Worrisome Properties of Neural Network Controllers and Their Symbolic Representations by Jacek Cyranka, Kevin E M Church and Jean-Philippe Lessard
Codebase consists of two separate packages (Python and Julia).
Controllers training, sybolic/small-net regression and persistent solutions search is done in Python, whereas computer-assisted proofs are performed in Julia due to availability of convenient libraries, weights of controllers including neural networks are transferred through csv files.
Raw csv datafiles with controller data imported in the paper appendix are found in controllers_data/pendulum and controllers_data/cartpole_swingup directories corresponding to the respective controller class.
At present our implementation is limited to two simple benchmark problems implemented in environment/cartpole_swingup_modif.py and environment/pendulum.py. We required the problems to be defined in a closed form and reimplemented in Julia in order to perform the proofs. We are working on extending our method to more complicated problems including the MuJoCo suite standard benchmark.
Each directory corresponding to the studied controller class contains info on the studied controllers, the computed metrics reported in the paper (like average return & penalty).
- ReLU... contain data of the deepNN controller (e.g., controllers_data/pendulum/ReLU_256_256_256_simple2),
- SmallNet contain data of the distilled SmallNets (e.g., controllers_data/pendulum/SmallNet)
- The 'finetune' folders contain data with the finetuned controllers. (e.g., controllers_data/pendulum/Symbolic_finetune_CMA ...)
- persistent... folders contain the found persistent solutions and potential orbits listed as a hall-of-fames controllers_data/pendulum/Symbolic_persistent_CMA.
Requirements are :
- pytorch
- pysr
- pandas
- matplotlib
- gym
- sympy
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- sb3 (for RL training)
- sb3-zoo (for RL training)
The workflow to reproduce the results:
- Train a deep NN controller using the stable-baselines3 https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo;, and put the checkpoint in the working dir; We include the pretrained agents in the respective folders;
- run python/derive_symbolic.py script (the first argument is the dir with the trained sb3 checkpoint); it will output a hall-of-fame csv file with found symbolic controllers;
- Then the found symbolic controllers need to be defined as PyTorch parametrized functions and serialized in .pt file, see the example in python/pendulum_symbolic2.py; We include the serialized (pickle) pytorch symbolic controllers in the respective folders;
- To distill a small NN use python/smallNN_distill.py script (the first argument is the dir name with the trained sb3 checkpoint);
- For testing of the controllers contained in a hall-of-fame csv (like computing the average rewards for different discretizations) use python/pysr_controller_test_hof.py script ;
- Finally apply the fine-tuning script python/pendulum_cma.py and python/swingup_cma.py for the pendulum and cartpole-swingup problem respectively;
- The persistent solutions search is implemented in python/pendulum_transientsCMA.py and python/swingup_transientsCMA.py for the pendulum and cartpole-swingup problem respectively;
- ForwardDiff
- RadiiPolynomial
- DataFrames
Note that all dependencies are downloaded/installed on instantiation. Use Pkg to activate/instantiate the environment and package as follows...
import Pkg
Pkg.activate("path/to/julia/VerifySolutionsOrbits") # edit the path accordingly
using VerifySolutionsOrbits
- NOTE/HELP TO WINDOWS USERS, if julia is giving you errors when trying to copy and paste paths, see this post: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/windows-file-path-string-slash-direction-best-way-to-copy-paste/29204
Structure of the package:
- Pendulum.jl and CartPoleSwingup.jl : structs for pendulum and cartpole vector fields, penalty functions, and other pendulum/cartpole specific functions.
- controllers.jl : Landajuela controllers as well as "generic" controllers for pendulum and cartpole.
- integrator.jl : generic integrator. Uses steppers from Pendulum.jl/CartPoleSwingup.jl.
- network.jl : for contstructing neural network controllers.
- numerics.jl : Newton's method implementation, orbit finders.
- proofs.jl : Implements abstract theorems on computer-assisted proof. The function
is generic; all other functions are tailored to the structures of Pendulum.jl/CartPoleSwingup.jl. - batch.jl : Batch proof functions to reproduce tables from the appendices.
Usage Example 1: Loading the Large NN, finding and proving all periodic orbits in cartpole swingup model. This has been scripted for ease of reproduction.
- Run the following from the REPL:
julia> proof_cartpole_LargeNet(file,folder);
where file = suitably formatted (string) path to:...\julia\VerifySolutionsOrbits\orbits_400_300_ReLU_cartpole\relu_400_300_cartpole_swingup.jld2
where folder = suitably formatted (string) path to:...\controllers_data\cartpole_swingup\ReLU_400_300
Usage Example 2: Loading the Small NN, proving all persistent solutions and reconstructing the table (LaTeX code) from the paper, for cartpole swingup model.
Import weights and biases.
julia> W,B = load_tensors_zero_bias("SmallNet25_cma_swingup_final_model.pt_fc",path,2);
where path = suitably formatted (string) path to:...\controllers_data\cartpole_swingup\SmallNet
Convert weights and biases to BigFloat (4096 bits; required because of extreme wrapping effect).
julia> W,B = convert_weight_bias_bigfloat(W,B;precision=4096);
Pass the network to the batch proof function; where csv_path = suitably formatted (string) path to:
activations = ["ReLU","Tanh"];
scaling(x) = x;
solutions, penalty, escape, escape_flag, step_size = prove_transients_cartpole_NeuralNet(x->Network(x,W,B,activations,scaling),csv_path);
- Print the LaTeX table
julia> str = output_LaTeX_table_cartpole("Small NN", csv_path, solutions, penalty, escape_flag);
where csv_path = suitably formatted (string) path to:...\controllers_data\cartpole_swingup\transients_infiniteray_cma\SmallNet25_cma_swingup_final_model_transients_hof.csv julia> println(str)