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Description du chapitre :

Faire des tests lorsqu'on a des données spatialement ou temporellement dépendantes

#Données spatiales

#Données temporelles

Chapter: Ordinary Differential Equations and their application in Ecology

Author: Amélie Cocchiara, Anastasia Paupe, Clément Monaury, Laura Martinez Anton, Theo Laguillez

Hi everybody, Some guidelines for the proper use of Git.

What Git use?

  1. GitBash
  2. GitHub desktop (install VSCodium to manage your repertory)
  3. GitHub online

How to use Github?

  1. Make changes on your computer to the Chap_ODE.qmd file
  2. Push on YOUR BRANCH!
  3. Discuss changes with other author
  4. Add the end of the week, you can PUSH on the MASTER BRANCH!!! When you pull request, be careful to push on the MASTER branch and not in the teacher's branch.

If you want to recover the master branch then: git merge master

For commits:

  1. Choose a title for you commit
  2. In the comments describe what has been added

Outlines: Introduce objectifs of the chapter

I. Dynamics systems (definition)

II. Definition of ODE & first-order ODE & 1-equation system

III. 2-equations system

IV. 3-equations system

V. Order 2 and 3

  • quick definitions and lists of methods used

Conclusion & motivation words!

Good Luck!
