec --index 2 node2 ping

From node1, ping both node2 replicas across the switches and r0 router:

docker-compose exec node1 ping
docker-compose exec node1 ping

Restart the compose instance and add another compose file that starts conlink using an addition network file web-network.yaml. The network file starts up a simple web server on the router.

MODES_DIR=./examples/test4-multiple/modes ./mdc node1,nodes2,web up --build --force-recreate

From the second node2, perform a download from the web server running on the router host:

docker-compose exec --index 2 node2 wget -O-

We can simplify the above launch by using the all mode, which contains depends on node1, nodes2, and web. Each of those modes depends on base, so there's no need to specify that again (transitive deps).

MODES_DIR=./examples/test4-multiple/modes ./mdc all up --build --force-recreate

Remove the .env file as a final cleanup step:

rm .env

test5: conlink on two hosts with overlay connectivity via geneve

Launch a compose instance on host 1 and point it at host 2:

echo "REMOTE=ADDRESS_OF_HOST_2" > .env
echo "NODE_IP=" > .env \
docker-compose --env-file .env -f examples/test5-geneve-compose.yaml up

Launch another compose instance on host 2 and point it at host 1: On host 2 run conlink like this:

echo "REMOTE=ADDRESS_OF_HOST_1" > .env
echo "NODE_IP=" >> .env \
docker-compose --env-file .env -f examples/test5-geneve-compose.yaml up

On host 1, start a tcpdump on the main interface capturing Geneve (encapsulated) traffic:

sudo tcpdump -nli eth0 port 6081

On host 2, start a ping within the "node1" network namespace created by conlink:

docker-compose -f examples/test5-geneve-compose.yaml exec node ping

On host 1 you should see bi-directional encapsulated ping traffic on the host.

test6: conlink on two hosts deployed with CloudFormation

This test uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy two AWS EC2 instances that automatically install, configure, and start conlink (and dependencies) using the test5-geneve-compose.yaml compose file.

Authenticate with AWS and set the MY_KEY, MY_VPC, and MY_SUBNET variables to refer to a preexisting key pair name, VPC ID, and Subnet ID respectively. Then use the AWS CLI to deploy the stack:

export MY_KEY=... MY_VPC=... MY_SUBNET=...
aws --region us-west-2 cloudformation deploy --stack-name ${USER}-conlink-test6 --template-file examples/test6-cfn.yaml --parameter-overrides KeyPairName=${MY_KEY} VpcId=${MY_VPC} SubnetId=${MY_SUBNET}

The stack will take about 8 minutes to finish deploying. You can reduce the time to under a minute if you create your own AMI with the pre-signal steps in BaseUserData baked in and modify the template to use that instead.

Once the stack is finish deploying, show the outputs of the stack (including instance IP addresses) like this:

aws --region us-west-2 cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${USER}-conlink-test6 | jq '.Stacks[0].Outputs'

Use ssh to connect to instance 1 and 2 (as the "ubuntu" user), then sudo to root and cd into /root/conlink. You can now run the tcpdump and ping test described for test5.

test7: MAC, MTU, and NetEm settings

This example demonstrates using interface MAC, MTU, and NetEm (tc qdisc) settings.

Start the test7 compose configuration:

docker-compose -f examples/test7-compose.yaml up --build --force-recreate

Show the links in both node containers to see that on the eth0 interfaces the MAC addresses are 00:0a:0b:0c:0d:0* and the MTUs are set to 4111. The eth1 interfaces should have the command line set default MTU of 5111.

docker-compose -f examples/test7-compose.yaml exec --index 1 node ip link
docker-compose -f examples/test7-compose.yaml exec --index 2 node ip link

Ping the second node from the first to show the the NetEm setting is adding 40ms delay in both directions (80ms roundtrip).

docker-compose -f examples/test7-compose.yaml exec --index 1 node ping

test8: Connections to macvlan/vlan host interfaces

This example has two nodes with web servers bound to local addresses. The first node is connected to a macvlan sub-interfaces of a host physical interface. The second node is connected to a VLAN sub-interface of the same host (using VLAN ID/tag 5). Static NAT (SNAT+DNAT) is setup inside each container to map the external address/interface to the internal address/interface (dummy) where the web server is running.

Create an environment file with the name of the parent host interface and the external IP addresses to assign to each container:

cat << EOF > .env

Start the test8 compose configuration using the environment file:

docker-compose --env-file .env -f examples/test8-compose.yaml up --build --force-recreate

Connect to the macvlan node (NODE1_HOST_ADDRESS) from an external host on your network (traffic to macvlan interfaces on the same host is prevented):

ping -c1

Note: to connect to the vlan node (NODE2_HOST_ADDRESS) you will need to configure your physical switch/router with routing/connectivity to VLAN 5 on the same physical link to your host.

test9: bridge modes

This example demonstrates the supported bridge modes.

Start the test9 compose configuration using different bridge modes and validate connectivity using ping:

export BRIDGE_MODE="linux"  # "ovs", "patch", "auto"
docker-compose -f examples/test9-compose.yaml up --build --force-recreate
docker-compose -f examples/test9-compose.yaml exec node1 ping

test10: port forwarding and routing

This example demonstrates port forwarding from the conlink container to two containers running simple web servers. It also demonstrates the use of a router container and multiple route rules in the other containers.

Start the test10 compose configuration:

docker-compose -f examples/test10-compose.yaml up --build --force-recreate

Ports 3080 and 8080 are both published on the host by the conlink container using standard Docker port mapping. The internal mapping of those ports (1080 and 1180 respectively) are both are forwarded to port 80 in the node1 container using conlink's port forwarding mechanism. The two paths look like this:

host:3080 --> 1080 (in conlink) --> node1:80
host:8080 --> 1180 (in conlink) --> node1:80

Use curl on the host to query both of these paths to node1:


Ports 80 and 81 are published on the host by the conlink container using standard Docker port mapping. Then conlink forwards from ports 80 and 81 to the first and second replica (respectively) of node2, each of which listen internally on port 80. The two paths look like this:

host:80 -> 80 (in conlink) -> node2_1:80
host:81 -> 81 (in conlink) -> node2_2:80

Use curl on the host to query both replicas of node2:


Start a two tcpdump processes in the conlink container to watch routed ICMP traffic and then ping between containers across the router container:

docker compose -f examples/test10-compose.yaml exec network tcpdump -nli router_1-es1 icmp
docker compose -f examples/test10-compose.yaml exec network tcpdump -nli router_1-es2 icmp
docker-compose -f examples/test10-compose.yaml exec node1 ping
docker-compose -f examples/test10-compose.yaml exec node1 ping
docker-compose -f examples/test10-compose.yaml exec node2 ping

Compose scripts: mdc,, and


The mdc command adds flexibility and power to the builtin overlay capability of docker compose. Docker compose can specify multiple compose files that will be combined into a single configuration. Compose files that are specified later will overlay or override earlier compose files. For example, if compose files A and B are loaded by docker compose, then the image property of a service in file B will take precedence (or override) the image property for the same service in file A. Some properties such as volumes and environment will have the sub-properties merged or appended to.

There are several ways that mdc adds to the composition capabilities of docker compose:

  1. Mode/module dependency resolution. The modes or modules that are combined by mdc are defined as directories that contain mode/module specific content. A deps file in a mode/module directory is used to specify dependencies on other modes/modules. The syntax and resolution algorithm is defined by the resolve-deps project.
  2. Environment variable file combining/overlaying. Each .env file that appears in a mode/module directory will be appended into a single .env file at the top-level where the mdc command is invoked. Later environment variables will override earlier ones with the same name. Variable interpolation and some shell-style variable expansion can be used to combine/append environment variables. For example if FOO and BAR are defined in an earlier mode/module, then BAZ could be defined like this: BAZ="${FOO:-${BAR}-SUFF" which will set BAZ to FOO if FOO is set, otherwise, it will set BAZ to BAR with a "-SUFF" suffix.
  3. Directory hierarchy combining/overlaying. If the mode/module directory has subdirectories that themselves contain a "files/" sub-directory, then the mode subdirectories will be recursively copied into the top-level ".files/" directory. For example, consider if the following files exists under the modes "foo" and "bar" (with a dependency of "bar" on "foo"): foo/svc1/files/etc/conf1, foo/svc2/files/etc/conf2, and bar/svc1/files/etc/conf1. When mdc is run this will result in the following two files: .files/svc1/etc/conf1 and .files/svc2/etc/conf2. The content of conf1 will come from the "bar" mode because it is resolved second. The use of the script (described below) simplifies recursive file copying and also provides variable templating of copied files.
  4. Set environment variables based on the selected modes/modules. When mdc is run it will set the following special environment variables in the top-level .env file:
    • COMPOSE_FILE: A colon separated and dependency ordered list of compose file paths from each resolved mode/module directory.
    • COMPOSE_DIR: The directory where the top-level .env is created.
    • COMPOSE_PRPOFILES: A comma separated list of each resolved mode/module with a MODE_ prefix on the name. These are docker compose profiles that can be used to enable services in one mode/module compose file when a different mode/module is selected/resolved by mdc. For example, if a compose file in "bar" has a service that should only be enabled when the "foo" mode/module is also requested/resolved, then the service can be tagged with the MODE_foo profile.
    • MDC_MODE_DIRS: A comma separated list of mode/module directories. This can be used by other external tools that have specific mode/module behavior.

Conlink network configuration can be specified in x-network properties within compose files. This can be a problem with the builtin overlay functionality of docker compose because x- prefixed properties are simply overriden as a whole without any special merging behavior. To work around this limitation, conlink has the ability to directly merge x-network configuration from multiple compose files by passing the COMPOSE_FILE variable to the conlink --compose-file parameter (which supports a colon sperated list of compose files).

The dynamic event driven nature of conlink mean that interfaces may appear after the container service code starts running (unlike plain docker container networking). For this reason, the script is provided to simplify waiting for interfaces to appear (and other network conditions). Here is a compose file snippit that will wait for eth0 to appear and for eni1 to both appear and have an IP address assigned before running the startup command (after the --):

      - ./conlink/scripts:/scripts:ro
    command: /scripts/ -i eth0 -I eni1 -- / arg1 arg2

In addition to waiting for interfaces and address assignment, can also wait for a file to appear (-f FILE), a remote TCP port to become accessible (-t HOST:PORT), or run a command until it completes successfully (-c COMMAND).

One of the features of the mdc command is to collect directory hierarchies from mode/module directories into a single .files/ directory at the top-level. The intended use of the merged directory hierarchy is to be merged into file-systems of running containers. However, simple volume mounts will replace entire directory hierarchies (and hide all prior files under the mount point). The script is provided for easily merging/overlaying one directory hierarchy onto another one. In addition, the -T option will also replace special {{VAR}} tokens in the files being copied with the value of the matching environment variable.

Here is a compose file snippit that shows the use of to recursively copy/overlay the directory tree in ./.files/svc2 onto the container root file-system. In addition, due to the use of the -T option, the script will replace any occurence of the string {{FOO}} with the value of the FOO environment variable within any of the files that are copied:

      - FOO=123
      - ./.files/svc2:/files:ro
    command: /scripts/ -T /files / -- / arg1 arg2

Note that instances of and can be easily chained together like this:

/scripts/ -T /files / -- /scripts/ -i eth0 -- cmd args

GraphViz network configuration rendering

You can use d3 and GraphViz to create a visual graph rendering of a network configuration. First start a simple web server in the examples directory:

cd examples
python3 -m http.server 8080

Use the net2dot script to transform a network configuration into a GraphViz data file (dot language). To render the network configuration for example test1, run the following in another window:

./conlink --show-config --compose-file examples/test1-compose.yaml | ./net2dot > examples/

Then load http://localhost:8080? in your browser to see the rendered image.

The file examples/net2dot.yaml contains a configuration that combines many different configuration elements (veth links, dummy interfaces, vlan type links, tunnels, etc).

./conlink --network-file examples/net2dot.yaml --show-config | ./net2dot > examples/

Then load http://localhost:8080? in your browser.

Copyright & License

This software is copyright Viasat and subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License version 2.0 (MPL.20). A copy of the license is located in the LICENSE file at the top of the repository or available at


Create (layer 2 and layer 3) networking between containers using a declarative configuration.







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