A very simple Unity project for learning fundamental concepts in game creation.
- Go to Latest Release,
- Download the Cubith_b*.7z file uner "Assets"
- Extract and open Cubith.exe to play
- A and D to go Left and Right.
- Space to jump.
- (soon) Shift to slow down the cube.
- Clone repo.
- Open with Unity 2022.3.16f1.
- File > Build Settings > "Build" button
- Pause Menu (preferably with blur effect as background)
- Death Screen (that either shows for a bit before restart or with a Restart button)
- MUSIC (& sounds effects)
- Faster Cube (in higher levels)
- Colorful Background
- Random levels (either with tiles or locations with random placement)
- Particle effects behind the cube, when jumping and landing
- More Obstacles (with more variety)
- More Pits to utilize the Wall Run ability more
- Credits screen for all my resources
- Material optimization
- Back to Menu button on the End screen exits the game instead of going to the main menu
- Air control is very slow