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SteelSeries Sonar Python API

Streamer mode currently in development!


This Python package provides a convenient interface for interacting with the SteelSeries Sonar application API.
The Sonar application allows users to control and display volumes for various audio channels.


To use this package, follow these steps:

  1. Install the package using pip:

    pip install steelseries-sonar-py
  2. Import the Sonar class in your Python script or application:

    from steelseries_sonar_py import Sonar


Initializing the Sonar Object

The Sonar class accepts two optional parameters during initialization:
streamer_mode: Set to True to use streamer mode (default is False).
app_data_path: Specify a custom path for the SteelSeries Engine 3 coreProps.json file
(default is the default installation path: C:\\ProgramData\\SteelSeries\\SteelSeries Engine 3\\coreProps.json).

sonar = Sonar(app_data_path="C:\\path\\to\\coreProps.json")


sonar = Sonar(app_data_path="C:\\path\\to\\coreProps.json", streamer_mode=True)

Streamer Mode

The SteelSeries Sonar Python API supports streamer mode, which allows users to manage two separate sliders: streaming and monitoring. These sliders enable fine-tuned control over different audio channels.

To check if the streamer mode is enabled, use:

is_streaming = sonar.is_streamer_mode()
print("Is Streamer Mode:", is_streaming)

To enable or disable streamer mode, use:

# Enable streamer mode

# Disable streamer mode

Retrieving Volume Information

Retrieve information about the current volume settings for all channels:

volume_data = sonar.get_volume_data()

Setting Volume for a Channel

Set the volume for a specific channel. The channel parameter should be one of the following:
master, game, chatRender, media, aux, chatCapture. The volume parameter should be a float between 0 and 1.
Additionally, an optional streamer_slider parameter can be provided, with values "streaming" (default) or "monitoring":

channel = "master"
volume = 0.75
streamer_slider = "streaming"  # or "monitoring"

result = sonar.set_volume(channel, volume, streamer_slider=streamer_slider)

Muting/Unmuting a Channel

Toggle mute status for a specific channel. The channel parameter should be one of the following:
master, game, chatRender, media, aux, chatCapture. The muted parameter should be a boolean indicating whether to mute (True) or unmute (False) the channel.
Additionally, an optional streamer_slider parameter can be provided, with values "streaming" (default) or "monitoring":

channel = "game"
muted = True
streamer_slider = "monitoring"

result = sonar.mute_channel(channel, muted, streamer_slider=streamer_slider)


Retrieve chat-mix data:

chatmix_data = sonar.get_chat_mix_data()

Set chat-mix value between -1 and 1 to focus sound from the game or chatRender channel:

result = sonar.set_chat_mix(0.5)


The package introduces a set of exceptions that might be raised during usage.
It is advisable to handle these exceptions accordingly in your code.
You can import them from steelseries_sonar_py.exceptions. Here is the list of potential exceptions:

  • EnginePathNotFoundError: Raised when SteelSeries Engine 3 is not installed or not in the default location.
  • ServerNotAccessibleError: Raised when the SteelSeries server is not accessible. Provides the HTTP status code.
  • SonarNotEnabledError: Raised when SteelSeries Sonar is not enabled.
  • ServerNotReadyError: Raised when SteelSeries Sonar is not ready.
  • ServerNotRunningError: Raised when SteelSeries Sonar is not running.
  • WebServerAddressNotFoundError: Raised when the web server address is not found.
  • ChannelNotFoundError: Raised when the specified channel is not found.
  • InvalidVolumeError: Raised when an invalid volume value is provided.
  • InvalidMixVolumeError: Raised when an invalid mix volume value is provided.
  • SliderNotFoundError: Raised when an unknown slider name is provided as streamer_slider value.


Here is a complete example demonstrating the usage of the SteelSeries Sonar Python API:

from steelseries_sonar_py import Sonar
from steelseries_sonar_py.exceptions import EnginePathNotFoundError

# Initialize Sonar object
    sonar = Sonar(app_data_path="C:\\path\\to\\coreProps.json")
except EnginePathNotFoundError:
    print("Engine not found!")

# Retrieve volume data
volume_data = sonar.get_volume_data()
print("Volume Data:", volume_data)

# Set volume for the 'master' channel
channel = "master"
volume = 0.8
streamer_slider = "streaming"
result = sonar.set_volume(channel, volume, streamer_slider=streamer_slider)
print(f"Set volume for {channel}:", result)

# Mute the 'game' channel
channel = "game"
muted = True
streamer_slider = "monitoring"
result = sonar.mute_channel(channel, muted, streamer_slider=streamer_slider)
print(f"Mute {channel}:", result)

# Retrieve chat-mix data
chatmix_data = sonar.get_chat_mix_data()
print("Chatmix Data:", chatmix_data)

# Set chat-mix value
result = sonar.set_chat_mix(0.5)
print("Set Chatmix:", result)

Special Thanks

Thanks to all contributors who made this package possible - wex for figuring out the API, TotalPanther317 for understanding streamer mode and cookie for features like chat mix and streamer mode detection. Grateful for their efforts!

This documentation now reflects the latest changes and additions to the SteelSeries Sonar Python API.