The Java SDK of AfterShip API
- JDK 1.5 or superior.
- org.json .jar, you can download it from:
- Junit (only if you want to run the tests).
Get a list of supported couriers
//Create a connectionAPI with your API Key (you will link it to your account)
ConnectionAPI connection = new ConnectionAPI(“?????-6477-?????-93ec-86c4f872fb6b");
List<Courier> couriers = connection.getAllCouriers();
//Now we can get information of each element
//If we want to iterate in the list, we can do
for(int i=0;i<couriers.size();i++)
couriers.get(i).getSlug();//Get slug of each element
Get a list of the couriers in your account
//Create a connectionAPI with your API Key (you will link it to your account)
ConnectionAPI connection = new ConnectionAPI(“?????-6477-?????-93ec-86c4f872fb6b");
List<Courier> couriers = connection.getCouriers();
//Now we can get information of each element
//If we want to iterate in the list, we can do
for(int i=0;i<couriers.size();i++)
couriers.get(i).getSlug();//Get slug of each element
Detect which couriers defined in your account match a tracking number
List<Courier> couriers = connection.detectCouriers(“09445246482536”);
//Now in couriers we have the Couriers that match
Post a tracking to your account
//First we have to create a Tracking
Tracking tracking1 = new Tracking("05167019264110");
//Then we can add information;
tracking1.setTitle("this title");
tracking1.addEmails("[email protected]");
tracking1.addEmails("[email protected]");
//Even add customer fields
tracking1.addCustomFields(“product_name”,"iPhone Case");
//Finally we add the tracking to our account
Tracking trackingPosted = connection.postTracking(tracking1);
//In the response we will have exactly the information of the server
Delete a tracking of your account
//Return true if everything is correct, false or exception otherwise
Tracking trackingDelete = new Tracking("123456789");//tracking number
Get trackings of your account, there is two ways
//1- Simplest way, with the page you want to get
List<Tracking> listTrackings100 = connection.getTrackings(1);//get first 100
List<Tracking> listTrackings200 = connection.getTrackings(2);//get 100-200
//If you delete tracings right before, you may get less number.
//2- Using Parameters tracking
//Create a new Parameter
ParametersTracking param = new ParametersTracking();
//Add the information we want in the parameter
param.addSlug("dhl");//Add slug to our parameters
Date date = new Date();//Create a date with value of now
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.add(Calendar.MONTH,-1); //Substract a Month to the date
date = c.getTime();
param.setCreatedAtMin(date);//SetCreadtedMin to the date of one month ago
//Return the first page of trackings in your account from dhl and created less than a month ago.
List <Tracking> totalDHL =connection.getTrackings(param);
//if the get has several pages, you can either modify the page you want in your get with param.setPage(page), or
call getTrackingsNext(param1) instead, it automatically increase the page , example:
//Get trackings with destination Spain, total 23
ParametersTracking param1 = new ParametersTracking();
param1.setLimit(20);//set limit of the page to 20
List<Tracking> totalSpain =connection.getTrackings(param1);//we will receive the 20 first
List<Tracking> totalSpain2 =connection.getTrackingsNext(param1); //we will receive the next 3
int total = param1.getTotal(); // we will receive the total 23;
//Get trackings that are OutForDelivery
ParametersTracking param2 = new ParametersTracking();
int totalOutDelivery=connection.getTrackings(param2);
Export trackings of your account
// setup request
ParametersTrackingExport params = new ParametersTrackingExport();
params.setCursor("cursor-id"); // OPTIONAL. Pass in the previous response's cursor data to retrieve the next tracking batch
ExportTrackingResponse trackings = api.exportTrackings(params);
cursor - [OPTIONAL] - will return the next batch of trackings starting from this offset
See the API documentation for a complete list of parameters
Response Content(ExportTrackingResponse
- Pass the cursor returned in the previous response for retrieve next page. When the browsing reaches the end of the index, the returned cursor will be an empty string.
- list of trackings
Get a tracking from your account
Tracking trackingToGet = new Tracking("RC328021065CN");
Tracking tracking = connection.getTrackingByNumber(trackingToGet);
Modify a tracking from your account
//Create a tracking
Tracking tracking = new Tracking("RC328021065CN");
//Add the fields we want to modify
tracking.setTitle("another title");
//Returns a tracking with exactly the information of the server
Tracking tracking2 = connection.putTracking(tracking);
tracking2.getTitle();//Value “another title”
Retrack a tracking of your account
Tracking tracking = new Tracking("RT224265042HK");
//You can only retrack an expired tracking and only once
Get the last checkpoint of a tracking of your account
Tracking tracking = new Tracking("GM605112270084510370");
Checkpoint newCheckpoint = connection.getLastCheckpoint(tracking);
newCheckpoint.getCountryName()//"BUDERIM QLD, AU"
Be careful, all the operations that use tracking use the ID if it is informed
//Post a tracking in your account
Tracking tracking1 = new Tracking("05167019264110");
Tracking trackingPosted = connection.postTracking(tracking1);
trackingPosted.getId();// this is the ID of the tracking in the Aftership system
- Solving issue at, typo in
Copyright (c) 2015 Aftership
Licensed under the MIT license.