A decentralized house listing service to prevent title issues that could be mitigated by blockchain technology.
truffle: Truffle v5.0.24
truffle-compiler: 0.5.1+commit.c8a2cb62.Emscripten.clang
Note: SolnSquareVerifier inherits all other contracts except verifier.sol
Completed contract that inherits the ERC721 token backed through zkSnarks that enhances privacy and scalability.
Implements Succinct Zero-knowledge proofs (zkSnarks).
cd into project repro & install modules
cd Blockchain-Capstone-Real-Estate-Marketplace npm install
Compile Contracts
truffle compile
Start ganache (CLI or GUI)
Mirgrate locally
truffle migrate --network development --reset
Testing ERC721
File: TestERC721Mintable.js
Test minting functionality of tokens and transfer of tokens.
truffle test ./test/TestERC721Mintable.js
Test zkSnarks
File: TestSquareVerifier.js
Verifies zkSnarks is successfully implemented.
truffle test ./test/TestSquareVerifier.js
Testing ERC721 token with zkSnarks
File: TestSolnSquareVerifier.js
Test minting with zkSnarks.
truffle test ./test/TestSolnSquareVerifier.js
Make a new project with Infura
Infura: https://infura.io
Setup truffle-config
2.1 set infuraKey (line 22)
2.2 set mnemonic from metamask within HDWalletProvider (line 53)
2.3 set rinkeby endpoint within HDWalletProvider (line 53)
2.4 set from address (line 57)
Migrate to rinkeby
truffle migrate --network rinkeby
Finding ER721 token on ether-scan
- Minting tokens
- Finding tokes on rinkeby OpenSea
- Viewing token Storefront on Opensea
https://rinkeby.opensea.io/assets/0x9bb4b411b7ccf04fcfc04a17179db3aa45f6b55d/0 https://rinkeby.opensea.io/assets/0x9bb4b411b7ccf04fcfc04a17179db3aa45f6b55d/1 https://rinkeby.opensea.io/assets/0x9bb4b411b7ccf04fcfc04a17179db3aa45f6b55d/2 https://rinkeby.opensea.io/assets/0x9bb4b411b7ccf04fcfc04a17179db3aa45f6b55d/3 https://rinkeby.opensea.io/assets/0x9bb4b411b7ccf04fcfc04a17179db3aa45f6b55d/4 https://rinkeby.opensea.io/assets/0x9bb4b411b7ccf04fcfc04a17179db3aa45f6b55d/5