Deep learning course for HSE Master’s Programme "Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Systems" [videos]
All used materials from other cources has corresponding references.
Grading [grades]
Your Grade = round(0.3 * hw_1 + 0.3 * hw_2 + 0.3 * hw_3 + 0.1 * exam)
Also, some weeks contain additional homeworks with extra points
All homework assignments should be uploaded to Colab you just need to send me a link. It is also better to name the files like this:
"{surname}__hw_{number}.ipynb" or "{surname}__ehw_{week_number}.ipynb" (for extra homeworks).
The deadline for completing homework will be announced along with the homework.
Deadline for every extra homework is next seminar.
- Introduction to DL and backpropagation
- DL libraries
- Convolutional neural networks
- Modern architectures of convolutional neural networks
- Metric learning
- Autoencoders and generative models
- Introduction to text processing
- Recurrent neural networks, seq2seq tasks
- Attention mechanisms and transformers
- Basics of sound processing
- Recommendation systems
- Graph models
- Reinforcement Learning
- Additional deep Learning topics