A simple webring service / website template. Built with 11ty.
Put the criteria for joining your webring here.
To join this webring, you must include a link to the index as well as a pervious and next link on your site. These links must be accessible from your homepage at minimum, but the footer is the best place to put them.
You may use the code below, or some adaptation of it:
<p>Part of the <a href="https://example.com">example</a> webring.
<a href="https://example.com?a=prev&ref=YOUR_URL">Previous</a>
<a href="https://example.com?a=next&ref=YOUR_URL">Next</a>
Local development of this project requires npm.
Create a new repository using this as a template, or fork this repository. Clone and install project dependencies with npm install
To open the site locally, run npm run dev
. To build the website for production, run npm run build
, the site will be built in the "dist" folder.
To add, remove, or change the order of sites, edit _data/sites.json
. The structure should match the following:
"title": "Name",
"url": "https://example.com"
If you wish to add to this structure, you'll also need to edit src/sites.liquid