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Tool for generating artifacts versioned on the most recent git commit sha and commit time.


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— Dr. Seuss, "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back"

lein-voom is a Leiningen plugin that helps you clean up your dependency tree.

Usage [TL;DR]

Use this for user-level plugins:

Put [lein-voom "0.1.0-20190525_204305-g28f604d"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile, or if you are on Leiningen 1.x do lein plugin install voom 0.1.0-20190525_204305-g28f604d.

Annotate your voom dependencies in your project.clj. For example:

^{:voom {:repo "" :branch "1.3"}}
[ring/ring-core "1.2.3"]

When building and deploying, insert voom before the task:

$ lein voom install

If your project includes voom-version dependencies, use voom build-deps instead of just deps:

$ lein voom build-deps

To update your project.clj to use the latest versions of your dependencies:

$ lein voom freshen

After voom freshen, our example dependency in project.clj has been updated:

^{:voom {:repo "" :branch "1.3"}}
[ring/ring-core "1.3.0-RC1-20140519_142204-gaf0379b"]

The scenario:

Multiple git projects with one or more leiningen projects in each, all under active development by a team.

Use cases:

  • Make changes to a project, working with known good (possibly old) versions of dependencies from other git repos.

  • Test and push a new version of a project with the very latest (possibly unreleased) versions of its dependencies.

  • Retrieve exactly the source code used to build every component of a specific built artifact.

A solution:

Most approaches addressing these use cases can be grouped into two categories: ones that use SNAPSHOT artifacts and ones that don't. SNAPSHOT versions can make some sense if all related deps are kept in a single git repo, and care is taken to rebuild from sources whenever they change, though tracking from a built artifact back to a git commit can still be problematic. Multiple git repos add more problems, some of which can be addressed by git submodules. Yet, without putting git commit sha's in artifact version numbers, interoperating with the larger world of leiningen dependencies is problematic.

Our solution falls into the second category -- using only non-SNAPSHOT versions for built artifacts and dependency declarations. The most straightforward way to do this is to change the declared version in the project.clj with every commit. Unfortunately, forgetting to do this even once leads to an ambiguity about the duplicated version number that can cause hard-to-discover problems far down the dependency tree.

voom modifier

Instead, we define a command-line modifier voom that causes the project version seen by any task or plugin to be adjusted to include a time stamp and short git sha. For example, we might install our project like so:

$ lein voom install

This would cause the installed artifact to have a version looking something like:

^-+-^ ^------+------^  ^--+--^
  |          |            \----- git sha
  |          \------------------ year/month/day/hour/minute/second of commit
  \----------------------------- original semantic version from project.clj

This version string includes the original semantic version for meaningful human consumption. The timestamp is included for a similar reason, as well as to maintain good sorting order. The git sha is the piece we need to track back to a specific commit and, therefore, the source code used to build it. Note that voom will refuse to operate unless the working copy is clean, to maintain the integrity of the git sha.

Normally we still use SNAPSHOT as the version declared in the project.clj except perhaps when preparing a real public release, so that any accidental builds without the use of voom produce a snapshot version that all tools already know to be imprecise.

We then vigilantly refuse to ever name a SNAPSHOT version in any dependency list. Note that even third-party dependencies that are available as git repos can be built with voom to allow specific-version dependencies instead of imprecise SNAPSHOT deps.

But now when you pull a git version of a project, it may depend on very specific but unreleased versions of its dependencies. One solution is to have a continuous integration service set up to generate, and make available via a maven repo, a jar for every commit of every project. Such a continuous integration service has other benefits as well (see "auto-freshen-deps" below), but relying completely on such a service is not always practical, so another solution is provided via voom build-deps

voom build-deps

This leiningen task works similarly to deps, for example:

$ lein voom build-deps

All dependencies of this project will be resolved as normal, including discovery in user's .m2 cache, downloaded from Maven Central or clojars, or from any other wagon defined in the project.clj. If all these fail for any dependency, build-deps will attempt to fetch via git, build, and install locally that dependency.

It does this by maintaining a directory full of git repos that are meant to be used only by this plugin. By default these repos are kept in .voom-repos in the user's home directory. This can be overridden by setting the environment variable VOOM_REPOS. When an artifact with a voom-version needs to be built, the sha is found from among the voom repos (fetching from the upstream git servers if necessary), and that sha is checked out. The plugin then scans the project.clj files in that git repo to find the one that builds the needed dependency, and then runs "lein voom install". Now with that dependency resolved, normal lein dep resolution is attempted again, repeating as necessary until all dependencies are resolved.

For now the most common way the process fails is when the required git repo isn't currently cloned in .voom-repos. Later we may provide a mechanism for automatic cloning, but for now users must manually clone the required git repo themselves.

voom freshen

One use case not yet addressed is when you are ready to use newer versions of your dependencies. You can, of course, do this manually by checking your git repos and constructing the appropriate voom-version string by hand, and editing your project.clj appropriately. This may even be the best approach when using official release versions of dependencies that don't change too often. But within a team that is actively developing multiple projects at once, getting the very latest from other team members should be encouraged for the overall health of the project. Thus it should be convenient and aspire to be fool proof. To this end, we provide voom freshen:

$ lein voom freshen

This will scan the dependencies declared in your project.clj finding ones that look like voom-versions, and replacing them with the latest that can be fetched via the voom-repos directory. The changes are written directly into your project.clj, ready for testing and eventually committing.

Because this changes a user-editable file, the plugin is very careful to make only the change needed, leaving all comments, formatting, etc. untouched. The plugin errs on the side of caution, refusing to make changes that might break the project.clj.

Once the project.clj is freshened, you'll want to build the git deps, test everything, fix your code as needed, and push your fixes and the updated project.clj together. This effectively generates a new version that other projects can reliably depend upon.

A note about voom freshen versions

lein voom freshen will find the newest available version for each voom versioned dependency in your project.clj dependencies. "Newest," it turns out, is a rather complex notion and the behavior of freshening may be surprising in some cases.

At the core of the freshen selection is the Maven notion of version sorting. Maven sorts versions according to these rules.

A key detail to note is that -SNAPSHOT is special and magical as a qualifier in Maven versions. It signifies that the version is "just prior" to the stated version and will sort as a leser version. For example, here are some versions shown from latest to earliest:

1.2.4-SNAPSHOT # Matches 1.2.3 versions but not 1.2.4

If you wish to constrain freshen, you can provide a Maven version constraint in the voom metadata, using the key :version-mvn.

The full voom freshen process follows this pattern:

  1. consider all version matching a particular project name
  2. constrain to a particular git repo, if specified
  3. constrain to a particular repo path, if specified
  4. constrain to a particular branch if specified
  5. constrain to a range of Maven versions, if specified
  6. identify max semantic version
  7. find most recent commits bearing max semantic version (given above constraints)

If there is a single commit found and it is not the commit currently being used by the voom dependency, freshen will write a rewrite the project file using the newer dependency. If there is more than one commit found at the last step, freshen will stop and present the options so the user can add the appropriate constraints to the voom metadata.

auto freshen

[Not yet implemented]



  • Without a CI system in place, publicly visible project.clj's may include deps that aren't available for download anywhere (may be partially mitigated by a plugin dep).

  • Using build-deps guarantees a particular artifact is built from the same sources, but not necessarily using the same tools or in the same environment. Therefore there may still be differences between artifacts built in different environments, even if they have identical version strings.

  • Long, strange-looking version numbers may confuse some users

  • Currently supports only git repos

If a project has identical changes on two legs that are then merged, the voom version for the project at or after the merge will arbitrarily choose the change on one of the legs. The newest-query (freshen and box add) will list both and must not include the merge. If the merge commit were included, an attempt to resolve that voom version would cause a build at the merge, generating an artifact with a sha from one of the legs, and the dependency would remain unresolved.

YourKit Profiler


YourKit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler, innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Tool for generating artifacts versioned on the most recent git commit sha and commit time.







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