Docker images for our production and development servers. Notably, we use Keepup to manage plugin versions and Ansible to help with our server configs.
A PaperMC image based on itzg/minecraft-server. See our wiki for a Docker Compose file and more info for setting up locally.
- Pulls ansible playbook from server config repo and runs it
- Runs keepup based on the plugin versions in server config, with override options
- Uses
as the keepup path
- Uses
server data/server-config
storage for server config repo
Default values specified below:
KEEPUP: true # Runs keepup if set to 'enabled'
KEEPUP_ALLOW_OVERRIDES: true # Allow overriding plugin versions defined in server-config
ANSIBLE: true # Tries to run ansible if set to 'enabled
ANSIBLE_PULL: true # Pulls and runs server-config ansible playbook if set to 'enabled', otherwise tries to run local playbook
ANSIBLE_PULL_BRANCH: master # server-config branch to pull from
SERVER_NAME: dev # Name of this server, used in server-config playbook
UPDATE_DATA_OWNER: false # whether to update the owner of /data to UID:GID
Same as papermc
image, but based on itzg/bungeecord