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dunor committed Aug 10, 2023
1 parent 6f7be13 commit 635b59c
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Showing 18 changed files with 293 additions and 147 deletions.
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ This repository has the `bootstrap` directory (which is the only meaningful dire
switch into the bootstrap directory and using stack tool to build the project by `stack build`.
Then you are free to try `stack run repl` command, which brings up an interpreter with following commands:

1. `:gen` : to show generated llvm ir code for expression
2. `:def` : to define global structures like a type declaration or value definition or FFI
3. `:load` : to load a source file and parse it, then print raw AST structure
4. `:mods` : to show modules available in scope. The names can be used for command `:showm`.
5. `:showm` : to show contents of a module.
6. it defaults to print out parsed AST of your typing
1. `:dump` : to show generated llvm ir code for expression.
2. `:def` : to define global structures like a type declaration or value definition or FFI.
3. `:load` : to load a source file and parse it, then print raw AST structure.
4. `:list` : list definitions available for current repl session after `:def` command.
5. `:list module` : to show modules available in scope. The names can be used for command `:showm`.
6. `:list source` : to print original source file names for modules.
7. `:source` : to print original source file content for a module.
8. `:showm` : to show contents of a module.
9. it defaults to print out parsed AST of your typing.

> You are guaranteed to get a successful running on the `main` branch.
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion bootstrap/
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@@ -1 +1,5 @@
# t-lang bootstrap compiler
# bootstrap compiler from GHC

Please see ./src/Compiler/ for design of compiler pipeline.

Documents are under construction.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
module Compiler.Backend.LLVM
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
module Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Definition
, globalFunction
, externFunction
, globalNamedType

, MonadLLVMBuilder
, Builder.MonadModuleBuilder
, Builder.MonadIRBuilder

Expand All @@ -22,6 +27,9 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.IR

-- | a shorthand for ModuleBuilder and IRBuilder
type MonadLLVMBuilder m = (Builder.MonadModuleBuilder m, Builder.MonadIRBuilder m)

globalDefine :: Builder.MonadModuleBuilder m => IR.Definition -> m ()
globalDefine def = Builder.liftModuleState $ modify \s ->
s { Builder.builderDefs = Builder.builderDefs s `snoc` def }
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions bootstrap/src/Compiler/Backend/LLVM/Runtime.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{- | a helper module which provides many common codegen pattern with
-- carefully designed environment.
module Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Runtime

import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Definition
import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.IR (ensureNamedBlock, ensureBlockEndWith)
import qualified LLVM.AST as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Type as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Typed as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as LLVM
import Data.String (IsString)

-- | make a main function as execution environment for generated code.
wrapMain :: (MonadLLVMBuilder m, IsString name) => ([(name, (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Operand))] -> m LLVM.Operand) -> m LLVM.Operand
wrapMain make = globalFunction "main" [(LLVM.i32, Just "argc"), (LLVM.ptr, Just "argv")] LLVM.i32 \case
[argc, argv] -> do
ensureNamedBlock "main.start" -- create start block
r <- make [("argc", (LLVM.i32, argc)), ("argv", (LLVM.ptr, argv))]
-- create ending block
LLVM.typeOf r >>= \case
Right (LLVM.IntegerType 32) -> ensureBlockEndWith (LLVM.Do $ LLVM.Ret (Just r) [])
_ -> ensureBlockEndWith . LLVM.Do $ LLVM.Ret (Just $ LLVM.ConstantOperand $ LLVM.Int 32 0) []
_ -> error "impossible when building wrapper for main function"
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions bootstrap/src/Compiler/NameChecking.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{- | name checking stage
-- this module provides functionality of converting raw surface module into
-- wellformed surface module, which can be used as inputs in the next compiler pipeline.
-- generally speaking, we will check validity of names in source code and rename them to
-- avoid name collision.
module Compiler.NameChecking
NamePrefix (..)

data NamePrefix
-- | variable in type level
= NameTypeVariable
-- | variable in term level, consumed
| NameTermVariable
-- | variable in pattern, introduced
| NameBindingVariable
87 changes: 66 additions & 21 deletions bootstrap/src/Compiler/SourceParsing.hs
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@@ -1,16 +1,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{- | source parsing stage
-- this module provides functionality of parsing and also some common
-- utilities for dealing with raw surface language.
module Compiler.SourceParsing

-- ** general utility

-- ** parsing modules
, loadModuleFromFile
, loadModuleFromText

-- ** parsing items from text
, getSurfaceExpr
, getSurfaceType
, mapSurfaceDecl

, getSurfaceDecl
, getSurfaceDecls
, getSurfaceDeclEof

-- ** querying item
, lookupSurfaceModule

-- ** re-export builtin parser
, driveParser -- ^ driver
Expand All @@ -20,32 +33,50 @@ module Compiler.SourceParsing

import Language.Core ( ModuleSurface, TypSurface, ExprSurface, DeclSurface, OperatorStore, builtinStore, fuseModuleName, Module (_moduleHeader))
import Compiler.Store ( HasCompilerStore, UseCompilerStore, stageSourceParsing, spSources, spFiles )
import Language.Core ( ModuleSurface, TypSurface, ExprSurface, DeclSurface, OperatorStore, builtinStore, fuseModuleName, Module (..), Name, moduleHeader, Decls (getDecls))
import Compiler.Store ( HasCompilerStore, UseCompilerStore, stageSourceParsing, spSources, spFiles, AccessCompilerStore )
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Driver.Parser (driveParser, surfaceDecl, surfaceType, surfaceExpr, surfaceModule)

import Language.Parser.Lexer ( reservedOp )
import Text.Megaparsec (eof, ParseErrorBundle, MonadParsec (lookAhead), sepBy1, (<|>))
import Text.Megaparsec (eof, ParseErrorBundle, MonadParsec (lookAhead))
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Functor ( ($>) )
import Control.Lens ( (<&>), (%~), (^.) )
import Control.Lens ( (<&>), (%~), _2, (^..), (^.) )
import Capability.State ( modify, gets )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import Capability.Reader (asks)

-- ** general methods for surface module

-- | show basic information of a module
prettyShowSurfaceModule :: ModuleSurface -> String
prettyShowSurfaceModule (Module header impts decls) = intercalate "\n" (headerDoc <> imptsDoc <> declsDoc)
headerDoc = [show $ fuseModuleName header <> " :"]
imptsDoc = "imports:":"":(impts <&> show)
declsDoc = "definitions:":"":(getDecls decls <&> show)

-- ** actions for source file

:: (HasCompilerStore m, MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m ModuleSurface
loadModuleFromFile path = liftIO (Text.readFile path) >>= loadModuleFromText path
{-# INLINE loadModuleFromFile #-}

-- | TOOD: consider outdated files
-- | load a module from a source file.
-- It updates compiler store.
-- TOOD: consider outdated files
:: (HasCompilerStore m, MonadFail m) => String -> Text -> m ModuleSurface
loadModuleFromText path content = do
sources <- gets @UseCompilerStore (^. (stageSourceParsing . spSources))
(m'either, _) <- driveParser builtinStore (surfaceModule (snd <$> sources) (reservedOp ";;" $> ()) eof) path content
sources <- gets @UseCompilerStore (^.. (stageSourceParsing . spSources . traverse . _2))
(m'either, _) <- driveParser builtinStore (surfaceModule sources (reservedOp ";;" $> ()) eof) path content
m <- case m'either of
Right m -> return m
Left _ -> fail "" -- TOOD: complete error message
Expand All @@ -67,18 +98,32 @@ getSurfaceType ops prompt content =
driveParser ops (surfaceType eof) prompt content
<&> fst

-- | declaration may modify operator environment.
-- | consume input till `end` and parse declaration.
getSurfaceDecl :: Monad m
=> OperatorStore -> String -> Text
-> m ( Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) DeclSurface
, OperatorStore
getSurfaceDecl ops = driveParser ops (surfaceDecl eof)
=> OperatorStore -> (forall e f. MonadParsec e Text f => f ()) -> String -> Text
-> m (Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) DeclSurface, OperatorStore)
getSurfaceDecl ops end = driveParser ops (surfaceDecl (lookAhead end) <* end)

-- | map surfaceDecl parser to something else. It is recommended to use parser combinator
-- to get reasonable results.
mapSurfaceDecl :: Monad m
=> OperatorStore
-> (forall e f. MonadParsec e Text f => f ())
-> (forall e f. MonadParsec e Text f => f DeclSurface -> f res)
-> String -> Text
-> m (Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) res, OperatorStore)
mapSurfaceDecl ops end f = driveParser ops (f $ surfaceDecl (lookAhead end) <* end)

getSurfaceDecls :: Monad m
-- | comsume whole inputs to parse declaration and abandon modified operator store.
getSurfaceDeclEof :: Monad m
=> OperatorStore -> String -> Text
-> m ( Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) [DeclSurface]
, OperatorStore
getSurfaceDecls ops = driveParser ops
$ surfaceDecl (lookAhead $ reservedOp ";;" $> () <|> eof) `sepBy1` reservedOp ";;"
-> m (Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) DeclSurface)
getSurfaceDeclEof ops prompt content = driveParser ops (surfaceDecl eof) prompt content <&> fst

-- ** methods available for store

-- | lookup module with its canonical name
lookupSurfaceModule :: AccessCompilerStore m => Name -> m (Maybe ModuleSurface)
lookupSurfaceModule name =
asks @UseCompilerStore (^. (stageSourceParsing . spSources))
<&> lookup name . (traverse %~ \(_, m) -> (fuseModuleName (m ^. moduleHeader), m))
26 changes: 25 additions & 1 deletion bootstrap/src/Driver/Compiler/CodeGen/LLVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Driver.Compiler.CodeGen.LLVM
, runBasicBlock
, runDefinition
, runModule
, runWithDefaultMain
, withEntry
, withEntryTop

Expand All @@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ import LLVM.IRBuilder.Module (ModuleBuilderT (..), MonadModuleBuilder, runModule
import LLVM.IRBuilder.Monad (IRBuilderT (..), runIRBuilderT, MonadIRBuilder, IRBuilderState, emptyIRBuilder)

import Capability.Accessors
import Capability.Reader (HasReader, MonadReader (..))
import Capability.Reader (HasReader, MonadReader (..), local)
import Capability.State (HasState, MonadState (..))
import Capability.Sink (HasSink)
import Capability.Source (HasSource)
Expand All @@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Runtime (wrapMain)

data CodeGenData m name = CodeGenData
{ localval :: [(name, (LLVM.Type, Operand))]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,6 +130,12 @@ runModule name stat m = buildModuleT name (runBasicBlock stat m)
liftLLVM :: Monad m => LLVM m a -> CodeGenT m name a
liftLLVM = CodeGenT . lift . lift

runWithDefaultMain :: (IsString name, Monad m) =>
ShortByteString -> CodeGenT m name Operand -> m LLVM.Module
runWithDefaultMain name m =
runModule name emptyIRBuilder . runCodeGen emptyState emptyData $
wrapMain \names -> local @"local" (<> names) m

withEntry :: (IsString name, Monad m) => CodeGenT m name Operand -> LLVM m Operand
withEntry m = do
LLVM . IRBuilderT . lift
Expand All @@ -144,5 +152,21 @@ withEntry m = do
void $ runLLVM (runCodeGen emptyState preData (start >> m >>= end))
_ -> error "impossible in Driver.CodeGen"

-- withEntry :: (IsString name, Monad m) => CodeGenT m name Operand -> LLVM m Operand
-- withEntry m = do
-- LLVM . IRBuilderT . lift
-- $ LLVM.function "main" [(LLVM.i32, LLVM.ParameterName "argc"), (LLVM.ptr, LLVM.ParameterName "argv")] LLVM.i32
-- \case
-- [argc, argv] -> do
-- let start = LLVM.fresh `LLVM.named` "start" >>= LLVM.emitBlockStart
-- end a = do
-- v <- LLVM.typeOf a
-- case v of
-- Right (LLVM.IntegerType _) -> LLVM.ret a
-- _ -> LLVM.ret (LLVMC.int32 0)
-- preData = emptyData { localval = [("argc", (LLVM.i32, argc)), ("argv", (LLVM.ptr, argv))]}
-- void $ runLLVM (runCodeGen emptyState preData (start >> m >>= end))
-- _ -> error "impossible in Driver.CodeGen"

withEntryTop :: (Monad m, IsString name1) => CodeGenT m name1 Operand -> CodeGenT m name2 Operand
withEntryTop m = liftLLVM (withEntry m)
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions bootstrap/src/Driver/Inference.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ module Driver.Inference

-- import Tlang.Inference.Kind (NormalKind)
import Language.Core (type (@:) (..), Kind (..))

-- defaultEnv :: [NormalKind :@ Symbol]
defaultEnv :: a
defaultEnv = undefined
-- [ Op "->" :@ (KindType ::> KindType ::> KindType)
-- , Symbol "maybe" :@ (KindType ::> KindType)
Expand Down
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion bootstrap/src/Driver/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Driver.Parser

-- ** core driver
, driveParser
, driveParserFail

-- *** available parser for core driver
, surfaceDecl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)

import Text.Megaparsec (MonadParsec, ParseErrorBundle, ParsecT, runParserT, lookAhead)
import Text.Megaparsec (MonadParsec, ParseErrorBundle, ParsecT, runParserT, lookAhead, errorBundlePretty, ShowErrorComponent)
import Text.Megaparsec.Debug (MonadParsecDbg)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +82,21 @@ driveParser store parser prompt text =
TermOperator t -> ([t], [])
in runStateT (runReaderT (runParserT (runParserMonad parser) prompt text) openv) store

-- | allow automatic failing for parser
driveParserFail :: (MonadFail m, ShowErrorComponent e)
=> OperatorStore
-> ParserMonad e m a
-> String -> Text
-> m (a, OperatorStore)
driveParserFail store parser prompt text = do
let openv = mconcat $ store <&> \case
TypeOperator t -> ([], [t])
TermOperator t -> ([t], [])
(res'either , s) <- runStateT (runReaderT (runParserT (runParserMonad parser) prompt text) openv) store
case res'either of
Right a -> return (a, s)
Left e -> fail $ errorBundlePretty e

-- | declaration
type DeclLang e m pExpr pType expr typ = WithDecl e m
( Layer "define" (pType :- pExpr) (typ :- expr)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bootstrap/src/Driver/Unification.hs
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
{- | ** unification driver code
module Driver.Unification
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