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vue3-notifier is a powerful notification plugin with a very easy to use interface and high customizability as we gonna discuss in the rest of documentation.


# Using yarn
yarn add vue3-notifier

# Using npm
npm i vue3-notifier --save


// main.ts
import 'vue3-notifier/style.css';

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { useNotifierPlugin } from 'vue3-notifier';

import App from './App.vue';


// App.vue
import { useNotifier } from 'vue3-notifier';

const notifier = useNotifier();


Example are add in docs/ Find More!

API Documentation

Note: All props are optionals as the plugin provide a default value for every prop so that you only need to pass as minial config as possible.


Prop type default Description
id String "default" id is used while initializing useNotifierPlugin which provide a unique key to allow using plugin more than once.
timeout number 3_000 A number in ms that indicates the time before the notifiction gets destroied.
persistent boolean false Indicates that notification shouldn't be automatically destroied.
newOnTop boolean false Indicates new notifications should be on top or not.
maxNotifictions number 3 Max allowed number of notifictions to be shown at once on screen.
component NotifierComponent DefaultNotifier.vue A vue component which will be rendered as a notifiction.
props Record<string, any> {} Extra props to be passed to notification component.
plugins Plugin[] [] A set of plugins which injected to notifier app.
showProgressBar boolean false Toggle visability; true -> visible, false -> hidden.
closable boolean true Toggle visability of close button.
pauseOnHover boolean true Toggle pausing time when user hover over notification; this is extremly useful to improve ux.
position 'top' | 'top center' | 'top left' | 'top right' | 'bottom' | 'bottom center' | 'bottom left' | 'bottom right' | 'center' | 'center center' "bottom right" Indicates position of notifications container.
closeButton NotifierComponent DefaultCloseBtn.vue A vue component that will be used as a close button.
showCloseButtonOnHover boolean false If true then close button will be hidden untill the user hover over notification.
debug boolean false Enables some logs for debugging (recommended to be enabled in development import.meta.env.DEV || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development').
silent boolean false Avoid throwing error while initializing if something went wrong.
logger Partial<NotifierLogger> logger Logger which will be used in debug mode.
containerOffset number 20 Offset between container holding notifications and the edges of the screen (in px).
containerWidth number 350 Notifications' container width (in px).
containerClassList string[] [] Classlist will be appended to notifications' container.
containerStyles StyleValue {} Styles will be added to notifications' container.
notificationOffset number 20 Gap between each notification.
notificationClassList string[] [] ClassList will be appended to each notification.
notificationStyles StyleValue {} Styles will be added to each notification.
hideAllButton NotifierComponent HideAllBtn.vue Append a button which hide all notfications.
showHideAllButton boolean true Toggle visability of hide all button.


Note: The following props are exactly the same as above so we won't mention them in NotifierOptions api.

timeout, persistent, component, props, showProgressBar, closable, pauseOnHover, closeButton, showCloseButtonOnHover, notificationClassList, notificationStyles.

prop type default description
title string "" Title to show on notifiction supports html.
description string "" Text to be render in notifiction supports html.
showIcon boolean true Toggle icon visability; true -> show icon, false -> hide icon.
icon NotifierComponent DefaultIcon.vue A vue to be used as notificaiton's icon.
type 'default' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'success' | 'error' "default" type of the notification.


method params returns description
updatePluginOptions (options?: NotifierPluginOptions) void Allow to update plugin options after initializing; Note: not all options can be updates as they require reinitializing the plugin (e.g: plugins).
notify (options?: NotifierOptions) Required<NotifierOptions & NotifierExtraOptions> Open a new notification with the specified options.
destroy (id: number) boolean Destroy notification using it's id.
destroyAll () void Destroy all notifications in that specific app.

Props Helpers

method propName type description
makePluginOptionsProps pluginOptions Required<NotifierPluginOptions> Defines prop for plugin global options.
makeNotifierServiceProps notifierService NotifierService Desfines prop for notifier service.
makeNotificationProps notification Required<NotifierOptions & NotifierExtraOptions> Defines prop for notification.

Note: makeNotifierProps is a combine of the 3 above methods.


method params return description
useNotifierPlugin (options?: NotifierPluginOptions) Plugin Creates a new notifier app with specific id.
useNotifier (id: string = 'default') NotifierService Get the service of the notifier app with that specific id.


hook params return description
useDestroyTimer (options: Required<NotifierOptions & NotifierExtraOptions>,globalOptions: Required<NotifierPluginOptions>,onFinish: () => void) ComputedRef<{value: number;pauseTimeout: () => void;resumeTimeout: () => void }> A helper hook to count down for timeout of destroying a notification also providing pause/resume method to allow stop/continue of timeout.


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