Rewrite of the ParkAPI using GeoDjango and the django rest framework.
Parking lots are identified by a unique string ID. Each one is tied to a Pool which represents the source of the parking lot data (a website).
Example, query all nearby parking lots (100km around lon:6 lat:50):
$ curl "http://localhost:8000/api/v2/lots/?location=6,50&radius=100" -H "Accept: application/json; indent=2"
"count": 13,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"pool_id": "apag",
"coordinates": [
"latest_data": {
"timestamp": "2021-11-26T10:08:30",
"lot_timestamp": null,
"status": "open",
"num_free": 6,
"capacity": 70,
"num_occupied": 64,
"percent_free": 8.57
"date_created": "2021-11-25T11:44:03.917080",
"date_updated": "2021-11-25T16:26:37.914537",
"lot_id": "aachen-parkplatz-luisenhospital",
"name": "Luisenhospital",
"address": "Parkplatz Luisenhospital\nBoxgraben 99\n52064\nAachen",
"type": "lot",
"max_capacity": 70,
"has_live_capacity": false,
"public_url": "",
"source_url": ""
Find the corresponding pool:
curl "http://localhost:8000/api/v2/pools/apag/" -H "Accept: application/json; indent=2"
"date_created": "2021-11-25T11:44:03.868010",
"date_updated": "2021-11-25T11:44:03.868027",
"pool_id": "apag",
"name": "Aachener Parkhaus GmbH",
"public_url": "",
"source_url": null,
"license": null
curl "http://localhost:8000/api/Jena" -H "Accept: application/json; indent=2"
"last_downloaded": "2021-11-29T12:36:00",
"last_updated": null,
"lots": [
"address": null,
"coords": {
"lat": 50.927818,
"lng": 11.585724
"forecast": false,
"free": 36,
"id": "jena-city-carree",
"lot_type": "Parkplatz",
"name": "City Carree",
"region": null,
"state": "open",
"total": 40
If you have questions or feedback about the API and the data format, feel free to open an issue in the ParkAPI2 repository.
If you want to suggest a new parking website to be added to the data-sources or report/fix an error regarding a parking lot, please visit the ParkAPI2-sources repository and open an issue there.
# clone the repo
git clone
cd ParkAPI2
# clone the data-source repo
git submodule init
git submodule update
# create a virtual python environment
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
# install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r web/scrapers/ParkAPI2_sources/requirements.txt
Please follow the instructions in the postgis requirements to install all necessary packages. The GeoDjango installation docs are also helpful.
On debian, setup looks like:
# see
apt-get install postgresql-13
# postgis extension utilities
apt-get install libpq-dev libgdal-dev libproj-dev libgeos-dev postgresql-13-postgis-3-scripts
Alternatively, you can run the postgis docker image:
docker run --name some-postgis -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<the password> -d postgis/postgis
First copy the web/.env.example file to web/.env
and edit.
Specifically POSTGRES_USER
must be defined.
To create the database execute these commands and replace <user>
and <password>
with your values:
# start psql
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE USER "<user>" WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
CREATE DATABASE "parkapi2-test" ENCODING=UTF8 OWNER="<user>";
# connect to each database and enable postgis
\c parkapi2
\c parkapi2-test
In the web/
directory call:
# run unittests
./ test --keepdb
# run unittests using external web APIs, e.g. Nominatim
PA_TEST_EXTERNAL_API=1 ./ test --keepdb
# init the main database
./ migrate
# can skip this if no admin interface is used
./ createsuperuser
# start the server in debug mode
DJANGO_DEBUG=True ./ runserver
By default, the django admin interface is available at localhost:8000/admin/ and the swagger api documentation is at localhost:8000/api/docs/ and a simple developmental overview page at localhost:8000/.
To get data into the database call:
./ pa_scrape scrape
# or scrape with X parallel processes to
# make all snapshots at the same time
./ pa_scrape scrape -j 100
# attach city names to new lots
./ pa_find_locations