PHPPowertools is a web application framework for PHP >= 5.4.
PHPPowertools/DOM-Query is the first component of the PHPPowertools that has been released to the public.
The purpose of this component is to provide a jQuery-like interface for crawling XML and HTML documents. Under the hood, it uses symfony/CssSelector for converting CSS selectors to XPath queries
// Find the elements that match selector ''
$s = $('');
// Pass an element object (DOM Element)
$s = $(document.body);
// Pass a jQuery object
$s = $($('p + p'));
namespace App;
use \PowerTools\DOM_Query;
// Get file content
$htmlcode = file_get_contents('');
// Create a new DOM_Query instance, using a string as a source
$H = new DOM_Query($htmlcode);
// Create a new DOM_Query instance, using an existing DOM_Query instance as a source
$H = new DOM_Query($H->select('body'));
// Find the elements that match selector ''
$s = $H->select('');
// Pass an element object (DOM Element)
$s = $H->select($documentBody);
// Pass a DOM Query instance
$s = $H->select($H->select('p + p'));
// Select the body tag
$body = $H->select('body');
// Combine different classes as one selector to get all site blocks
$siteblocks = $body->select('.site-header, .masthead, .site-body, .site-footer');
// Nest your methods just like you would with jQuery
$siteblocks->select('button')->add('span')->addClass('icon icon-printer');
// Use a lambda function to set the text of all site blocks
$siteblocks->text(function($i, $val) {
return $i . " - " . $val->attr('class');
// Append the following HTML to all site blocks
$siteblocks->append('<div class="site-center"></div>');
// Use a descendant selector to select the site's footer
$sitefooter = $body->select('.site-footer > .site-center');
// Set some attributes for the site's footer
$sitefooter->attr(array('id' => 'aweeesome', 'data-val' => 'see'));
// Use a lambda function to set the attributes of all site blocks
$siteblocks->attr('data-val', function($i, $val) {
return $i . " - " . $val->attr('class') . " - photo by Kelly Clark";
// Select the parent of the site's footer
$sitefooterparent = $sitefooter->parent();
// Remove the class of all i-tags within the site's footer's parent
// Wrap the site's footer within two nex selectors
$sitefooter->wrap('<section><div class="footer-wrapper"></div></section>');
- $ (1)
- $.parseHTML
- $.parseXML
- $.parseJSON
- $selection.add
- $selection.addClass
- $selection.after
- $selection.append
- $selection.attr
- $selection.before
- $selection.children
- $selection.closest
- $selection.contents
- $selection.detach
- $selection.each
- $selection.eq
- $selection.empty (2)
- $selection.find
- $selection.first
- $selection.get
- $selection.hasClass
- $selection.insertAfter
- $selection.insertBefore
- $
- $selection.last
- $selection.parent
- $selection.parents
- $selection.remove
- $selection.removeAttr
- $selection.removeClass
- $selection.text
- $selection.wrap
- Renamed 'select', for obvious reasons
- Renamed 'void', since 'empty' is a reserved word in PHP
John slegers |