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NXYZ Beamer Theme

Just a simple and minimalistic beamer theme with a few custom elements created with the LaTeX packages PGFPlots and TikZ.


Black: \usetheme[black]{NXYZ}

Blue: \usetheme[blue]{NXYZ}

Green: \usetheme[green]{NXYZ}

Red: \usetheme[red]{NXYZ}


Simply download the .sty files contained in this repository and include them in the preamble of the LaTeX beamer by specifying the theme as follows:

% Include this in the preamble of the LaTeX beamer
\usetheme[red]{NXYZ}     % Red theme 
% \usetheme[black]{NXYZ} % Black theme
% \usetheme[blue]{NXYZ}  % Blue theme
% \usetheme[green]{NXYZ} % Green theme

See the example document main.tex for reference and more details.

Note: The beamer document might have to be complied twice for the decorative mesh figure on the title page to be placed correctly. See commands below.

Local Installation

Assuming you have a local installation and have cloned the repository, the document main.tex can be compiled by running:

pdflatex main.tex && pdflatex main.tex


Assuming you have Docker installed and have cloned the repository, the document main.tex can be compiled by running:

docker build -t nxyz_beamer . && docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data nxyz_beamer /bin/bash -c "pdflatex main.tex && pdflatex main.tex"