Bash scripts to do your banking with Sbanken (norwegian bank) through their official APIs.
- Go to sbanken and opt in for their beta bank in your settings
- Login to the api at
- Get your API key and app password
- Make ~/sbanken_auth with the following variables:
- clientId which is URL-encoded API-key
- secret which is the (URL-encoded) password you create in the developer portal
- userId which is your "personnummer"
- You can URL-encode a string with the following command: printf %s 'STRING TO BE ENCODED' | jq -sRr @uri
- Make ~/ with the list of your abbreviations translated to accountID (can be listed with Example of a line in the mapping-file: s:B6RYyDFJ57828KDUSEE0B3D39C1EDD5364