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Overture Documentation

This repository uses Docusaurus to publish the documentation pages seen at


  • blog/: Entries for the Overture engineering blog available at
  • community/: The community page that showcases Overture data being used in the wild.
  • docs/: The main documentation pages available at The sidebar for these pages is manually curated in the sidebars.js file.
  • release-blog/: Release notes for every Overture data release. The latest release is always available at
  • Notice there is no schema reference folder. See below.

Schema Reference (

The Overture schema repository github/overturemaps/schema maintains the official Overture schema and the documentation surrounding the actual schema reference pages. This is to ensure that the schema, documentation, and relevant examples are always in-sync.

The script injects the contents of the schema's documentation into docs/schema/ and copies the schema YAMl files and examples to docs/_schema and docs/_examples, respectively. This script runs with every build.

Therefore, anything available at (under the Schema Reference link in the header) comes from the Overture schema repository, not this repository. Any changes to schema will be overwritten on every build.


Docusaurus requires node. First, install the required packages:

$ npm install

Then, start the local server:

$ npm run start

Now navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the live preview.