Length: meters Angle: radians
from amber_api.amber_robot import Amber_Robot
# Set ip address
IP_ADDR = ""
# Set port
PORT = 26001
# Set joint count
joint_count = 7
arm = Amber_Robot(IP_ADDR, PORT, joint_count=joint_count)
During initialization, you need to provide the IP address, port number and number of joints of the robotic arm to be connected.
The robotic arm enters inactive mode when initially powered on. It needs to enter active mode and then switch to position mode. The robotic arm will consider the current position preliminary and try to maintain the current position.
graph LR;
A[Inactive Mode]-->B[Active Mode]
B-->C[Position Mode]
When dragging and teaching, when switching from position mode to current mode, you must go through Active Mode (current version)
graph LR;
A[Position Mode]-->B[Active Mode]
B-->C[Current Mode]
You also need to go through Active Mode when switching in reverse.
graph LR;
A[Current Mode]-->B[Active Mode]
B-->C[Position Mode]
The supported modes are shown in the table below
Mode | inactive | Active | Position | Speed | Current |
Code | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
❗ When switching between modes, please ensure that the robot arm is in the zero position (or the initial position)
When switching modes, the robot arm will instantly cut off power for a moment. If it is not at the zero position, it may easily cause personal injury or property damage.
It will entering active mode and then entering position mode.
Using this function no longer requires manually enter active mode anymore
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
It will entering active mode and then entering current mode.
Using this function no longer requires manually enter active mode anymore
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
Query the mode of each joint
list = arm.get_mode()
Return value
List, Contains 7 codes, explanation is shown in the table above
Query the current status of the robotic arm. Currently, two lists are returned
- The arc of rotation of each joint.
- Cartesian coordinates of the end relative to the base of the robotic arm.
j_pos, c_pos = arm.get_status()
Return value
2 Lists, see above
Rotate each joint
arm.move_j(target, duration)
- target: List containing seven values. Represents the target angle (radians) of each joint
- If on a six-axis system, fill in the seventh value with 0
- duration: The time it is expected to take for the robot arm to rotate. If it is set too short, it will not exceed the physical limit of the robot arm.
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
Move the end to the specified Cartesian coordinates
arm.move_c(target, duration)
- target: List containing six values. Represents the target Cartesian coordinates([X, Y, Z, Roll,Pitch,Yaw]) of End Effector
- duration: The time it is expected to take for the robot arm to rotate. If it is set too short, it will not exceed the physical limit of the robot arm.
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
Provides a faster way to move the robotic arm to the zero position
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
Blocks until joint rotation reaches accuracy requirements or times out
arm.wait_for_joint(target, timeout, accuracy)
- target: List containing seven values. Represents the target angle (radians) of each joint
- timeout (Optional): Set blocking timeout, The default value is 10
- accuracy (Optional): Sets the precision to which returns must be made
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
Blocks until joint rotation reaches accuracy requirements or times out
arm.wait_for_cartesian(target, timeout, accuracy)
- target: List containing six values. Represents the target Cartesian coordinates([X, Y, Z, Roll,Pitch,Yaw]) of End Effector
- timeout (Optional): Set blocking timeout, The default value is 10
- accuracy (Optional): list[6]Sets the precision to which returns must be made: Cartesian coordinates([X, Y, Z, Roll,Pitch,Yaw])
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
The gripper needs to be recalibrated after each power down and power up.
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
Control V1/G1 force controlled gripper
- action: 0 means to Release,1 means to Hold.
- force: the Intensity of holding(range: 1~300);default 10.
Return value
Boolean, True=success, False=failure
Allows further setting of joint upper limits.
The following example sets the upper limit of each joint to 0.5 radians
arm.joint_upper_limit = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,0.5]
Allows further setting of joint lower limits.
The following example sets the lower limit of each joint to 0.5 radians
arm.joint_lower_limit = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,0.5]