This is a basic debian image with debs3 and the gnupg files needed for signing the debian packages. debs3 is a light weight command-line for managing a Debian repository hosted on Amazon S3.
Latest is pinned at the version 7.1 (commit 26bf2096207af0bf2779556dd03af70197850fa7) of a fork.
Assuming you have installed the AWS CLI, the AWS keys can be loaded in to environmental variables using
delete a particular package
docker run -t --rm -e HOME=/root -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWSAccessKeyId -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWSSecretKey openrov/debs3 delete <package name> --arch <architecture> --bucket <S3 bucket> --codename <stable/testing/development etc> --component= <component> --versions <list of versions to remove>
sign a debian package
docker run -t -rm \
-v ($pwd)/gnupg/:/root/.gnupg \
-v $OUTPUT_DIR/packages:/tmp/packages \
-v ${GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE}:/root/passphrase.txt \
-e HOME=/root \
--entrypoint dpkg-sig openrov/debs3 \
-k $KEYID \
-g "--passphrase-file /root/passphrase.txt" \
-s openrov \