project aims to provide basic functions and rich utilities to analyze sequencing data, with the beautiful language Julia
If you want to be an author of OpenGene, please open an issue, or make a pull request.
If you are looking for BAM/SAM read/write, see OpenGene/HTSLIB
Bug reports and feature requests, please file an issue
Julia is a fresh programming language with C/C++
like performance and Python
like simple usage
On Ubuntu, you can install Julia by sudo apt-get install julia
, and type julia
to open Julia interactive prompt. Details to install Julia is at platform specific instructions.
# run on Julia REPL
If you want to get the latest dev version of OpenGene (not for beginners)
This project is under active developing, remember to update it to get newest features:
sequence operation
julia> using OpenGene
# reverse complement operator
julia> ~seq
# transcribiton, note that seq is treated as coding sequence, not template sequence
# so this operation only changes T to U
julia> transcribe(seq)
read/write a single fastq/fasta file
using OpenGene
istream = fastq_open("input.fastq.gz")
ostream = fastq_open("output.fastq.gz","w")
# fastq_read will return an object FastqRead {name, sequence, strand, quality}
# fastq_write can write a FastqRead into a ouput stream
while (fq = fastq_read(istream))!=false
fastq_write(ostream, fq)
fasta is supported similarly with fasta_open
, fasta_read
and fasta_write
read/write a pair of fastq files
using OpenGene
istream = fastq_open_pair("R1.fastq.gz", "R2.fastq.gz")
ostream = fastq_open_pair("Out.R1.fastq.gz","Out.R2.fastq.gz","w")
# fastq_read_pair will return a pair of FastqRead {read1, read2}
# fastq_write_pair can write this pair to two files
while (pair = fastq_read_pair(istream))!=false
fastq_write_pair(ostream, pair)
read/write a bed file
using OpenGene
# read all records, return an array of Intervals(chrom, chromstart, chromend)
intervals = bed_read_intervals("in.bed")
# write all records
read/write a VCF
using OpenGene
# load the entire VCF data into a vcf object, which has a .header field and a .data field
vcfobj = vcf_read("in.vcf")
# write the vcf object into a file
vcf_write("out.vcf", vcfobj)
VCF Operations
using OpenGene
v1 = vcf_read("v1.vcf")
v2 = vcf_read("v2.vcf")
# merge by positions
v_merge = v1 + v2
# intersect by positions
v_intersect = v1 * v2
# remove v2 records from v1, by positions
v_minus = v1 - v2
read/write a GTF
using OpenGene
# load the gtf header and data
gtfobj = gtf_read("in.gtf")
# write the gtf object into a file
gtf_write("out.gtf", gtfobj)
# if the file is too big, use following to load header only
gtfobj, stream = gtf_read("in.gtf", loaddata = false)
while (row = gtf_read_row(stream)) != false
# do something with row ...
locate the gene/exon/intron
using OpenGene, OpenGene.Reference
# load the gencode dataset, it will download a file from gencode website if it's not downloaded before
# once it's loaded, it will be cached so future loads will be fast
index = gencode_load("GRCh37")
# locate which gene chr:pos is in
gencode_locate(index, "chr5", 149526621)
# it will return
# 1-element Array{Any,1}:
# Dict{ASCIIString,Any}("gene"=>"PDGFRB","number"=>1,"transcript"=>"ENST00000261799.4","type"=>"intron")
genes = gencode_genes(index, "TP53")
# return an array with only one record
genes[1].name, genes[1].chr, genes[1].start_pos, genes[1].end_pos
# ("TP53","chr17",7565097,7590856)
access assembly (hg19/hg38)
julia> using OpenGene
julia> using OpenGene.Reference
julia> hg19 = load_assembly("hg19")
# Dict{ASCIIString,OpenGene.FastaRead} with 93 entries:
julia> hg19["chr17"]
# >chr17
# dna:AAGCTTCTCACCCTGTTCCTGCATAGATAATTGCATGACA......agggtgtgggtgtgggtgtgggtgtgggtgtggtgtgtgggtgtgggtgtgGT
julia> hg19["chr17"].sequence[1:100]
merge a pair of reads from pair-end sequencing
julia> using OpenGene, OpenGene.Algorithm
julia> offset, overlap_len, distance = overlap(r1, r2)
julia> merged = simple_merge(r1, r2, overlap_len)