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PoC Jenkins Mono Repo

System Dependencies



Running CI/CD Locally

Optional Setup Configuration

  1. $ make envfile
  2. Set GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN to update Build Status in Github
  3. Set NEXUS_ADMIN_PASSWORD to a secure & private password for the Nexus Admin User
  4. Set NEXUS_ADMIN_USERS to a set of Users whom will have the Admin Role in Nexus, see below for the expected formatting
  5. Set NEXUS_DEPLOYER_USERS to a set of Users whom will have the Deployer Role in Nexus
  6. Set SMEE_ID to receive webhooks from Github, provided by


Similar to HTTP Set-Cookie, key and value are separated by =, key-value pairs are separated by ; and objects (collection of key-value pairs) are separated by :. Be mindful of special characters in passwords.

Basic format:


Full example:

username=test;firstname=Test;lastname=User;[email protected];password=test123;:username=test2;firstname=Test2;lastname=User;[email protected];password=test123;

Every User should have:

  • username
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • email
  • password

Running CI/CD

Bootstrap Images

To create the images for CI/CD before deployment run: $ make bootstrap

The CI/CD stack will bind to port 80 and 443

Run the stack: $ docker-compose up

Once the stack is running, to access HTTPS run:

$ step ca bootstrap --ca-url --install --fingerprint 84a033e84196f73bd593fad7a63e509e57fd982f02084359c4e8c5c864efc27d`

Jenkins will be available on

Nexus will be available on

Docker Repository will be available on

Stopping CI/CD

$ docker-compose down


  • MUST have an unique name


├── deps        List of dependencies
├── Makefile    ci target required
└── VERSION     Component version (semver)

deps file



ci: deps test build publish

	echo "Installing Dependencies"

	echo "Testing..."

	echo "Building..."

	echo "Publishing..."

Git Workflow and Versioning

Complete Picture

───────────────────o───────────o───────── master
                  ╱ ╲         ╱ ╲
                 ╱   ╲───────o╴╴╴o        hotfix/*
                ╱     ╲         ╱ ╲
           o───o╴╴╴╴╴╴╴o       ╱   ╲      release/*
          ╱ ╲ ╱       ╱ ╲     ╱     ╲
         ╱   o       ╱   ╲   ╱       ╲    bugfix/*
        ╱           ╱     ╲ ╱         ╲
───o───o───o───o───o───────o───────────o─ develop
    ╲ ╱ ╲ ╱ ╲ ╱ ╲ ╱
     o   o   o   o                        feature/*


All commits into master are Fast-Forward Only --ff-only Merges, CI Release Builds occur just before merging, running this build again is a no-op since the artifacts have already been published. All commits in master will point to the original CI Release Build. release/* and hotfix/* branches target master.


Functionally the same as master and more. First release/* and hotfix/* branches are integrated back into develop, this involves locking develop during this process since its the only point in the workflow where a No Fast-Forward --no-ff merge occurs to keep the history with master intact. feature/* branches target develop


───o───o develop
    ╲ ╱
     o   feature/*

VERSION examples:

repo        : 6.4.0-dev.8 ⇒ 6.4.0-dev.9
component-a : 3.4.0-dev.0 ⇒ 3.4.0-dev.1
component-b : 1.2.0-dev.5 ⇒ 1.2.0-dev.6


  1. Async: Checkout new branch feature/* from develop
  2. Async: Push Commits to feature/*
    1. Sync: Bump major / minor version bump with -dev.0 pre-release, if first change to component
    2. Sync: CI Snapshot Build
  3. Async: Merge
    1. Sync: Squash feature/* commits
    2. Sync: Rebase feature/* onto develop
    3. Sync: Increment -dev.x to changed components VERSION file, if not first change to component
    4. Sync: CI Release Build
    5. Sync: develop Fast-Forward Only --ff-only Merge in feature/*
    6. Sync: Delete feature/*


At a point in time, a decision is made to take what has been developed (in develop) and promote to production (in master). release/* allows testing on a 'snapshot' of changes and fix issues with bugfix/* branches.

─────────────────o─────── master
                ╱ ╲
           o───o╴╴╴o      release/*
          ╱ ╲ ╱   ╱ ╲
         ╱   o   ╱   ╲    bugfix/*
        ╱       ╱     ╲
───o───o───o───o───────o─ develop

VERSION examples (merging to master):

repo        : 6.4.0-dev.8 ⇒ 6.4.0
component-a : 3.4.0-dev.0 ⇒ 3.4.0
component-b : 1.2.0-dev.5 ⇒ 1.2.0


  1. Async: Checkout new branch release/* from develop
    1. Sync: replace all -dev.x pre-release version bump with -rc.0
    2. Sync: CI Build
  2. Async: Checkout new branch bugfix/* from release/*, see bugfix/* workflow
  3. Async: 1st Merge
    1. Sync: drop pre-release version
    2. Sync: CI Release Build
    3. Sync: master Fast-Forward Only --ff-only Merge in release/*
  4. Async: 2nd Merge
    1. Sync: Lock develop
    2. Sync: release/* No Fast-Forward --no-ff Merge in develop
    3. Sync: Increment -dev.x to changed components VERSION file, if not first change to component
    4. Sync: CI Release Build
    5. Sync: develop Fast-Forward Only --ff-only Merge in release/*
    6. Sync: Delete release/*
    7. Sync: Unlock develop


Functionally the same as feature/* but is created and merged into release/*. Pre-release versions are -rc.x

───o───o╴ release/*
    ╲ ╱
     o    bugfix/*

VERSION examples:

repo        : 6.4.0-rc.8 ⇒ 6.4.0-rc.9
component-a : 3.4.0-rc.0 ⇒ 3.4.0-rc.1
component-b : 1.2.0-rc.5 ⇒ 1.2.0-rc.6


  1. Async: Checkout new branch bugfix/* from release/*
  2. Async: Push Commits to bugfix/*
    1. Sync: minor version bump with -rc.0 pre-release, if first change to component
    2. Sync: CI Snapshot Build
  3. Async: Merge
    1. Sync: Squash bugfix/* commits
    2. Sync: Rebase bugfix/* onto release/*
    3. Sync: Increment -rc.x to changed components VERSION file, if not first change to component
    4. Sync: CI Release Build
    5. Sync: release/* Fast-Forward Only --ff-only Merge in bugfix/*
    6. Sync: Delete bugfix/*


Functionally the same as release/* but is created from master and contains a single commit. Components are bumped patch. Pre-release versions are -hotfix.

Note if there is a release/* branch, the 2nd merge target (develop) is replaced with that release/* branch.

───o───o───── master
    ╲ ╱ ╲
     o╴╴╴o    hotfix/*
        ╱ ╲
───────o───o─ develop

VERSION examples (merging to master):

repo        : 6.4.0 ⇒ 6.4.1
component-a : 3.4.0 ⇒ 3.4.1
component-b : 1.2.0 ⇒ 1.2.1


  1. Async: Checkout new branch hotfix/* from develop
  2. Async: Push Commits to hotfix/*
    1. Sync: patch version bump, if first change to component
    2. Sync: CI Snapshot Build
  3. Async: 1st Merge
    1. Sync: drop pre-release version
    2. Sync: CI Release Build
    3. Sync: master Fast-Forward Only --ff-only Merge in hotfix/*
  4. Async: 2nd Merge
    1. Sync: Lock develop
    2. Sync: hotfix/* No Fast-Forward --no-ff Merge in develop
    3. Sync: Increment -dev.x to changed components VERSION file, if not first change to component
    4. Sync: CI Release Build
    5. Sync: develop Fast-Forward Only --ff-only Merge in hotfix/*
    6. Sync: Delete hotfix/*
    7. Sync: Unlock develop

Auto-generated Build Pipeline

Step 1 - Identify Components

  1. Find all VERSION files, the directory is a Component
  2. Filter out Components that have Git Tags for its VERSION

Step 2 - Build a Directed Graph by adding a Vertex for every Component and adding an Edges to every Dependency of that Component

├── tests1
│   ├── app1
│   │   ├── lib1
│   │   └── lib3
│   │       └── lib2
│   └── app2
│       └── lib3
│           └── lib2
└── tests2
    └── app2
        └── lib3
            └── lib2

Step 3 - Find Vertices without Outgoing Edges (i.e. no Dependency)

Found Vertices labeled with *

├── tests1
│   ├── app1
│   │   ├── lib1 *
│   │   └── lib3
│   │       └── lib2 *
│   └── app2
│       └── lib3
│           └── lib2 *
└── tests2
    └── app2
        └── lib3
            └── lib2 *

Step 4 - Create first parallel stage

├──  lib1
└──  lib2

Step 5 - Remove Vertices from previous step and find Vertices without Outgoing Edges (i.e. no dependency)

Found Vertices labeled with *

├── tests1
│   ├── app1
│   │   └── lib3 *
│   └── app2
│       └── lib3 *
└── tests2
    └── app2
        └── lib3 *

Step 4 - Create second parallel stage

├──  lib1
└──  lib2  ─────  lib3

Step 5 - Remove Vertices from previous step and find Vertices without Outgoing Edges (i.e. no dependency)

Found Vertices labeled with *

├── tests1
│   ├── app1 *
│   └── app2 *
└── tests2
    └── app2 *

Step 6 - Create third parallel stage

├──  lib1  ───────────────┬──  app1
└──  lib2  ─────  lib3  ──┴──  app2

Step 7 - Remove Vertices from previous step and find Vertices without Outgoing Edges (i.e. no dependency)

Found Vertices labeled with *

├── tests1 *
└── tests2 *

Step 8 - Create forth parallel stage

├──  lib1  ───────────────┬──  app1  ──┬── tests1
└──  lib2  ─────  lib3  ──┴──  app2  ──┴── tests2


D-1 Component Version Source of Truth

  • Outcome:
    • Option 1: VERSION file
  • Options:
    • Option 1: VERSION file
      • Pros:
        • Automated in CI, if build triggers omit automated commits
        • Searchable in repo history, if part of commit message
        • Consistent across components
      • Cons:
        • Breaks "commit sha" ⇒ "component version" relationship, if automated
        • Keeping Git Tag and package.json in sync
    • Option 2: Git Tag
      • Pros:
        • Automated in CI, if build triggers omit tags pushed
        • Searchable in repo history, if all tags are pulled
        • Git Tagging should be done regardless other Options as best practice
        • Strict "commit sha" ⇒ "component version" relationship
        • CI Shallow Builds, using Tag as an indicator of a build already done
        • Consistent across components
      • Cons:
        • Keeping Git Tag and package.json in sync
    • Option 3: package.json / build.gradle
      • Pros:
        • Aligns with component framework standards (npm / maven)
        • Automated in CI, if build triggers omit automated commits
        • Searchable in repo history, if part of commit message
      • Cons:
        • Inconsistent across components
        • Breaks "commit sha" ⇒ "version" relationship, if automated
  • Recommended Option:
    • Option 1: VERSION file
      • Manually triggered via Make:
        • $ make version-<component>-patch
        • $ make version-<component>-minor
        • $ make version-<component>-major
      • Make Targets updates:
        • Component VERSION and package.json
        • Dependent Components package.json
      • Build Pipeline creates Git Tags upon pipeline completion

D-2 Component Independent Versioning

  • Outcome:
    • Option 2: Semantic Versioning per component
  • Options:
    • Option 1: Aligned to Monorepo VERSION
      • Pros:
        • Consistent across components
      • Cons:
        • Breaking changes across components are not defined as a major version bump
    • Option 2: Semantic Versioning per component
      • Pros:
        • Existing components migrated to Monorepo can retain versioning lineage
      • Cons:
        • Each component requires versioning step
        • Each dependent dependencies require change
  • Recommended Option:
    • Option 2: Semantic Versioning per component
      • Build Pipeline asserts diff on component ⇒ version bump
      • Build Pipeline asserts dependent requires change if dependencies change
        • This doesn't 100% assert that dependent change actually targets new dependency version, but should be captured during code review
          • Could use dependency reports to check pre-build

D-3 Dynamic vs Static Pipeline Generation

  • Outcome:
    • Option 2: Static Pipeline Generation
  • Options:
    • Option 1: Dynamic Pipeline Generation
      • Pros:
        • Always consistent with the structure / changes to the Monorepo
        • Can be combined with Shallow Builds to further improve pipeline parallelisation
      • Cons:
        • Requires custom Jenkins plugin to include the graph library needed to construct the build pipeline on startup
        • The resulting build pipeline can't be examined until after the build is complete
        • Restricted to Scripted Pipeline, can't include declarative pipeline fragments
    • Option 2: Static Pipeline Generation
      • Pros:
        • Can support Component Jenkinsfile fragment, the number of stages and what Agent is used for each stage is possible
        • Produces a standard Jenkinsfile file that can be examined to debug issues
        • Can run in any Jenkins instance without custom plugins or settings
        • Declarative Pipeline
      • Cons:
        • Requires tooling, validation and git manipulation to keep consistent with the structure / changes to the Monorepo
        • Can't produce a pipeline that maximizes pipeline parallelisation using Shallow Builds, the pipeline 'structure' is always the same
  • Recommended Option:
    • Option 2: Static Pipeline Generation
      • Alike D-2, the Monorepo already needs to deal with VERSION consistency by validating and updating inline to git commits,
      • Build Pipeline will generate the pipeline and asserts diff on component ⇒ requires Jenkinsfile update using the build-pipeline-generator tool
      • Tooling can be enhanced to automatically update the Jenkinsfile and amend the commit.

D-4 Component Pipeline Entry-point

  • Outcome:
    • Option 3: Minimal Jenkinsfile
  • Options:
    • Option 1: Makefile
      • Pros:
        • No additional Jenkinsfile
      • Cons:
        • Can't define the Agent to build on (non 3 musketeers builds)
    • Option 2: Complete Jenkinsfile
      • Pros:
        • Consistent pattern to non Monorepo components
      • Cons:
        • Requires tooling to extract stages since only 1 pipeline can be loaded in a build
    • Option 3: Minimal Jenkinsfile
      • Pros:
        • Can define the Agent to build on
        • Can define multiple stages
      • Cons:
        • Not a standard structure it starts with stage not pipeline
  • Recommended Option:
    • Option 3: Minimal Jenkinsfile
      • Given D-3, the build-pipeline-generator combines all Jenkinsfile fragments into a complete top-level Jenkinsfile
      • Tooling can be enhanced to deal with no Jenkinsfile and run a ci target defined in the Makefile


N-1 Finding all build-pipeline-generator test cases with a tree graph


test\(`[\n\s\w└─├│.]+`, \(\) => \{