Slender Fortress Modified
released this
07 Jan 03:50
126 commits
to master
since this release
- Upgraded the grace period states to be easier to use
- func_nav_prefer can now be used properly again
- mp_scrambleteams_auto is always set to false now
- All trigger_teleport brushes that have the client flag but don't have the NPC flag or the collide everything but debris flag will get the NPC flag
- Added the optional CVar sf2_kill_feed_players allowing the game to use BLU players or other players over SourceTV for the killfeed (Created by Batfoxkid)
- Projectiles reflected in PvP will no longer be deleted upon exiting the PvP brush
- Fixed a bug where bosses won't trigger all trigger brushes when they should trigger them
- Bosses can now phase through deathcam players
- Set the boss' entity health to the 32-bit integer value minus 1 (2147483646)
- Bosses spawned in endless chasing or RAID will no longer have the no teleport flag put on them
- Updated the unstuck code where it gets a available area in a smaller radius
- Updated the jump code to match CBaseNPC's default jump code