Releases: MasterGroosha/telegram-xkcd-password-generator
Releases · MasterGroosha/telegram-xkcd-password-generator
v4.0: Re-written from scratch
Once again, this bot was re-written from scratch with various improvements:
- Better passwords generation due to XKCD-password-generator v1.19 update
- Localized inline mode
- Simplified presets, leaving only "weak", "normal" and "strong" options along with "custom"
- Much cleaner code, using another template
v4.0.1: Fixed bug with /generate
v4.0.2: Improvements to imports and type hints
Migration from TinyDB to Redis
The biggest achievement of this v3.0 release is migration from TinyDB to Redis. Not only TinyDB is not very good for multi-client applications like bots, but also Redis is natively supported by aiogram's finite state machine (FSM) mechanism.
Also reworked the number and features of different presets, made settings and config file simpler and easier to understand.
Regarding Docker builds, you can now place a custom Redis database, Redis config file and a custom wordlist.