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Implementation of the Lossless Compression Algorithm Move to Front Transform in C as part of an Operating Systems course assignment

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In this assignment, you will write a command line utility (called mtft, for Move to Front Transform) to perform compression of a data stream by applying the "move-to-front transform", followed by Fibonacci coding. The goal of this homework is to familiarize yourself with C programming, with a focus on input/output, bitwise manipulations, and the use of pointers.

For all assignments in this course, you MUST NOT put any of the functions that you write into the main.c file. The file main.c MUST ONLY contain #includes, local #defines and the main function (you may of course modify the main function body). The reason for this restriction has to do with our use of the Criterion library to test your code. Beyond this, you may have as many or as few additional .c files in the src directory as you wish. Also, you may declare as many or as few headers as you wish. Note, however, that header and .c files distributed with the assignment base code often contain a comment at the beginning which states that they are not to be modified. PLEASE take note of these comments and do not modify any such files, as they will be replaced by the original versions during grading.

😱 Array indexing ('A[]') is not allowed in this assignment. You MUST USE pointer arithmetic instead. All necessary arrays are declared in the mtft.h header file. You MUST USE these arrays. DO NOT create your own arrays. We WILL check for this.

:nerd: Reference for pointers:

Getting Started

Fetch base code for hw1 as described in hw0. You can find it at this link: IMPORTANT: 'FETCH', DO NOT 'CLONE'.

Both repos will probably have a file named .gitlab-ci.yml with different contents. Simply merging these files will cause a merge conflict. To avoid this, we will merge the repos using a flag so that the .gitlab-ci.yml found in the hw1 repo will replace the hw0 version. To merge, use this command:

git merge -m "Merging HW1_CODE" HW1_CODE/master --strategy-option=theirs

😱 Based on past experience, many students will either ignore the above command or forget to use it. The result will be a merge conflict, which will be reported by git. Once a merge conflict has been reported, it is essential to correct it before committing (or to abort the merge without committing -- use git merge --abort and go back and try again), because git will have inserted markers into the files involved indicating the locations of the conflicts, and if you ignore this and commit anyway, you will end up with corrupted files. You should consider it important to read up at an early stage on merge conflicts with git and how to resolve them properly.

Here is the structure of the base code:

├── .gitlab-ci.yml
└── hw1
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── hw1.sublime-project
    ├── include
    │   ├── debug.h
    │   └── mtft.h
    ├── Makefile
    ├── rsrc
    │   ├── banana.out
    │   ├── banana.txt
    │   ├── bison
    │   ├── bison.out
    │   ├── gettysburg.out
    │   └── gettysburg.txt
    ├── src
    │   ├── main.c
    │   └── mtft.c
    ├── test_output
    │   └── .git_keep
    └── tests
        └── basecode_tests.c
  • The .gitlab-ci.yml file is a file that specifies "continuous integration" testing to be performed by the GitLab server each time you push a commit. Usually it will be configured to check that your code builds and runs, and that any provided unit tests are passed. You are free to change this file if you like.

😱 The CI testing is for your own information; it does not directly have anything to do with assignment grading or whether your commit has been properly pushed to the server. If some part of the testing fails, you will see the somewhat misleading message "commit failed" on the GitLab web interface. This does not mean that "your attempt to commit has failed" or that "your commit didn't get pushed to the server"; the very fact that the testing was triggered at all means that you successfully pushed a commit. Rather, it means that "the CI tests performed on a commit that you pushed did not succeed". The purpose of the tests are to alert you to possible problems with your code; if you see that testing has failed it is worth investigating why that has happened. However, the tests can sometimes fail for reasons that are not your fault; for example, the entire CI "runner" system may fail if someone submits code that fills up the system disk. You should definitely try to understand why the tests have failed if they do, but it is not necessary to be overly obsessive about them.

  • The hw1.sublime-project file is a "project file" for use by the Sublime Text editor. It is included to try to help Sublime understand the organization of the project so that it can properly identify errors as you edit your code.

  • The Makefile is a configuration file for the make build utility, which is what you should use to compile your code. In brief, make or make all will compile anything that needs to be, make debug does the same except that it compiles the code with options suitable for debugging, and make clean removes files that resulted from a previous compilation. These "targets" can be combined; for example, you would use make clean debug to ensure a complete clean and rebuild of everything for debugging.

  • The include directory contains C header files (with extension .h) that are used by the code. Note that these files often contain DO NOT MODIFY instructions at the beginning. You should observe these notices carefully where they appear.

  • The src directory contains C source files (with extension .c).

  • The tests directory contains C source code (and sometimes headers and other files) that are used by the Criterion tests.

  • The rsrc directory contains some samples of data files that you can use for testing purposes.

  • The test_output directory is a scratch directory where the Criterion tests can put output files. You should not commit any files in this directory to your git repository.

A Note about Program Output

What a program does and does not print is VERY important. In the UNIX world stringing together programs with piping and scripting is commonplace. Although combining programs in this way is extremely powerful, it means that each program must not print extraneous output. For example, you would expect ls to output a list of files in a directory and nothing else. Similarly, your program must follow the specifications for normal operation. One part of our grading of this assignment will be to check whether your program produces EXACTLY the specified output. If your program produces output that deviates from the specifications, even in a minor way, or if it produces extraneous output that was not part of the specifications, it will adversely impact your grade in a significant way, so pay close attention.

Use the debug macro debug (described in the 320 reference document in the Piazza resources section) for any other program output or messages you many need while coding (e.g. debugging output).

Part 1: Program Operation and Argument Validation

In this part of the assignment, you will write a function to validate the arguments passed to your program via the command line. Your program will treat arguments as follows:

  • If no flags are provided, you will display the usage and return with an EXIT_FAILURE return code.

  • If the -h flag is provided, you will display the usage for the program and exit with an EXIT_SUCCESS return code.

  • If the -e flag is provided, then the program will read uncompressed data from standard input (stdin) and emit compressed data to standard output (stdout)

  • If the -d flag is provided, then the program will read compressed data from standard input (stdin) and emit uncompressed data to standard output (stdout).

  • If the -b flag is provided, it will be followed by a numeric token that specifies the number of bytes of uncompressed data that comprise a single "symbol" (This is explained further below.) The possible values are 1 or 2. Normal integer format (including possible leading zeroes) is to be accepted.

In all cases, the program reads data from stdin and writes transformed data to stdout. Any other printout, such as diagnostic messages produced by the program, are written to stderr. If the program runs without error, then it will exit with the EXIT_SUCCESS status code; if any error occurs during the execution of the program, then it will exit with the EXIT_FAILURE status code.

:nerd: EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE are macros defined in <stdlib.h> which represent success and failure return codes respectively.

:nerd: stdin, stdout, and stderr are special I/O "streams", defined in <stdio.h>, which are automatically opened at the start of execution for all programs, do not need to be reopened, and (almost always) should not be closed.

The usage scenarios for this program are described by the following message, which is printed by the program when it is invoked without any arguments:

USAGE: bin/mtft [-h] [-e|-d] [-b BYTES]
   -h       Help: displays this help menu.
   -e       Read uncompressed data from stdin and write compressed data to stdout.
   -d       Read compressed data from stdin and write uncompressed data to stdout.
   -b       Interpret BYTES (1 or 2) bytes of uncompressed data as a single
            input "symbol" (default is 1).

The square brackets indicate that the enclosed argument is optional. The -e|-d means that one of -e or -d may be specified. The -b BYTES means that if -b is present, then it is immediately followed by a parameter BYTES.

A valid invocation of the program implies that the following hold about the command-line arguments:

  • All "positional arguments" (-h, -e, or -d) come before any optional arguments (-b). The optional arguments may come in any order after the positional ones.

  • If the -h flag is provided, it is the first positional argument after the program name and any other arguments that follow are ignored.

  • If the -h flag is not specified, then exactly one of -e or -d must be specified.

  • If an option requires a parameter, the corresponding parameter must be provided (e.g. -b must always be followed by a BYTES specification).

    • If -b is given, the BYTES argument must be an integer literal whose value is either 1 or 2.

For example, the following are a subset of the possible valid argument combinations:

  • $ bin/mtft -h ...
  • $ bin/mtft -e
  • $ bin/mtft -d -b 01

😱 The ... means that all arguments, if any, are to be ignored; e.g. the usage bin/mtft -h -x -y BLAHBLAHBLAH -z is equivalent to bin/mtft -h.

Some examples of invalid combinations would be:

  • $ bin/mtft -b 1 -e
  • $ bin/mtft -e -d
  • $ bin/mtft -e -b 5
  • $ bin/mtft -z 20

😱 You may use only "raw" argc and argv for argument parsing and validation. Using any libraries that parse command line arguments (e.g. getopt) is prohibited.

😱 Any libraries that help you parse strings are prohibited as well (string.h, ctype.h, etc). The use of atoi, scanf, fscanf, sscanf, and similar functions is likewise prohibited. This is intentional and will help you practice parsing strings and manipulating pointers.

😱 You MAY NOT use dynamic memory allocation in this assignment (i.e. malloc, realloc, calloc, mmap, etc.).

:nerd: Reference for command line arguments:

NOTE: The make command compiles the mtft executable into the bin folder. All commands from here on are assumed to be run from the hw1 directory.

Required Validate Arguments Function

In mtft.h, you will find the following function prototype (function declaration) already declared for you. You MUST implement this function as part of the assignment.

int validargs(int argc, char **argv);

The file mtft.c contains the following specification of the required behavior of this function:

 * @brief Validates command line arguments passed to the program.
 * @details This function will validate all the arguments passed to the
 * program, returning 0 if validation succeeds and -1 if validation fails.
 * Upon successful return, the various options that were specified will be
 * encoded in the global variable 'global_options', where it will be
 * accessible elsewhere in the program.  For details of the required
 * encoding, see the assignment handout.
 * @param argc The number of arguments passed to the program from the CLI.
 * @param argv The argument strings passed to the program from the CLI.
 * @return 0 if validation succeeds and -1 if validation fails.
 * @modifies global variable "global_options" to contain an encoded representation
 * of the selected program options.

😱 This function must be implemented as specified as it will be tested and graded independently. It should always return -- the USAGE macro should never be called from validargs.

The validargs function should return -1 if there is any form of failure. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Invalid number of arguments (too few or too many).

  • Invalid ordering of arguments.

  • A missing parameter to an option that requires one (e.g. -b with no BYTES specification).

  • Invalid parameter. A numeric parameter specfied with -b is invalid if it does not have the form of a sequence of digits ('0'-'9'), or if it denotes a value outside of the specified set ({1, 2} for BYTES).

The global_options variable of type int is used to record the mode of operation (i.e. encode/decode) of the program and associated parameters. This is done as follows:

  • If the -h flag is specified, the most significant bit (bit 31) is 1.

  • If the -e flag is specified, the second-most significant bit (bit 30) is 1.

  • If the -d flag is specified, the third-most significant bit (bit 29) is 1.

  • The least signficant byte (bits 7 - 0) records the number of bytes per symbol (1 or 2) specified with -b, or the default value (1) if -b was not given.

If validargs returns -1 indicating failure, your program must call USAGE(program_name, return_code) and return EXIT_FAILURE. Once again, validargs must always return, and therefore it must not call the USAGE(program_name, return_code) macro itself. That should be done in main.

If validargs sets the most-significant bit of global_options to 1 (i.e. the -h flag was passed), your program must call USAGE(program_name, return_code) and return EXIT_SUCCESS.

:nerd: The USAGE(program_name, return_code) macro is already defined for you in mtft.h.

If validargs returns 0, then your program must read input data from stdin and write output data to stdout. Upon successful completion, your program should exit with exit status EXIT_SUCCESS; otherwise, in case of an error it should exit with exit status EXIT_FAILURE.

Unless the program has been compiled for debugging (using make debug), in a successful run that exits with EXIT_SUCCESS no other output may be produced by the program. In an unsuccessful run in which the program exits with EXIT_FAILURE it is permissible to output to stderr a diagnostic message that indicates the reason for the failure, even if the program has not been compiled for debugging.

:nerd: Remember EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE are defined in <stdlib.h>. Also note, EXIT_SUCCESS is 0 and EXIT_FAILURE is 1.

Example validargs Executions

The following are examples of the setting of global_options and the other global variables for various command-line inputs. Each input is a bash command that can be used to invoke the program.

  • Input: bin/mtft -h. Setting: global_options=0x80000000 (help bit is set, other bits clear).

  • Input: bin/mtft -e . Setting: global_options=0x40000001 (mode is "encode", bytes per symbol is 1).

  • Input: bin/mtft -d -b 2. Setting: global_options=0x20000002 (mode is "decode", bytes per symbol is 2).

  • Input: bin/mtft -b 2 -e. Setting: global_options=0x0. This is an error case because the specified argument ordering is invalid (-b is before -e). In this case validargs returns -1, leaving global_options unset.

Part 2: Overview of the Data Compression Algorithm

The objective of data compression is to read binary input data (in general, a sequence of "raw" bits) and apply some kind of an encoding transformation to it to produce binary output data (some other sequence of bits) in such a way that the number of bits in the output is generally less than the number of bits in the input. For lossless data compression, the applied transformation is invertible, so that the original input data can be exactly recovered from the compressed version.

In this assignment, you will implement a lossless data compression program that performs its I/O using the basic operations of reading or writing one 8-bit byte at a time. In C, the function getchar() reads a single byte of data from stdin and the function putchar() writes a single byte of data to stdout. (More generally, the function fgetc() reads a single byte of data from a specified "input stream", of which stdin is an example, and the function fputc() writes a single byte of data to a specified output stream, of which stdout and stderr are examples.) Your program should perform its I/O to stdin and stdout using these specific functions.

We may consider each 8-bit byte of uncompressed data read by a data compression program as a "symbol", drawn from an "alphabet" having 256 elements. We do not otherwise assign any meaning to these symbols; in particular, we do not assume anything about whether the sequence of symbols is used to represent text or any other type of data. However, the type of information that is encoded by the sequence of symbols and the way in which it is encoded will affect statistical properties of the sequence such as the probability of occurrence of each individual symbol. For example, the ASCII code assigns a meaning (letter, digit, punctuation, etc.) to each of 128 distinct symbol values (0 to 127). In a sequence of bytes produced using ASCII-encoding, the symbol values from (128 to 255) will never occur; i.e. they will have probability zero. In addition, in ASCII-encoded text the symbol value for the letter 'z' will occur much less frequently than that for the letter 'e'. Nevertheless, we are using the same number of bits (i.e. 8) to encode symbols that will occur frequently as we are using for symbols that occur only infrequently. If we could somehow use fewer bits for symbols that occur frequently and more bits for symbols that occur only infrequently, the overall number of bits required to represent the same information could be reduced. This is the basic idea underlying data compression.

:nerd: There is nothing particularly special about 8-bit "symbols" or 256-element "alphabets", other than that our programming language (and the underlying operating system) provide us with functions that are convenient for reading eight bits at a time. With a little bit of programming work, we can easily implement functions that can read and write two bytes at a gulp. So, we will alternatively consider 16-bit "symbols" drawn from an alphabet having 65536 elements. The parameter given with the -b option to your program will be used to select between these modes of operation. For concreteness, the discussion below will assume 8-bit symbols and a 256-element alphabet, but everything that is said also applies to 16-bit bytes, if we just change the way in which the input is read.

What we are going to do is to perform data compression by reading input symbols having a fixed number of bits (8 or 16) and applying a variable-length encoding that uses fewer bits for more-frequently occurring symbols and more bits for less-frequently occurring symbols. In order to do this, we have to be able to do two things: (1) we need to be able to determine which symbols occur more frequently and which occur less frequently; and (2) we need an appropriate variable-length encoding that takes this information into account.

To address issue (1) we will first apply to the input data a mapping called the move to front transform. The move-to-front transform maintains information about how recently each symbol was last seen in the input and replaces each symbol by its rank, which tells how long ago it was last seen. For example, the symbol that was read most recently has rank 0, the symbol that was read second-most-recently has rank 1, and so on, up to the symbol that was last read the longest ago, which has maximum rank (equal to the size of the alphabet, minus one). A simple way of maintaining this rank information is using an array whose entries are symbols and whose indices are ranks. Each time a symbol is read, the array is scanned to find the current rank of that symbol. Then the symbol is taken from its current position in the array and "moved to the front", shifting each of the intervening symbols down by one rank. Over time, the contents of the array will come to approximately represent the relative probabilities of the symbols, with the most frequently occurring symbols having the lowest rank. So far, we haven't reduced the number of bits at all, since we are just outputting ranks using the same number of bits as for the input symbols. Essentially, the move-to-front transform just replaces each symbol by a different one (given by its rank), but the mapping is dynamically updated as we go along.

To actually reduce the number of bits and achieve compression, we need a variable-length encoding scheme that assigns fewer bits to lower ranks and more bits to higher ranks. The Fibonacci code is such a scheme. Recall that the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ...) is the sequence of integers generated by starting with 1, 1 and then extending the sequence by repeatedly appending the sum of the last two entries. The set {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...} of numbers generated in this way is called the set of Fibonacci numbers. Zeckendorf's Theorem states that every positive integer can be represented uniquely as the sum of one or more distinct Fibonacci numbers in such a way that the sum does not include two consecutive Fibonacci numbers. The unique such sum for a given positive integer N is called the Zeckendorf representation of N. The existence of the Zeckendorf representation is very interesting, because it provides the basis for a prefix code for the positive integers. A prefix code is a set of bit sequences, called code words, none of which is a prefix of any other sequence in the set. Prefix codes have the property that if we concatenate any sequence of code words, we obtain a sequence of bits that can be unambiguously parsed back into the original sequence of code words. For example, suppose N = 64. The Zeckendorf representation of N is 1 + 8 + 55. We may express this sum as a sequence of bits, where a 1 bit in the ith position means that the ith Fibonacci number is in the sum and a 0 bit in the ith position means that the ith Fibonacci number is not in the sum. Then the sum for N = 64 may be expressed as the sequence of bits 100010001 (the first nine Fibonacci numbers are; 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55) with no two consecutive 1 bits. The code word for such a sequence is obtained by appending an additional 1 (which is not interpreted as corresponding to a Fibonacci number). If we read any sequence of bits obtained by concatenating a sequence of code words obtained from Zeckendorf representations in this way, a sequence of two consecutive 1 bits will always signal the end of a code word. For example, from the bit sequence 100100111000100011 we may extract the code words 10010011, 1000100011. The second of these represents the integer 64. The first of them represents 1 + 5 + 21 = 27, so this sequence of bits encodes the integer sequence 27, 64.

It turns out that the code word for a positive integer N may be computed by the following "greedy algorithm":

Given positive integer N, look for the largest Fibonacci number F that is less than or equal to N. If F is the ith Fibonacci number Fi (numbered starting from 1), then the code word will have i+1 bits, with a 1 bit in the last position. Now consider in decreasing order the Fibonacci numbers Fi-1, Fi-2, ..., F1 less than Fi. If the number Fk being considered is less than or equal to N, then put a 1 in the kth position of the code word (numbered starting from 1), subtract Fk from N, and continue on to the next smaller Fibonacci number.

To recover the original value N from its code word, just read the bits in sequence while accumulating a sum. If the ith bit is a 1, then add the ith Fibonacci number to the sum. When a 1 bit is seen immediately following a preceding 1 bit, then return the accumulated sum (without adding any Fibonacci number for the last 1 bit).

With the above information in mind, we may now summarize the operation of our data compression program as follows:

Read bytes from the standard input, regarding each sequence of either one or two bytes as a symbol (according to the BYTES parameter passed to the program with -b). Using the move-to-front transform, replace each symbol by its current rank. Then, form the Fibonacci encoding of the rank plus 1 (because the Fibonacci encoding requires positive integers, whereas ranks start from 0) to obtain a sequence of output bits. Each successive group of eight bits is output as a single byte, with the first bit of each group of eight as the most-significant bit and the last bit of each group as the least-significant bit.

Let's consider a very simple example. Suppose we wish to apply our data compression algorithm to an ASCII-encoded text file banana.txt that contains a single line of text with the word "BANANA", followed by a newline character. By using the od ("octal dump") program, we can view the contents file as a sequence of ASCII codes, rather than as text:

$ od -t x1 banana.txt
0000000 42 41 4e 41 4e 41 0a

Here the $ is the shell prompt and od -t x1 banana.txt is the command given to the shell by the user. The option -t x1 specifies that each individual byte of data (the 1 means one byte) in the file is to be printed as an 8-bit numeric value shown in hexadecimal. The first column of the output specifies (in octal) the offset from the beginning of the file at which the data in that row begins. The data after the first column are the individual data bytes (in hexadecimal), starting from the indicated offset. This particular file is exactly 7 bytes long and contains bytes with values 42, 41, 4e, 41, 4e, 41, 0a (expressed in hexadecimal). Referring to a table of ASCII codes (e.g. using the command man ascii) we can see that 41 is the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII value for A, 42 is the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII value for B, 4e is the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII value for N, and 0a is the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII value for newline ("line feed" or LF in an ASCII table, \n in C code). Alternatively, we can get the od program to show the characters that are encoded as follows:

$ od -c -t x1 rsrc/banana.txt
0000000   B   A   N   A   N   A  \n
         42  41  4e  41  4e  41  0a

We can run our data compression program mtft so that its standard input has been "redirected" to the file banana.txt:

$ bin/mtft -e < banana.txt

If the program uses the getchar() function to read from stdin, the following sequence of integer values (expressed this time in decimal) will be returned: 66, 65, 78, 65 78, 65, 10, -1. The decimal numeral 66 represents the same integer value as the hexadecimal numeral 42; that is, the ASCII encoding for B. The decimal numeral 10 represents the same integer value as the hexadecimal numeral 0a; that is, the ASCII encoding for newline. The integer value -1 does not represent any character -- it is returned by getchar() to indicate that the end of the input has been reached.

Next, let's consider what happens when our program applies the move-to-front transform to this data. We need to make some assumption about the initial ranks of each of the 256 symbol values that can be represented by an 8-bit byte. We will assume (and our program will perform its initialization accordingly) that the initial rank of a symbol is equal to its integer value plus 256 (the size of the alphabet). The reasons for this (admittedly somewhat strange) assumption will be explained in more detail later, but for the moment note that it means that the output alphabet for the move-to-front transform (as we will implement it) will be twice the size of the input alphabet; in this case 512, rather than 256. Output symbols in the range [256, 511] will be produced in response to input symbols that have not yet been seen, so that they still have their initial ranks. Once we have seen a symbol and output its current rank, the ranks of the symbols are adjusted by moving the just-seen symbol to rank 0 and (if necessary) shifting the ranks other already-seen symbols up by one.

When we read the first symbol, 66, it is the only symbol that has been seen so far, so we output its initial rank, which is 322 (i.e. 66 + 256). Then we "move this symbol to the front" and assign it rank 0. Since it is the only symbol that has been seen so far, we don't need to make any change to the ranks of any other symbols, which retain their initial ranks. The next symbol read is 65. That symbol has also not yet been seen, so we output its initial rank, which is 321. We then move this symbol to the front and give it rank 0. However, this time it is necessary to shift the symbol 66 up by one rank from rank 0 to rank 1, in order to make room for the just-seen symbol 65. Next, we read the symbol 78, which has also not yet been seen, so we output its initial rank 334, set 78 to have rank 0 and move the symbols 65 and 66 up by one rank so that their new ranks are 1 and 2, respectively. Next, we read the symbol 65. This symbol has already been seen, and it currently has rank 1, so we output 1. The symbol 65 is moved back to rank 0, and the symbols 78 and 66 are moved up to ranks 1 and 2, respectively. Next, we read the symbol 78 again. Its current rank is 1, so that is what we output, and again we move 78 to the front so that symbols 78, 65, and 66 now have ranks 0, 1, and 2, respectively. We then read symbol 65 (the last A) and output 1 since the current rank of this symbol is 1. The symbol 65 is moved to rank 0 and the ranks of the other symbols are adjusted as before. Finally, we read the symbol 10 (which encodes the newline). This symbol has not yet been seen, so we output its initial rank 266 and move it to rank 0, making the required adjustments to the ranks of the other symbols we have already seen. The symbols 10, 65, 78, 66 have final ranks 0, 1, 2, 3, respectively, and all other symbols have their initial ranks because they did not occur in the input.

To summarize what has occurred so far: applying the move-to-front transform to the sequence 66, 65, 78, 65 78, 65, 10 of symbols (from an input alphabet of size 256) has resulted in the transformed sequence of symbols 322, 321, 334, 1, 1, 1, 266 (using an output alphabet of size 512). Notice how recently seen symbols end up having small ranks and therefore produce small values in the output.

:nerd: The move-to-front transform is very easy to implement if we maintain the rank information as an array that maps ranks to symbols. To find the current rank of a symbol, we scan the array looking for the desired symbol. If the symbol is in the array, it has been seen before and its index is its current rank, otherwise the symbol has not yet been seen and its current rank is the default initial rank. To "move a symbol to the front", if the symbol has not yet been seen then we put it at index zero in the array, after shifting all other symbols up by one slot to make room for it. If the symbol has already been seen, the operation is similar, except that we only shift the symbols whose ranks are less than the current rank of the symbol being moved to the front. If the alphabet (and hence the array) is not very large, then generally the amount of scanning and shifting we will have to do is small. This is helped by the fact that we will more likely be scanning for symbols that have been seen recently and which are therefore likely to be near the front of the array. If the alphabet is large, however, there could be a substantial amount of scanning and shifting required with a simple implementation like this, so we will want to consider how we can do better. (We will have more to say about this later on.)

We next apply Fibonacci coding. From the description of Fibonacci coding given above, you may verify that the output symbols have the Fibonacci code words shown below. It is important to note that we have added one to the rank of each symbol before calculating the Fibonacci code, because Fibonacci codes apply only to positive integers, whereas we have numbered ranks starting at 0. Thus, the rank 1 is treated as the integer value 2, which gives Fibonacci code word 011 (the 01 indicates that the Zeckendorf sum contains a 2 but not a 1, and the final 1 is appended to terminate the code word).

  • (322) => 1000000001011
  • (321) => 0000000001011
  • (334) => 0000010001011
  • (1) => 011
  • (266) => 0000000100011

Concatenating these code words (note that 011 occurs three times in succession) results in the following sequence of bits:


Notice how the end of each code word can be unambiguously identified during a scan from left to right: we just look for the first occurrence of two consecutive ones after the start of each code word.

We now block this sequence of bits into 8-bit bytes, after first "padding" it with 0 bits to reach the next multiple of 8 if the length of the sequence is not already a multiple of 8:

10000000 01011000 00000010 11000001 00010110 11011011 00000001 00011000

We treat each of the 8-blocks as the binary representation of an integer value (given most significant bit first) and we obtain the following sequence of bytes (shown in hexadecimal):

80 58 02 c1 16 db 01 18

These are the final output bytes. The following C code would output this sequence:

putchar(0x80); putchar(0x58); putchar(0x02); putchar(0xc1);
putchar(0x16); putchar(0xdb); putchar(0x01); putchar(0x18);

Notice that we haven't actually achieved any compression in this example, because whereas the input was only 7 bytes in length, the output is now 8 bytes long. However, this is the result of the fact that most of the symbols occurred only for the first time in the sequence, so they had large ranks and produced long Fibonacci code words. For a longer input, it will almost always be the case that a symbol has already been seen.

To invert the transformation and recover the input, we read byte-by-byte, concatenating to recover the bit sequence:


By looking for consecutive 1 bits, we can extract the sequence of Fibonacci code words, discarding the padding bits that were added to the end to reach a multiple of 8:

1000000001011 0000000001011 0000010001011 011 011 011 0000000100011

We invert the Fibonacci code and subtract one from the resulting value (to compensate for the one that was added during coding to ensure positive values), and obtain the original sequence of ranks (shown here in decimal):

`322`, `321`, `334`, `1`, `1`, `1`, `266`

Next, we invert the move-to-front transform. This can be done by maintaining the rank information the exact same way as during encoding, except that the ranks are assigned to the output (i.e. decoded) symbols, rather than the input symbols. Specifically, we recognize 322 as the initial rank assigned to symbol 66, so we output 66 and re-assign it rank 0. Similarly, we recognize 321 and 334 as the initial ranks assigned to symbols 65 and 78, so we output those symbols and adjust the ranks by "moving to the front" each symbol that has just been decoded. When we reach the first 1, we look up the symbol that currently has rank 1 and we find that it is the symbol with value 65, so we output that value and move it to the front. Continuing in this way, we recover the original sequence of symbols:

`66`, `65`, `78`, `65`, `78`, `65`, `10`

Part 3: Initial Implementation

The header file mtft.h lists prototypes for several functions you are required to implement:

int validargs(int argc, char **argv);
int mtf_encode(void);
int mtf_decode(void);
CODE mtf_map_encode(SYMBOL s);
SYMBOL mtf_map_decode(CODE c);

The validargs() function has already been discussed above.

The mtf_encode() function reads uncompressed data from stdin and writes compressed data to stdout. The mtf_decode() function reads compressed data from stdin and writes uncompressed data to stdout. More detailed specifications for the required behavior of these functions are given in the comments preceding the (non-functional) stubs in mtft.c.

The mtf_map_encode() and mtf_map_decode() functions are used to perform encoding and decoding of individual symbols according to the "move-to-front" transform. These functions (which are to be called from mtf_encode() and mtf_decode(), respectively) must be implemented separately according to the specifications given with the stubs in mtf_map.c, because some of the grading tests will likely be unit tests designed to test these functions in isolation from the rest of the program. Note that no separate function has been specified for initializing the state of the "move-to-front" heuristic, and a client of the mtf_map_encode() and mtf_map_decode() functions should not be required to call any such initialiation function. Instead, any required initialization should be performed from within the mtf_map_encode() or mtf_map_decode() function the first time it is called.

A good place to start the assignment might be with the mtf_encode() function: fill in an implementation that reads stdin in a byte-by-byte fashion, calls the mtf_map_encode() function to perform the move-to_front encoding, calls other functions (at your discretion) to perform Fibonacci coding, and writes the resulting bytes of data to stdout. Be forewarned that proper modularization of this functionality will make the difference between a very complex program that you will not be able to understand or debug and a much simpler and more understandable program that you will be able to develop and test one piece at a time. In particular, you would be well-advised to invent some useful auxiliary functions, rather than putting everything in mtf_encode() and mtf_decode().

Once you have verified that you are able to read input, perform Fibonacci encoding, and write output, you could consider implementing the mtf_map_encode() function. As already discussed, a very straightforward implementation that is adequate for relatively small alphabets (for example, with 256 symbols) would be to maintain an array that maps a rank to the symbol currently having that rank.

😱 As you are prohibited from declaring your own arrays in this assignment, you will have to use one that we have already declared for you. The symbol_rank array declared in mtft.h can be used for this purpose in a preliminary implementation.

As already discussed, when a symbol is read, the array can be scanned to find the corresponding rank. The move-to-front operation is performed by shifting some or all of the symbols in the array up by one slot and putting the most-recently read symbol in at index 0.

At this point, you should be able to reproduce the encoded versions of the various sample files that have been provided for you (in the rsrc directory). It should then not be very difficult to go on and implement the mtf_decode() and mtf_map_decode() functions using the same array as an underlying data structure.

Part 4: A More Sophisticated Implementation

Although an implementation using a simple array as the data structure underlying the "move-to-front" heuristic will work fine for relatively small alphabets, for larger alphabets the amount of time spent scanning the array and shifting entries around will likely become significant. The array required for an alphabet that uses one-byte symbols has only 256 entries, but for two-byte symbols we need 65536 entries. Even if frequently occurring symbols end up closer to the front of an array with 16 million entries, on the average many hundreds of entries might have to be shifted during a move-to-front operation on such an array. So, we would like to come up with a scheme that is more efficient for large alphabets. Also, the array-based implementation will not have given you much experience in using C language features such as pointers to structures, so that is another consideration from the point of view of this course.

So, in this part of the assignment you will replace the array-based implementation of the "move-to-front" heuristic with a tree-based data structure that will be more efficient for large alphabets. In particular, the cost of updating the tree-based data structure as each symbol is encoded or decoded will only increase logarithmically in the size of the alphabet, rather than linearly as is the case for the array-based implementation. In addition, we will be able to arrange to store in the tree only information about symbols that we have actually seen, rather than all symbols. This means that a large alphabet does not necessarily imply a large data structure, if only a small subset of the possible symbols are actually used.

To understand how we might make the program more efficient for large alphabets, let us think about the basic operation that we have to do each time a symbol is encoded or decoded. On encoding, we need the ability to map a symbol to its current rank and to update the rank information according to the move-to-front heuristic. On decoding, we need to be able to map a rank to the corresponding symbol, and again to update the rank information using "move-to-front". With an array that maps ranks to symbols, during decoding we can look up a symbol given its rank very quickly (i.e. in constant time), however during encoding we have to scan the array (i.e. taking worst-case time linear in the size of the array) to find the rank of a symbol. In situations like this, it can sometime help to maintain two mappings that are inverse to each other: here we would want one array to map map symbols to ranks and one to map ranks to symbols, but updating these arrays via "move-to-front" still ends up being a worst-case linear operation.

While thinking about this issue during the creation of this assignment, I hit a bit of a dead end and went looking around on the Web for any interesting ideas. I found the following thread in which one of the contributors (Shelwien) suggests a method that uses an (unbalanced) ordered binary tree to store symbols indexed by the offsets in the input stream at which they were most recently encountered. Note that the most-recently read symbol will always have the greatest offset, the next-most-recently read symbol will have the next-greatest offset, and so on, down to the least-most-recently read symbol, which will have the least offset. The key insight is that we can perform the "move-to-front" update in a tree that indexes symbols by their offsets in this way by simply removing the just-read symbol from its current position and re-inserting it at the current offset -- unlike the array implementation we don't have to do anything with any of the other symbols. How is this possible? If we use the bits in the binary representation of the offset to determine the path from the root to the place where a symbol will be stored (e.g. a 0 bit means "go left" and a 1 bit means "go right"), and we store the symbols themselves at the leaves of the tree, then the rank of a symbol is precisely the number of symbols to the right of that symbol in the tree. If we can efficiently count the number of symbols to the right of a given symbol, then we have solved the problem!

With a little bit of thought, you can see that if we maintain, besides the left and right child pointers at each node of the tree, counts of the number of leaves in the left and right subtrees headed by each child, then we can use these counts to determine the number of leaves to the right of a given leaf. We simply walk our way from the given leaf back to the root of the tree, adding up the number of nodes in subtrees to the right as we go. This produces a count of the number of leaves to the right of a given leaf while visiting only the nodes in a path from the given leaf to the root. The length of such paths will be independent of the size of the alphabet and will grow at most logarithmically with the offset in the unencoded data stream, which is pretty good.

There are a few "gotchas" that we have to worry about in order to make this all work. First of all, we need to be able to trace a path from any given leaf in the tree to the root. We can easily accomplish this if we have a parent pointer at each node in the tree, in addition to the left and right child pointers.

:nerd: With clever coding, we could probably eliminate the need for the parent pointers and save some space, but it doesn't advance the purposes of this assignment any more by going crazy over this.

Secondly, we have to use a fixed-depth tree in which the symbols are stored only at the leaves -- with other schemes either it becomes inefficient to count the number of leaves to the right or it becomes inefficient to perform the "move-to-front" operation. So it at first seems like we have to choose in advance the tree depth, and hence the maximum length of a data stream that we can process. The original proposer of this tree idea on the thread referenced above addressed this, and suggested the idea of processing the input in fixed-size blocks and doing some kind of re-indexing operation when the maximum offset was reached. However, while thinking about this, it occurred to me that it was very straightforward to increase the depth of the tree each time the offset reached the next power of two: all that is required is to add a new root to the tree having the existing tree as its left child. Although as we process longer and longer input the number of nodes we need to represent the tree will grow in an unbounded fashion, as long as we recycle nodes that we remove from the tree the number of nodes required will only grow logarithmically in the length of the data stream.

A third issue concerns the initialization of the algorithm. One way to do it is to "prime" the tree by initially inserting each symbol at default offset, as if we had read each of the symbols in the alphabet once before beginning to read the input. However, such an initialization scheme would take a lot of time and would fill up the tree with symbols that might never actually even occur in the input that we are going to process. What we would rather do is have some way to initially assign symbols a default rank without having to insert them in the tree. That way, the tree could start out empty and would only accumulate symbols that actually occur in the input. This is the reason for using a range of ranks that is twice as long as what is required for the alphabet and reserving values in the upper half of the range as defaut values for symbols that have not yet been seen.

As a very simple illustration of what we are talking about, consider the "BANANA" example discussed above. Carrying out the algorithm that will be sketched in somewhat more detail later on, by the time we reach the end of the input we will have constructed a tree that looks like this (for clarity, the letters represented, rather than their codes have been shown at the leaves).

             |       | 
           ---     -----
           |       |   |
          --      --- --
          |       | | |
symbol:   B       N A \n
offset:   0 1 2 3 4 5 6

The tree has depth 3, which means that the offsets are represented using three bits. The letter B was last seen at offset 0 (bits 000), the letter N was last seen at offset 4 (bits 100), the letter A was last seen at offset 5 (bits 101), and the newline was last seen at offset 6 (bits 110). There used to be symbols stored at offsets 1, 2, and 3, but these were removed (together with the internal nodes that connected them to the root) during the "move-to-front" operation when the symbols stored at those offsets were seen later. Note that we are using an alphabet of size 256, but only a few of these symbols have actually been encountered and indexed in the tree.

The following printout, which was generated by my debugging code, shows the full details of the tree, including the node counts and memory addresses:

{node = 0x563892908810, left_child = 0x5638929082b0, right_child = 0x563892908840, parent = (nil), left_count = 1, right_count = 3, symbol = -1}
 {node = 0x5638929082b0, left_child = 0x5638929082e0, right_child = (nil), parent = 0x563892908810, left_count = 1, right_count = 0, symbol = -1}
  {node = 0x5638929082e0, left_child = 0x563892908310, right_child = (nil), parent = 0x5638929082b0, left_count = 1, right_count = 0, symbol = -1}
   {node = 0x563892908310, left_child = (nil), right_child = (nil), parent = 0x5638929082e0, left_count = 0, right_count = 0, symbol = 66}
 {node = 0x563892908840, left_child = 0x563892908870, right_child = 0x563892908900, parent = 0x563892908810, left_count = 2, right_count = 1, symbol = -1}
  {node = 0x563892908870, left_child = 0x5638929088a0, right_child = 0x5638929088d0, parent = 0x563892908840, left_count = 1, right_count = 1, symbol = -1}
   {node = 0x5638929088a0, left_child = (nil), right_child = (nil), parent = 0x563892908870, left_count = 0, right_count = 0, symbol = 78}
   {node = 0x5638929088d0, left_child = (nil), right_child = (nil), parent = 0x563892908870, left_count = 0, right_count = 0, symbol = 65}
  {node = 0x563892908900, left_child = 0x563892908930, right_child = (nil), parent = 0x563892908840, left_count = 1, right_count = 0, symbol = -1}
   {node = 0x563892908930, left_child = (nil), right_child = (nil), parent = 0x563892908900, left_count = 0, right_count = 0, symbol = 10}

Note that the N (symbol value 78) currently has rank 2 (there are two symbols to its right), and that we can calculate this rank by ascending from this node toward the root and accumulating into a sum the right_count at each node for which the N node lies in the direction of the left child and 0 at each node for which the N node lies in the direction of the right child (the sequence of values summed in this case is therefore: 1 + 1 + 0 = 2).

So, let's get more concrete about the implementation of this scheme. Although not strictly necessary, for clarity in the code we define separate integer types for symbols, codes, and offsets, and some special sentinel values:

 * Type used to represent symbols in an unencoded data stream.
typedef int SYMBOL;

/* Value of type SYMBOL that does not represent a valid symbol. */
#define NO_SYMBOL ((SYMBOL)(-1))

 * Type used to represent codes in an encoded data stream.
typedef int CODE;

 * Type used to represent an offset (numbered 0, 1, 2, ...) in a stream of symbols.
typedef long OFFSET;

/* Value of type OFFSET that does not represent a valid offset. */
#define NO_OFFSET ((OFFSET)(-1))

Unfortunately, the type checking performed by the C compiler regards mostly regards these integer types as interchangeable, so we will have to be careful about the kind of values that we pass as parameters to functions and so on.

The following C structure definition (found in mtft.h) defines a node of the tree:

typedef struct mtf_node {
    struct mtf_node *left_child;   // Pointer to left child node
    struct mtf_node *right_child;  // Pointer to right child node
    struct mtf_node *parent;       // Pointer to parent node
    int left_count;                // Number of symbols stored below left child
    int right_count;               // Number of symbols stored below right child
    SYMBOL symbol;                 // Symbol stored at this node (only at a leaf)

:nerd: Instead of storing a separate left_count and right_count at each node of the tree, we could probably save space by storing just one count, using the observation that we would be able to reconstruct the separate counts for a parent node by looking at the counts for the child nodes and doing some subtraction. But this is a little more complicated and once again it doesn't advance the purposes of this assignment to be too obsessive here.

:nerd: If you are really on top of things, you might also have observed that since symbols are only stored at leaves, and leaf nodes have no children, that we are actually wasting space by having a separate symbol field in every node. By some trickery using C union types, we could arrange for the symbol field at a leaf node to use the space occupied by the child pointers at an internal node, but again, this would add unnecessary complexity to the present assignment.

We need a variable to point to the root of the tree:

 * Root node of the "MTF map", which is used to map between codes and symbols.
 * You *must* make sure that this variable points to your map,
 * because some of our tests will check its contents for correctness.
MTF_NODE *mtf_map;

We need a variable to keep track of the current offset in the unencoded data stream. The logarithm to the base 2 of this value will be the current depth of the tree, so each time this variable reaches a power of two we have to increase the depth by adding a new root node.

 * The current offset in the sequence of symbols being encoded or decoded.
 * This variable starts from zero and is incremented each time a symbol is
 * read (during encoding) or each time a symbol is written (during decoding).
 * You *must* make sure that this variable is correctly updated, because
 * some of our tests will look at it.
OFFSET current_offset;

We will need a way to determine which symbols are currently in the tree (i.e. have already occurred in the input) without having to traverse the entire tree looking for them. The following array is used to map symbol values to the offsets at which they were most recently seen (or the special value NO_SYMBOL if they were not yet seen). Note that this not only tells us which symbols are currently in the tree, but tells us where they are so that we can remove and re-insert them.

 * Array used to map each symbol to the last offset at which it occurred
 * in the unencoded data stream, or to NO_OFFSET if it has not yet occurred.
 * You *must* use this array to store this mapping, because you are not
 * permitted to declare your own arrays.
OFFSET last_offset[SYMBOL_MAX];

Finally, we need a source of NODE structures for building the tree. Typically, the C general-purpose storage-management functions malloc() and free() would be used to allocate and free nodes as needed, but we are not going to use these functions in this assignment. Instead, we will provide a fixed pool of pre-allocated nodes (as an array) and implement a scheme for recycling nodes that were previously removed from the tree.

 * Maximum supported size of the "alphabet" of symbols.
 * Valid symbol values are in the range [0, SYMBOL_MAX-1].
#define SYMBOL_MAX (1 << 16)
 * Pool of nodes to use in constructing the MTF map.
 * You *must* use the entries of this array for the nodes in your map, because
 * you are not permitted to use malloc() or to declare any arrays yourself.
#define MAX_NODES (3 * SYMBOL_MAX)
MTF_NODE node_pool[MAX_NODES];

 * Index of the first unused node in the node pool.
 * To allocate a node from the pool, obtain a pointer to the node at this index
 * and then increment the index by one.
int first_unused_node_index;

If we simply consume nodes from the node pool and never worry about recycling them, we will need at least one node for each symbol in the input stream, which is very extravagant. Instead, we will maintain a "recycling list" where we can put nodes removed from the tree. When we need a node, we first use a recycled node if there is one, otherwise we will allocate a node from the node pool.

 * Head of a list of "recycled" nodes that are currently available for use.
 * This variable is either NULL, which represents an empty list, or it points to
 * the first of a sequence of MTF_NODE structures arranged as a singly linked list
 * using the left_child field as the "next" pointer.
 * Whenever a node is removed from your MTF map, it should be linked at the head
 * of this list for possible later re-use.
 * Whenever a node is needed for the tree, if there are any nodes in this list,
 * then the first one should be removed and used.  Otherwise, if this list is empty,
 * then the first unused node in the node pool should be used, and the
 * first_unused_node_index variable incremented.
MTF_NODE *recycled_node_list;  // NULL if the list is empty.

Implementing the Operations

Let's briefly walk through how the data structures above are to be used to implement the mtf_map_encode() and mtf_map_decode() operations. The actual coding is, of course, your responsibility, but you might find it helpful to have a sketch of what needs to be done.

When mtf_map_encode() is called, it receives a symbol. The symbol is looked up in the last_offset array to find the last offset at which it was seen, or NO_SYMBOL if the symbol has not yet been seen. The value of the current_offset variable records the current offset in the input stream. It will be updated before returning from mtf_map_encode(). The logarithm to the base two (rounded up) of current_offset determines the number of bits currently required to represent an offset. This is also the depth of the tree; i.e. the number of edges in the path from the root to a leaf. Each time current_offset reaches the next power of two, the depth of the tree will need to be increased by one. This is done by allocating a new root node, setting the left child pointer of the new root node to point to the old root, and updating the other fields appropriately.

Assuming the tree is now the proper depth, we have to use the offset to find the leaf node in the tree indexed at that offset We do this by descending the tree from root to leaf, using the bits of the offset obtained from the last_offset array, from most-significant to least-significant, to determine which direction to take (0 for left, 1 for right) at each node. Once the leaf node is reached, we need to determine its rank. This is done by ascending back to the root, using the right_count fields to count the total number of leaves to the right of the current one. The rank computed in this way will become the value returned by mtf_map_encode().

Once having computed the rank, the symbol needs to be removed from the tree and re-indexed at current_offset. The removal can either be done while ascending the tree during the computation of the rank or as a separate operation. The leaf node and any other nodes removed from the tree are added to the recycle list. Of course, all the pointers and counts have to be properly updated to keep the tree consistent.

Next, we re-index the removed symbol. This can be done by descending the tree from root to leaf, this time using the bits of current_offset to determine the path. If null pointers are encountered where nodes need to be, new nodes are taken from the recyle list, or as a last resort, from the node pool, to be inserted into the tree. Again, all pointers and counts have to be properly updated.

Once the current symbol has been removed and re-indexed, its entry in the last_offset array has to be updated to current_offset. Finally, the current_offset variable is incremented, in preparation for the next call to mtf_map_encode(). The rank that was computed earlier is returned.

When mtf_map_decode() is called, it is passed a rank, but the leaves of the tree are indexed by offsets. However, it is possible to look up a leaf in the tree by its rank, using the left_count and right_count fields and the fact that the rank of a leaf is equal to the number of leaves to its right. So, we can find the leaf with the specified rank by descending the tree from root to leaf, using the left_count and right_count fields to determine the path. The symbol field of the leaf tells us the symbol having that rank, and this will become the return value of mtf_map_decode().

Once having found the symbol, we can perform the "move-to-front" operation. This is done just as for mtf_map_encode(): the leaf node is removed from its current position, the symbol is re-indexed using current_offset, and then the last_offset array and current_offset are updated. Finally, mtf_map_decode() returns the symbol value as its result.

Coding Strategy

Although the description sounds involved, the number of lines of code required to implement it is very modest. However, there are lots of things that can go wrong. If you want to be able to successfully write and debug this code, there are a few things that I strongly suggest you do:

  • As you code, write some extra code to help you debug. You may feel like you are wasting time writing extra code, but you will actually be saving time during the debugging process.

    One example would be a function that prints out the content of the tree in format that you can readily understand.

    Yet another example would be to include debugging printout that gives you a "running commentary" on what your program is doing. Here is a rough example from my "proof of concept" implementation of the program:

$ bin/mtft -e < rsrc/banana.txt
'B' {322} -> 10000000 [emit 80] 01011
'A' {321} -> 000 [emit 58] 00000010 [emit 02] 11
'N' {334} -> 000001 [emit c1] 0001011
'A' {1} -> 0 [emit 16] 11
'N' {1} -> 011
'A' {1} -> 011 [emit db] 
'\012' {266} -> 00000001 [emit 01] 00011
flush 5 bits (3)
emit 18
'\012' {0} 'A' {1} 'B' {3} 'N' {2} 

Make sure that the debugging printout is removed or disabled in the "production" version of your program. One way to do this is to use the macros from debug.h, which only produce printout when the program has been compiled for debugging.

Another example of something that is very useful during debugging is a function that traverses the entire tree starting from the root and "sanity checks" the tree for every consistency property that you can think of. For example, check things like that the parent pointer at a child node points back to its parent, that nodes with symbols have null child pointers, and that the values in the node count fields contain value that match the actual structure of the tree. You can call this function every time you do an insertion or deletion from the tree, to check that you haven't messed anything up. Later, when you are confident that everything is working, you can comment out the calls to this function.

  • Be sure that you initialize every field of a node. Fields left uninitialized can result in dangling pointers, looping, or other unpredictable behavior.

  • Test thoroughly, starting with small amounts of data and individual operations. If you start right off and try to run a large example, it will not work and you will not be able to understand why in finite time.

Part 5: Running the Completed Program

In either of its operating modes, mtft reads from stdin and writes to stdout. Since the data output by the program is "raw binary", it will not be useful to output it directly to the terminal -- you will you will just see "garbage characters". Instead, the program will generally be run using input and output redirection, in which it is arranged (via the shell) for the program to take its input either from a file or from another program, and to direct its output either to a file or to another program. A simple example of a command that uses such redirection is the following:

$ bin/mtft -e < rsrc/banana.txt > banana.out

This will cause the input to the program to be redirected from the text file rsrc/banana.txt and the output from the program to be redirected to the file banana.out. For debugging purposes, the contents of these files can be viewed using the od ("octal dump") command as has already been discussed. The redirection is accomplished by the shell, which interprets the < symbol to mean "input redirection from a file" and the > symbol to mean "output redirection to a file". It is important to understand that redirection is handled by the shell and that the bin/mtft program never sees any of the redirection arguments; in the above example it sees only bin/mtft -e and it just reads from stdin and writes to stdout.

Alternatively, the output from the above command could be piped directly to the od program, without the use of a disk file. This could be done, for example, by the following command:

$ bin/mtft -e < rsrc/banana.txt | od -t x1

If you try this on a longer input file (after implementing the required functionality), the output will be fairly long and will probably scroll out of the terminal window. To avoid this, you can use another pipe to direct the output to a program called less:

$ bin/mtft -e < rsrc/gettysburg.txt | od -bc | less

This will display only the first screenful of the output and give you the ability to scan forward and backward to see different parts of the output. Type h at the less prompt to get help information on what you can do with it. Type q at the prompt to exit less.

Programs that read from standard input and write to standard output are often used as components in more complex "pipelines" that perform multiple transformations on data.

For example, one way to test your implementation is by using one instance of it to compress some data and then piping the output to another instance to uncompress it; e.g.:

$ cat rsrc/banana.txt | bin/mtft -e | bin/mtft -d | od -c

Here cat (short for "concatenate") is a command that reads the files specified as arguments, concatenates their contents, and prints the concatenated content to stdout. In the above command, this output is redirected through a pipe to become the input to bin/mtft -e.

If bin/mtft has been correctly implemented, the compression performed by bin/mtft -e should be inverted by bin/mtft -d and you should recover the original content of banana.txt. The -c argument to od tells it to show each character in an unambiguous way so that you can not only see the printable characters, but also the newline and any other "junk" that might happen to have crept in.

Alternatively, you could redirect the output of the above pipeline to a file:

$ cat rsrc/banana.txt | bin/mtft -e | bin/mtft -d > out.txt

You could of course view the contents of out.txt by printing it on the terminal, but there might be subtle differences that you don't readily see. The diff command (use man diff to read the manual page) is useful for comparison of text files, but not particularly useful for comparing binary files. However the cmp command can be used to perform a byte-by-byte comparison of two files, regardless of their content:

$ cmp rsrc/banana.txt out.txt

If the files have identical content, cmp exits silently. If one file is shorter than the other, but the content is otherwise identical, cmp will report that it has reached EOF on the shorter file. Finally, if the files disagree at some point, cmp will report the offset of the first byte at which the files disagree. If the -l flag is given, cmp will report all disagreements between the two files.

The BASH shell provides a still more sophisticated form of redirection that can run the above transformation and test whether the result is equal to what you started with, all in one gulp:

$ cmp -l <(cat rsrc/banana.txt) <(cat rsrc/banana.txt | bin/mtft -e | bin/mtft -d)

This compares the original file rsrc/banana.txt with the result of taking that file, compressing it, and then decompressing it. If the result is identical to the original file, cmp will output nothing.

:nerd: <(...) is known as process substitution. It is allows the output of the program(s) inside the parentheses to appear as a file for the outer program.

:nerd: cat is a command that outputs a file to stdout.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is a part of the development process in which small testable sections of a program (units) are tested individually to ensure that they are all functioning properly. This is a very common practice in industry and is often a requested skill by companies hiring graduates.

:nerd: Some developers consider testing to be so important that they use a work flow called test driven development. In TDD, requirements are turned into failing unit tests. The goal is then to write code to make these tests pass.

This semester, we will be using a C unit testing framework called Criterion, which will give you some exposure to unit testing. We have provided a basic set of test cases for this assignment.

The provided tests are in the tests/basecode_tests.c file. These tests do the following:

  • validargs_help_test ensures that validargs sets the help bit correctly when the -h flag is passed in.

  • validargs_encode_test ensures that validargs sets the encode-mode bit correctly when the -e flag is passed.

  • validargs_decode_test ensures that validargs sets the decode-mode bit correctly when the -d flag is passed in.

  • validargs_bits_test ensures that validargs sets the decode-mode bit correctly when the -d flag is passed in and that the value passed with -b is correctly stored in the least-signficant byte of global_options.

  • validargs_error_test ensures that validargs returns an error when no parameter is supplied with the -b flag.

  • help_system_test uses the system syscall to execute your program through Bash and checks to see that your program returns with EXIT_SUCCESS.

  • mtft_basic_test performs a basic test of the encoding mode of the program.

Compiling and Running Tests

When you compile your program with make, a mtft_tests executable will be created in your bin directory alongside the mtft executable. Running this executable from the hw1 directory with the command bin/mtft_tests will run the unit tests described above and print the test outputs to stdout. To obtain more information about each test run, you can use the verbose print option: bin/mtft_tests --verbose=0.

The tests we have provided are very minimal and are meant as a starting point for you to learn about Criterion, not to fully test your homework. You may write your own additional tests in tests/basecode_tests.c, or in additional source files in the tests directory. However, this is not required for this assignment. Criterion documentation for writing your own tests can be found here.

Note that grades are assigned based on the number of our own test cases (not given to you in advance) that your program passes. So you should work on the assignments in such a way that whatever you do submit will function. Code that is completely broken will not score any points, regardless of how voluminous it might be or how long you might have spent on it.

Test Files

In the rsrc directory I have provided several files that you might find useful in testing your code. They are:

  • banana.txt, banana.out The uncompressed and compressed files corresponding to the running example used in this document.

  • gettysburg.txt, gettysburg.out A somewhat longer test case; the input is still a text file.

  • bison, bison.out A rather longer, binary file, in uncompressed and compressed form.

Hand-in instructions


Make sure that you have implemented all the required functions specifed in mtft.h.

Make sure that you have adhered to the restrictions (no array brackets, no prohibited header files, no modifications to files that say "DO NOT MODIFY" at the beginning, no functions other than main() in main.c) set out in this assignment document.

Make sure your directory tree looks basically like it did when you started (there could possibly be additional files that you added, but the original organization should be maintained) and that your homework compiles (you should be sure to try compiling with both make clean all and make clean debug because there are certain errors that can occur one way but not the other).

This homework's tag is: hw1

$ git submit hw1

:nerd: When writing your program try to comment as much as possible. Try to stay consistent with your formatting. It is much easier for your TA and the professor to help you if we can figure out what your code does quickly!


Implementation of the Lossless Compression Algorithm Move to Front Transform in C as part of an Operating Systems course assignment






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