The main idea of the repo is to go through Grokking Algorithms book by Aditya Y. Bhargava.
- Python
- Ruby
- Crystal
O log(n)
1.1) If you have a sorted list of 128 names and you are searching for a value in it using the binary search method, what is the maximum number of comparisons that may be required?
Answer: log2(128) => 7
1.2) Assuming the size of the list doubled, how will the maximum number of comparisons change?
Answer: log2(256) => 8
1.3) Given the surname, you need to find the phone number in the phone book.
Answer: O(log n)
1.4) Given the phone number, you need to find the surname in the phone book.
Answer: O(n)
1.5) You need to read the phone numbers of all people in the phone book.
Answer: O(n)
1.6) You need to read the phone numbers of all people whose surnames start with the letter.
Answer: O(n)