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conda or miniconda with Python3 is required. Installer If you want to use anything from the local conda enviroment, you have to activate the conda enviroment or add it the binaries to the system path:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
Deactivate it
source ~/miniconda3/bin/deactivate
On the linux cluster of the HS Emden/Leer we don't have acces to the .bashrc file, but it loads .bash_aliases, so a little hack after the installation completes: This overwrites the visibility of some system versions with the ones installed by the installer.
echo 'export PATH=~/miniconda3/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_aliases
Make sure you have a git client installed or the git binary available. For easy acces add a ssh key to github, so that the storage of the github password is not needed.
Using conda:
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake
Otherwise: Global installation with pip/easyinstall
easy_install3 snakemake
pip3 install snakemake