The original goal of SPIRV-Hopper
is to feed SPIR-V binaries into the Validation Layers
python3 scripts/ --dir external --arch x64 --config release --generator Ninja
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja -C ../external/helper.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
cmake --build .
./spirv-hopper file.spv
# or
./spirv-hopper folder/with/files/
- Takes a SPIR-V file(s)
- Uses SPIRV-Reflect to get the basic interface information
- Creates everything needed to make a valid
- Descriptor Sets
- Passthrough shaders
This tool is designed to be simple, its main job is to help catch issues in Shader Validation by allowing us to run against MANY shaders quickly. Paired with a database of SPIR-V binaries from various SPIR-V generated tools (not just glslang
), we can catch bugs/crashes at a per-commit testing level
Being able to execute the shaders is outside the scope of SPIRV-Hopper
The idea behind SPIRV-Hopper
is not to have to worry about creating a "testing file". This tool only wants to worry about the SPIR-V binary.
This is also faster because we can create a single VkInstance
to run all the SPIR-V through
For getting things up and running, only single Entry Points are tested.
A future goal is to take each entry point and run each as there own "sub-run"
Currently SPIRV-Hopper
is single-threaded. It would be nice to look into making it run multi-threaded.
This is only designed to run with the MockICD and Profiles layers (using special profile designed for SPIRV-Hopper).