simple local squid proxy (password protected) accessable by a frp tunnel.
title: private location worker: open a proxy with frp
frp-client->>+frp-server: NewProxy (proxyname)
frp-server->>+frp-server-plugin: create proxy allowed?
frp-server-plugin->>octo-service: known APIKEY, proxyname?
octo-service->>frp-server-plugin: yes
frp-server-plugin->>+frp-server: yes
frp-server->>frp-client: created
Note over frp-server-plugin,frp-server: short delay
frp-server-plugin->>frp-server: getProxyInfo( proxyname )
frp-server->>frp-server-plugin: info incl. ip & port
frp-server-plugin->>octo-service: register proxy (name, info)
Note over octo-service: proxy will marked as online with IP & port
title: private location worker: close a proxy with frp
frp-client->>+frp-server: CloseProxy (name)
frp-server->>+frp-server-plugin: close proxy (name)
frp-server-plugin->>octo-service: unregister proxy ( name )
Note over octo-service: proxy will marked as offline
octo-service->>frp-server-plugin: void
frp-server-plugin->>+frp-server: void
frp-server->>frp-client: close
customer can run and build the private location worker on their premises using a container.
container image will be provided by octomind see registry or it can be build on your own see below
to run the container a few environment variables are needed
- APIKEY: the octomind APIKEY for your organization
- PLW_NAME: name of the private locations worker as registered in the octomind platform (name must match)
- PROXY_USER: username for the (squid) proxy
- PROXY_PASS: password for the (squid) proxy
- SERVER_ADDR: the address of the server that the worker will connect (one of our proxy server addresses or
The PROXY_USER and PROXY_PASS will protect your local proxy from authenticated access. When the worker starts it will register with the octomind platform and set the proxy user and pass, so that the octomind agent and test runner can of course use the proxy.
You can start as many private location worker as you like, but each must be registered by name with octomind first. The name must be unique for your organization.
NYI: for scaling we will also support multiple instances of worker with the same name, but currently only one instance is supported.
private location worker can simply run as docker container:
docker run --rm -e PLW_NAME=worker1 -e APIKEY=12345 -e PROXY_PASS=secret -e PROXY_USER=octo
or use docker compose like this.
APIKEY: 1234
PLW_NAME: worker1
restart: on-failure