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2. Server environment variables

PassiveLemon edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 3 revisions

For every variable you want the server to use, add that variable to your docker run or compose with -e (Variable)=(Value). If they are not set, they will default to whatever their default value is. This is to ensure basic functionality. By default, the server will not successfully run. The only variable required to be set for the server to function is MODPACK.

Container variables

Variable Options Default Details
VERSION string latest Sets the version of TML that the script will download. I recommend setting it to a value so it doesn't change upon new runs. latest will download the latest version on every initial run. Valid versions are in the releases here. Do not included the v letter in the string.
Note: The latest github version doesn't always support the latest client version.
SERVERCONFIG boolean 0 Toggles whether the server will use a user provided serverconfig file. 0 to use environment variables and 1 for provided file.

Check out server details and examples here on the wiki.

Server variables

Variable Options Default
DIFFICULTY 0 1 2 3 0
BANLIST string banlist.txt
LANGUAGE en-US de-DE it-IT fr-FR es-ES ru-RU zh-Hans pt-BR pl-PL en-US
MOTD string NA
NPCSTREAM number 0-60 15
PORT number 7777
PRIORITY 0 1 2 3 4 5 1
SECURE boolean 1
SEED string NA
UPNP boolean 0
WORLDNAME string World

Journey mode variables are not supported in the Dockerfile variable statements. Those will need to be manually put in the server config.

Boolean values are either on (1) or off (0).
Strings are anything you want to put in it, as long as it is valid.
Numbers are simply just numbers with no spaces. These too have a functional limit.

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