Being in alpha, Opla is under active development, and its features are still being finalized. We are committed to ensuring the security of our users and welcome any reports of security vulnerabilities. Please note that since Opla is in alpha, security updates will be applied to the latest version only.
Version | Supported |
Alpha | ✅ |
If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in Opla, we encourage you to report it as soon as possible. We ask you to please follow these guidelines to ensure an efficient response to your report:
Do Not Publicly Disclose: Publicly disclosing a vulnerability can put the entire community at risk. We ask that you email us directly at [email protected] with your findings.
Provide Detailed Information: Include as much information as possible in your report. Details like the vulnerability type, the potential impact, and steps to reproduce the issue can help us resolve security issues more quickly.
Patience: After submitting a report, please give us a reasonable amount of time to respond to your concern before making any information public. We appreciate your patience as we work to address the issue.
Our team takes every security bug in Opla seriously. Upon receiving a security bug report, the following actions are taken:
Confirmation: We will acknowledge receipt of your vulnerability report and begin our investigation.
Assessment: Our team will assess the severity and validity of the reported vulnerability.
Resolution: We will work diligently to update the software and eliminate the vulnerability. The resolution process may include patching the affected versions and releasing a new version of Opla.
Notification: Once the vulnerability has been addressed, we will notify the reporter, and, depending on the severity, we may also announce it to the wider community.
We are dedicated to improving the security of Opla and appreciate your help in keeping our community safe. Thank you for supporting Opla.
file provides a basic framework for handling security reports and communicates your project's commitment to security. You can adjust the contact details and process as necessary to fit your project's specific needs.