This is our research notes repository, formerly known as "Lab-Notes". We use Jupyter Notbooks for all of our notes so we can directy include code. The raw notes can be found in this repository in the _notebooks directory and our full blog is available online at
Adding a new note is as simple as cloning out repository and launching juptyer-lab
from the _notebooks directory. You can then edit notes, or add new ones.
The note filename must start with the date in the format yyyy-mm-dd-
for example 2022-02-22-my_note.ipynb
Each note must include a special markdown cell as the first cell in the notebook. The cell contains the markdown used to generate our blog posts.
# Blog Title
> Blog Subtitle
- toc: true
- badges: true
- categories: [tagone,tag two]
The blog is generated using fastpages. Full documentation can be found on the fastpages GitHub.