This is an Android Studio Project to develop and try the SwellRT client for Android.
Project modules are:
- SwellRT Client Library for Android (/swell-client-android)
- Demo Android app (/swell-android-demo)
This project is unstable yet, changes in the API syntax are expected. Transport protocol is long-polling.
To use SwellRT in your Android app you have to add the provided /swell-client-android module to your project and configure dependencies from other modules as it's shown in this project.
The project uses Gradle to resolve dependencies automatically. See section Getting SwellRT dependencies for more info.
We don't distribute, on any public Maven repository, the swellrt-client-commons-0.XX.Y-alpha.jar library file, containing shared code between SwellRT server and clients.
You must build this library cloning the SwellRT project and following these steps:
Build swellrt-client-commons library Jar using the Ant script in the SwellRT project's folder:
ant -f build-swellrt.xml dist-swellrt-client-commons
The Jar. library will be generated in the folder build/swellrt/swellrt-client-commons-XX.YY.ZZ-alpha.jar
In order to swellrt-android resolve this dependency make it avaible through a Maven repository. Following steps requires the Maven command-line tool "mvn" available in the system PATH.
Install Jar library as Maven artifact in the local Maven Repository
ant -f build-swellrt.xml swellrt-mvn-install-client-commons
Or deploy the maven artifact in a remote Maven repository. Please edit build-swellrt.xml
to configure
target repo.
ant -f build-swellrt.xml swellrt-mvn-deploy-client-commons
Please, check the version of the generated artifact and update the dependency accordingly in the swellrt-client-android/build.gradle file:
dependencies {
compile 'org.swellrt:swellrt-client-commons:0.XX.Y-alpha'
SwellRT API is provided through an Android Service. It must be declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file of your app:
<service android:name=""></service>
SwellRT is intended to be used from different activities, for example, one activity responsible to start a session, whereas a different activity could open a collaborative data model, etc.
Each activity using SwellRT must implement the ServiceConnection interface, in order to get the SwellRTService service's reference:
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
SwellRTService mSwellRT = ((SwellRTService.SwellRTBinder) service).getService(this);
Log.d(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "SwellRT Service Bound");
To bound the activity to the service, create and bind the intent to the SwellRTService:
final Intent mWaveServiceIntent = new Intent(this, SwellRTService.class);
bindService(mWaveServiceIntent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
The SwellRT Service provides same operations than the JavaScript API client. Please check out the (SwellRT wiki)[] for detailed info.
A summary of operations and service callbacks follows:
public void startSession(String serverURL, String username, String password)
Open a session with the SwellRT/Wave server for the passed credentials. The service only operates with one open session at once. It is shared across activities in your application.
public void stopSession()
Stop the already open session, cleaning up all communication resources and closing all opened data models (waves).
public void openModel(String modelId)
Open a model with the passed id. The result is provided asynchronously in SwellRTServiceCallback.onOpen(Model).
public String createModel()
Create a new model. The result is provided asynchronously in SwellRTServiceCallback.onCreate(Model).
public Model getModel(String modelId)
This method allows you to get an already open data model created or opened in a different activity. The service keeps track of all open data models until they are closed individually or when session is stopped.
public void closeModel(String modelId)
Close the data model. The result is provided asynchronously in SwellRTServiceCallback.oClose().