Disclaimer: this program is not from Stream Raiders nor affiliated with them. Use at own Risk
A bot for automated farming in Stream Raiders
We now have a Discord Server!
First Steps:
click the "+" to add a profile (this bot can handle a lot of accounts for auto farming).
enter a profilename (dont need to be the account name).
hit enter, a browser will open where you login to StreamRaiders.
let the website load, then just close the browser.
wait a few seconds until you see the profile.
press the play button and watch how it farms for you.
to prevent bans this bot will wait 100 - 720 sec before it checks the raids again.
to open the Guide, click the ? in the top right
you can skip the wait by pressing the next button.
the Map buttons will show the current map.
you can seewhich chest a raid will bring on the right of the map buttons.
the option button in the top left will open a new menu where you can delete all profiles.
the trashcan will delete the dedicated profile.
the option buttons in the profile section will open a menu with further Configs for the Profile.
the lock button prevents the streamer from being changed
the heart button favorites a streamer (only local)
average income per hour per profile (without quest and event rewards):
- gold 4.967
boostedskin 0.368
boostedtoken 0.214
salvage 0.179
boostedgold 0.258
bosssuper 0.185
silver 0.001
bronze 0.004
- gold 438.884
token 24.827
potion 35.715
meat 0.189
skins (rare but possible):
- fullmagespacewestern 0.001
fullbarbarianorcdromeda 0.008
fullmusketeerspacewestern 0.003
- musketeer 4.381
flyingarcher 4.302
bomber 1.884
barbarian 1.994
monk 5.106
centurion 4.783
paladin 1.883
buster 1.859
healer 1.867
berserker 4.266
tank 0.007
warrior 0.007
(tested for 747 hours and 48 minutes)
known Issues:
- earning normal gold chest even when blacklisted (SR has a chest limit for boosted and boss chests. They replace them with gold chests)