A game by Luke Ryktarsyk, Brandon Stevenson, Wesley Jackson, and Gabriela Mapa
Download the JAR from the "release" section on the github sidebar that is attached to the code and start playing! (you will need 17 jre to run)
If you clone the repository you will need JDK 17 to compile! Built using Gradle.
In your IDE, add a configuration using a java 17 SDK, set the classpath (-cp) to 'RowdyHacks2022.desktop.main,' and select 'mygdx.game.DesktopLauncher' as your main class.
DINO ART: https://arks.itch.io/dino-characters STAR (SONG): 8 bit universe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn6K8PLiKYk