- Node.js ^11.14.0
- NPM ^6.7.0
- Vue 2.6.10
- Vue-loader 15.7.0
- Vue-template-compiler 2.6.10
- Vue-style-loader 4.1.2
- Css-loader 3.0.0
- File-loader 3.0.1
- Vue-router 3.0.6
- Vuex 3.1.0
- Eslint 5.16.0
- Vue-eslint-parser 6.0.3
- Eslint-config-airbnb-base
- Eslint-config-prettier
- Eslint-friendly-formatter
- Eslint-plugin-vue 5.2.2
- Babel-loader 8.0.5
- Babel-eslint 10.0.1
- @babel/core 7.4.3
- @babel/preset-env 7.4.3
- Pug 2.0.3
- Pug-plain-loader 1.0.0
- PostCSS
- Postcss-import 12.0.1
- Postcss-nested 4.1.2
- Postcss-media-minmax 4.0.0
- Autoprefixer 9.5.1
- Webpack 4.30.0
- Webpack-cli 3.3.0
- Webpack-dev-server 3.3.1
# clone repository
git clone path/to/repository
# install Node.js ^11.14.0
install on your PC (npm comes with node.js automatically)
# install dependencies in the root a project
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# more info to run project
# more info for project dependencies
package.json(dependencies, devDependencies)
# more info on building the project
# other info
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.
- install Node.js ^11.14.0
- run npm i in root frontend directory for build web application
- deploying files index.html, favicon.svg, manifest.json and directory dist with all content