Welcome to my Advent of Code repository! My name is Lukas Ružauskas, and I've created this repository to document my journey in solving Advent of Code puzzles using Python. The primary goal of this project is to enhance my knowledge of Python and explore different programming paradigms while tackling interesting challenges.
Advent of Code is an annual coding event that takes place during the month of December. Each day, a new programming puzzle is released, covering a variety of topics such as algorithms, data structures, and problem-solving. The puzzles are designed to be both fun and educational, making them an excellent opportunity to learn and improve coding skills.
This repository is organized by each day's folders. Inside each day's folder, you'll find my Python solutions to the respective puzzles.
My primary goal is to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles using Python. Along the way, I aim to:
- Improve Python Skills: Strengthen my understanding of Python language features, libraries, and best practices.
- Explore New Concepts: Tackle challenges that push my boundaries and introduce me to new programming concepts.
- Encourage Learning: Share insights and explanations to help others learn and grow in their coding journey.